"How about this? For safety reasons, the girls stay in the villa, and we go out to look for Chikako. What do you think?" Lu Ming asked for everyone's opinion.

"no problem"

"I think so too, let the girls stay in the villa."

Ota Masaru and Kadoya Hiroki both agreed, only Takahashi Ryoichi said with some fear:"Me, should I go too?"

""Stop talking nonsense. Do you want to watch Chikako meet with an accident?" Ota Katsu shouted at Takahashi Ryoichi.

Ayako found flashlights for the others, and they hurried out of the villa with them in their hands.

The rain had stopped, and the world outside was pitch dark. The cold wind was blowing, making everyone feel more stressed.

The flashlights in their hands illuminated the ground, and everyone shouted Chikako's name.

The dense forest was terribly quiet, with the occasional cry of an owl.


At this moment, Hiroki Kadaya suddenly screamed.

Lu Ming, who was closer to him, hurried over and saw that he had collapsed on the ground, with the flashlight in his hand rolling to the side. His face was terrified, and his trembling hands pointed not far ahead. Lu Ming swept the flashlight and saw a pool of blood on the ground. Next to the blood was a broken arm.


Lu Ming took a breath of cold air. Although he had prepared himself mentally, when he really saw this scene, he was still shocked by Takahashi Ryoichi's BT killing method.


Another scream was heard, this time it was from Ota Masaru.

Lu Ming and Kadaya Hiroki rushed over and saw him standing there as if he had lost his soul, muttering to himself:"This, how is this possible, this is not true, this is not true."

Under the light, the broken leg was bleeding all over the floor.

Kadaya Hiroki completely collapsed:"Could it be, could it be that Chikako...……"

Before he finished speaking, Takahashi Ryoichi also screamed.

The bad premonition in their hearts became stronger and stronger, and the three of them ran in the direction of Takahashi Ryoichi.

""Takahashi, did you find anything?" Ota Katsu grabbed Takahashi's shoulders and asked anxiously.

They had already found broken arms and legs. If Takahashi found something... then...

Ota Katsu didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Takahashi Ryoichi was trembling all over. Because of fear, his teeth chattered when he spoke, and he couldn't speak clearly:"Yes, yes, it's Chikako, Chikako's... head"

"What did you say?"

Takahashi Ryoichi's words were undoubtedly like a bolt of thunder that struck Ota Masaru and Kadoya Hiroki. Kadoya Hiroki pushed Takahashi away and staggered forward a few steps. After seeing the facts in front of him, he finally knelt down. He held his head helplessly, repeating"How could this happen, how could this happen". Chikako's head just lay there quietly, her eyes staring straight ahead. The tragic sight of her dying with her eyes open made everyone feel endless chill and fear.

Lu Ming sighed, stepped forward and patted Kadoya Hiroki on the shoulder, and said,"Mr. Kadoya, please accept my condolences. What we have to do now is to quickly find the other parts of Chikako's body and then call the police."

Hiroki Kadaya nodded, and he gradually calmed down, and stood up with his hands.

The four spent some time, and finally found the remaining parts of Chikako's body in several other places in the dense forest. Chikako was dead, and she was killed in such a cruel way. When the four returned to the villa and told others the news, everyone was shocked.

"You said, Chikako, she was killed?" Ayako covered her mouth, not daring to believe this fact that had already happened. Ota Katsu sat weakly on the chair and nodded. He was still frightened when he thought of the scene he saw in the dense forest:"This is real Ayako, Chikako was dismembered and killed."

"how so"

"At this point, let's call the police." Hiroki Kadani said,"The murderer must still be around here. Maybe we are all his prey."

Hiroki Kadani's words are not impossible. Thinking of the BT murderer's killing method, everyone couldn't help but shudder.

"I'll call right away."Ayako said.

A few minutes later, she came back helplessly and told everyone that the call could not be dialed. The phone line was cut off at some point.

"This, this must have been done by the bandaged man."Takahashi Ryoichi said in horror:"He wants to trap us all here, I, I don't want to die!"

"Takahashi, calm down." In contrast, Ota Katsu was much calmer at this time. He thought for a while and said,"Why don't we go down the mountain now and walk together? I think the murderer will not be able to attack us."

"It's a pity that we can't go down the mountain now." Lu Ming broke his thoughts.

Under everyone's puzzled gaze, he explained:"Before returning to the villa, I went to see the cable bridge and found that it had been cut off. In other words, our way down the mountain has also been destroyed by the murderer."

The hall was silent, and an inexplicable sense of fear surged into everyone's heart. If this is true, then it is really as Takahashi Ryoichi said, have they become the lambs to be slaughtered by the bandaged man?

"Teacher Lu Ming, do you have any solution?"

Even though she was nervous and scared, she still had to face it. She couldn't avoid the danger. Yuanzi looked at Lu Ming and placed all her hopes on this teacher whom she respected and admired so much.

Lu Ming exhaled softly, looked at everyone and said,"I think we should do this. There are still a few hours before daytime. Everyone should go back to the room and have a good rest. Close the doors and windows. I don't think the murderer should be able to sneak in. Tomorrow morning, we will find a way to go down the mountain and tell the police about the situation here. What do you think?"

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