The plot still developed as before, moving slowly along the predetermined track. Under the premise that Lu Ming did not destroy it, Pisco still could not escape the fate of death.

Lu Ming estimated that Miyano Shiho should be the only one left in the wine cellar at this time. After asking the hotel service staff for the direction of the wine cellar, he walked towards the wine cellar.

As for finding Pisco, let Gin and Vodka worry about it.

The door of the wine cellar was locked from the outside. Fortunately, it was not locked with a key, but simply bolted with a bolt. Lu Ming pushed the bolt out and pushed the door open and walked in.

Various precious wines are displayed on the wine cabinet in the wine cellar. For wine lovers, this is definitely a paradise. But for Lu Ming, what he is more interested in at this time is the little girl sitting on the stool.

"Yes, it's you?"

Lu Ming was no stranger to Miyano Shiho. The two had met once before, and Miyano Shiho even learned that it was this man who killed her sister.

When Lu Ming appeared here, Miyano Shiho was furious and her face turned pale. Sure enough, did the organization know the secret of her shrinking?

"Hello? Huiyuan, what happened?"

A voice suddenly came from the glasses that Miyano Shiho was wearing. Lu Ming frowned. Before Miyano Shiho could speak, he rushed to her, waved his hand and knocked her glasses off, then stepped on them hard with his feet, turning them into glass shards.

"Shirley, we haven't seen each other for a long time, right?" Lu Ming looked at Miyano Shiho, squinting his lips and said,"Compared to before, you have really changed a lot. No wonder the organization couldn't find your trace. It turns out that you have 'rejuvenated'. Interesting." Miyano

Shiho stared at Lu Ming. With no way out, she calmed down and said,"How did you know I would appear here?"

"Gin found your hair in the car." Lu Ming told her:"I have to say that Gin really knows you very well. Are you two having an affair?"

Miyano Shiho gritted her teeth and spat:"I wish I could kill him"

"Later I saw Pisco taking you away in the chaotic crowd, and then I knew that you were Shirley."Lu Ming said, taking out a pistol from his arms and pointing it at Miyano Shiho:"Let's go, to be honest, it's not safe here. The man who just talked to you should find this place soon."

Miyano Shiho sighed. At this point, she could only obey Lu Ming obediently.

Lu Ming took Miyano Shiho to the bathroom. To be on the safe side, he hung the sign"Cleaning, Out of Service" outside the door, locked it from the inside, and then looked at Miyano Shiho and said,"Okay, next we can talk about how you became smaller."

Miyano Shiho bit her lip. She knew that she could not escape death today, but before she died, she still had to clarify some issues:"My sister was killed by you?"

Lu Ming nodded:"It was me"

"Why do you want to kill her? Didn't she complete the mission you assigned to her? Why do you still want to kill her?" Miyano Shiho growled and tried to grab Lu Ming's clothes, but because she was too short, even if she stood on tiptoe, she could only grab the hem of Lu Ming's clothes.

Lu Ming looked at her indifferently:"Even if I didn't kill her, your sister would have been killed by Gin. This is not a question of whether the mission was completed or not, but your sister must die. But Shirley, you should really feel lucky."

""Lucky?" Miyano Shiho looked at Lu Ming in confusion. When she wanted to ask more details, she suddenly felt a sharp pain sweeping through her body without any warning.


She couldn't help but scream in pain

"Hey, are you okay?" Seeing Miyano Shiho's face suddenly turn pale and beads of sweat dripping down her forehead, Lu Ming frowned.


It seemed that she was in so much pain that she couldn't speak anymore. Miyano Shiho could only use moans to express her condition.

She, could she have drunk white liquor?

This thought immediately came to Lu Ming's mind. Only after drinking white liquor, Shirley would have this symptom before she recovered as an adult. In addition, in the original plot, Miyano Shiho did drink white liquor.

It seems that now we can only wait, Lu Ming said in his heart.

Miyano Shiho's pain lasted for about five minutes. Then, under Lu Ming's full gaze, Miyano Shiho's limbs and body began to grow a little bit until they recovered to her adult appearance.

As for the children's clothes and pants she was wearing, they had been ruthlessly torn in the process of change.

Miyano Shiho fell to the ground panting. The change just now had exhausted all her strength.

Lu Ming stood by awkwardly. Although Miyano Shiho's body was beautiful, he was not the kind of person who was impatient. It was enough to have a few eyes on beautiful things. Now there were more important things to do.

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