The coldness coming from under her made Miyano Shiho gradually wake up.

When she heard Lu Ming's cough again, Miyano Shiho remembered that she was still in danger.

She supported her body and tried to get up from the ground.

When she touched her body with both hands, she found it smooth. She looked down and realized that she was naked.

Miyano Shiho let out a low cry and quickly covered her three points with her hands.

"It's really incredible. If you didn't see it with your own eyes, who would believe that a person's body can change size freely."Lu Ming looked at Shirley with interest and said,"If I'm not mistaken, the reason why you can escape from the organization's gas chamber is because your body has become smaller."

Miyano Shiho bit her lip and didn't say anything. For a moment, she felt extremely humiliated. Before she died, she actually let her enemy see her naked body. Is there anything more ironic in the world than this?

Looking at Miyano Shiho, whose body was trembling slightly, Lu Ming sighed, took off his coat and threw it on Miyano Shiho:"Put it on first, I want to tell you the truth about some things."

Miyano Shiho grabbed her coat. Even though she hated Lu Ming so much, she didn't want to expose her naked body to the air for Lu Ming to see.

The coat was a button-down style. Miyano Shiho buttoned all the buttons. Although it covered most of her body, the deep navel in front of her chest was still exposed.

I didn't expect that this girl would be so sexy after returning to her adult appearance. Lu Ming couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Noticing Lu Ming's gaze, Miyano Shiho grabbed her collar, blocking the beautiful scenery, frowned and asked,"What truth do you want to tell me?"

Lu Ming smiled lightly, took out a small box from his arms, and threw it to Miyano Shiho:"Open it and take a look. You should be familiar with the things inside."

Miyano Shiho opened the small box puzzledly. After seeing the earrings inside, she exclaimed in surprise:"This, this is my sister's earrings?"

"That's right." Lu Ming nodded, and took out a letter from Miyano Akemi to Miyano Shiho from his pocket, handed it to her and said,"Take a look at this."

Miyano Shiho took it, and after reading the contents of the letter, the expression on her face could only be described as excitement.

"My sister is not dead?" Miyano Shiho's hand holding the letter was shaking.

Lu Ming nodded:"Yes, she is not dead, she was saved by me."

"But why did you do that?"Shirley Miyano Shiho looked at Lu Ming with a puzzled look on her face. She didn't understand why Lu Ming did this. If he saved his sister, it would be like betraying the organization just like herself.

"I hate my life being controlled by others." Lu Ming smiled faintly, but Miyano Shiho could see that nine out of ten of his smiles were out of helplessness.

"But it is not easy to leave the organization. I need the strength and help of others. This cannot be accomplished overnight. So, I saved your sister for myself."

Miyano Shiho nodded. As a fellow traveler, she could understand Lu Ming. She said softly:"No matter what, I still want to say thank you to you. Thank you for saving my sister. And, I'm sorry, I have always misunderstood you."

"Heh." Lu Ming didn't care at all about Miyano Shiho's thanks and apology. He looked at Miyano Shiho and continued,"This time I came to you to give you your sister's letter, and there is one more thing I hope you can pay attention to."

"you say"

"The one called Conan should be in the same situation as you. If I am not mistaken, his real name should be Kudo Shinichi?"

Upon hearing this name, Miyano Shiho's face changed:"You, how did you know?"

"I wonder if you have forgotten the first time we met. At that time, I supervised you to investigate the Kudo family."

Miyano Shiho nodded:"I remember"

"At that time, you seemed to have discovered something, and your face changed a little, but when I asked you if you had discovered anything, you denied it."Lu Ming looked at her and said,"To be on the safe side, not long after that, I secretly investigated again. Guess what I found, in one of the closets, I found a box with the words 'Kudo Shinichi's childhood clothes' written on it, but there was not a single piece of clothing in the box."

"So where did the clothes in the box go? Just when I was puzzled, a boy named Conan came to the Maori Detective Agency in Beihua Town. I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but surprisingly, since the boy appeared, the unknown Kogoro suddenly became a famous detective. Shirley, do you think this is a coincidence?"

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