Xiaolan didn't notice the strange look on Belmode's face, and pulled her aside to whisper, talking about some topics between little girls.

Lu Ming also walked aside to chat with Xiaowulang, looking at some other passengers nearby, Lu Ming asked:"Are these also the passengers who answered the questions correctly?"

"Yes." Kogoro nodded and said,"After meeting you and your sister, there are only two people left that I haven't met yet."

"Have they never come out?"

"No, maybe he is resting in the room."

Lu Ming nodded. The sunset glow became more red at this time. He leaned against the railing and asked Kogoro,"By the way, Mr. Maori, do you know who Mr. Furukawa is who is responsible for planning this trip? I think that someone who can be so generous must be an extraordinary person."

Kogoro shook his head and said,"Regarding Mr. Furukawa, I have no idea what his true identity is, but……"

"I know his identity. In fact, he is staying on this ship just like us." Ran, Vermouth and Conan came over and heard the two talking about Furukawa Dai, and said proudly.

Kogoro looked at Ran in surprise:"Huh? When did you know that?"

"I found a seal at the front desk earlier." Xiaolan explained:"Actually, the seal has the words Furukawa engraved on it, Conan saw it too, right?"

""Yeah." Conan, who was standing next to him, nodded.

"I think he must want to reveal his identity while everyone is having dinner to give everyone a surprise.

""Hello, Maori."

Just then, a voice sounded behind them. Kogoro turned around and said with a smile,"It turns out to be the team leader. That's great. Let me introduce him to you."

"Oh? Is there someone interesting here?"The man came over. Although he had a head full of silver hair, he looked very energetic and his eyes were bright. He should be older than Kogoro. Judging from the way Kogoro addressed him and his respectful attitude, he should be his senior.

"Team leader, this is my daughter's teacher, Mr. Lu Ming." Kogoro pointed at Lu Ming and introduced him,"The one standing next to him is his sister. Mr. Lu Ming, this is Officer Samezaki, my team leader when I was a criminal police officer."

"Hello, Officer Samezaki."

Lu Ming smiled and extended his hand.

"Young people seem to be more energetic than an old man like me." Officer Samezaki said with a smile, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with Lu Ming:"It's almost time for dinner, let's go together"

""Okay." Everyone responded and walked to the restaurant together.

There were already some people sitting in the restaurant, but in this huge space, the number of people was obviously a bit depressed.

"Teacher Lu Ming, that is Mr. Gu Chuan."Xiao Lan pointed at one of the passengers and whispered to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming looked over and saw a bald man with wrinkles left over from the years. In front of him sat another man. They obviously knew each other and were talking happily.

""Teacher Lu Ming, do you want to go up and say hello to him and thank him for his hospitality?" Xiaolan asked.

Lu Ming shook his head. He had no such idea at all. He pulled Xiaolan to sit on the dining chair and said,"Forget it. Since he doesn't want to reveal his identity for the time being, let's just pretend that nothing happened. Maybe he has other purposes."

Xiaolan nodded. She felt that what Lu Ming said made sense, so she didn't mention it anymore.

"Hey, why do two people seem to be missing?" Kogoro counted the passengers on the table and found that there were still two passengers who had not arrived. He asked the waiter curiously,"Are those two still in the room?"

"Yes." The waiter nodded and said,"One of them is a young detective, and the other is an old gentleman who claims to be an ocean researcher. They have already informed us in advance and want to rest early, so they will not come down for dinner."

"I have seen that old man downstairs." A man named Kujirai Sadao said:"I think he doesn't like to talk much. Do you know his name?"

The waiter took out a booklet from his arms, which recorded the information of each guest. After flipping through it, he said:"His name is Ye Sancai"

""What, what?"

As the waiter read out the name, almost everyone in the restaurant changed their expressions.

""Ye, Ye Sancai?"

The first to respond was Officer Samezaki, who stood up with his hands on the table and asked the waiter,"Which room does that guy live in?"

The waiter looked at the brochure again and replied,"He lives in room 101."

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