"Idiot." Officer Samezaki yelled at Kogoro:"Have you forgotten? He was the mastermind of the 400 million yen robbery and murder case that you and I were responsible for investigating before, the shadow planner Ye Sancai." After being told this by Officer Samezaki, Kogoro suddenly remembered and clapped his hands,"So it was him, but didn't he die 20 years ago?"

"Ye Sancai's body was not found at that time, so everything is hard to say."Officer Samezaki said with a serious face, turned to the waiter and said,"Please take us to Ye Sancai's room immediately."

""Okay, I'll take you there right away." The waiter's expression also lost his previous calmness and smile, nodded, and hurriedly led Officer Samezaki to Ye Sancai's room.

"Teacher Lu Ming, I'll leave Xiaolan in your care for the time being."

After Officer Samezaki left, Kogoro naturally followed. After entrusting Xiaolan to Lu Ming, he hurriedly followed. Conan, who was beside him, took advantage of the fact that Kogoro and Xiaolan didn't notice him and slipped out.、

"Hey, where's Lu Ting, Teacher Lu Ming, why is Lu Ting gone too?"Xiao Lan was about to talk to Belmode, but she found that Belmode, who was supposed to stay with Lu Ming, had also disappeared.

Lu Ming probably knew where Belmode had gone. Even though Belmode didn't say hello to him when she left, he thought she must have gone to track down and investigate Ye Sancai, so he found an excuse for her:"Oh, she said she was going to the bathroom and left temporarily."

"I see." Xiaolan shook her head and looked back, only to find that Conan was gone too. She shouted in surprise,"Hey, where's Conan? Why is Conan gone too?"

Lu Ming shook his head at her silly look and reminded her,"Conan went to Ye Sancai's room with Mr. Maori.""

""Ah? How could that kid run around again? Really." Xiaolan couldn't help complaining.

Vermouth came back before Kogoro and the others. After Xiaolan greeted her, she nodded at Lu Ming. The two of them tacitly continued to play the role of brother and sister. As for the clues they got, they had to go back to the room to discuss them.

Officer Samezaki, Kogoro, and Conan, who followed the waiter to Ye Sancai's room to arrest Ye Sancai, returned empty-handed. Ye Sancai's room was empty, but in another room, they found the young detective, Hattori Heiji, who was very familiar to Kogoro and the others.

Things seemed to have calmed down again.

Lu Ming took the excuse that Vermouth was a little tired and took her back to the room first.

"" Senior, tell me, what did you find?"

Lu Ming asked, still in Lu Ming's room, looking at Vermouth lying on the bed.

Vermouth was smiling, fiddling with her fingers, and seemed to be in a good mood. She smiled and said,"I didn't expect to find so many interesting things here."

"You mean Xiaolan?" Lu Ming asked

"She is one of them." Vermouth nodded and said,"I really didn't expect that the girl who saved me a year ago would meet her here, and I didn't expect that she would be your student."

Lu Ming smiled lightly,"But I was also surprised to see her. Now that I think about it, it is also a kind of fate."

"What about Kudo Shinichi?" Vermouth stared at Lu Ming with her beautiful eyes:"I remember they were classmates, right?"

Lu Ming nodded:"Yes, but since I taught Xiaolan's class, I have never seen Kudo Shinichi. He should be dead."

"Dead?" Vermouth frowned."What's going on?""

"I don't know the specific cause of death." Lu Ming explained:"But this matter should be related to Gin. I just followed orders and supervised Shirley when she was investigating Kudo's residence. I learned from her that Kudo Shinichi was dead."

"How accurate is this statement?"

"If Shirley's words were to be believed……"

"Hah."Vermouth sneered:"Who knows how many secrets the woman who betrayed the organization has hidden? Fenjiu, if you find any trace of her, you must tell me immediately."

Lu Ming could hear that when he mentioned Shirley, Vermouth's tone of voice changed, as if there was some hatred that made her hate Shirley to the core.

Lu Ming nodded:"I understand, once there is any clue about Shirley, I will inform you as soon as possible."

Vermouth changed her posture and told Lu Ming the clues she had just tracked down:"The bald man is dead. He was shot and killed in the computer room by the man named Kujirai Sadao. It seems that if we want to get the 400 million yen, we have to start with that man."

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