Confession 99 Times, Gao Leng's School Girl's Persona Collapsed

Chapter 67 Don't Be Afraid, I'm Here

"Jiang Zhitao may really be in trouble this time."

"It should be. The announcement has been sent out, or the president himself frightened the order."

"It's strange. Mr. Jiang's reputation is now the highest. How could the company issue such an order? Isn't this a problem with money?"

"I guess she offended the leader, otherwise, how could it be that the president personally gave the order? Maybe it was the president who offended.

"But I heard that Jiang Zhitao has a backer behind her. Someone's analysis is sound, saying that Jiang Zhitao has developed into this in just a few years. It's one aspect of Jiang Zhitao's outstanding qualifications, but more because of the company's preference for her resources.

"Queshi, if she doesn't have a background, how could she have obtained so many resources since her debut? I heard before that some people said that the president is actually Jiang Zhitao's father.

"Laughing to death, which father would order his own daughter to be banned?"

"It's not considered a ban. The announcement didn't say it was going to be banned."

"It's almost there. Look at the announcement. Starting today, all of Jiang Zhitao's external activities will be canceled and banned, and Jiang Zhitao will no longer be assigned any work. This is completely equivalent to snow storage."

"Actually, I had this premonition before. You see, Jiang Zhitao seldom comes to the company recently, and she has never had any external activities. When I went to the toilet, I heard people say that the superiors have long been dissatisfied with her."

"Hey, let's keep our voice down. Even if Xuezang is blocked, he is still a big star. We are just young artists who have just signed a contract. Fang Shi will be miserable if he is heard."

"What's the matter? We didn't speak ill of anyone..."

A few young girls were talking about each other, and one of them had just finished speaking, before the voice fell completely, when the door of the lounge was suddenly opened.

The little girls were all taken aback, subconsciously showing anxiety on their faces.

Although they were indeed just chatting and didn't say anything bad about Jiang Zhitao, they didn't want to be listened to, and they felt a sense of fear of being caught doing bad things and being caught.

But when they saw the person who opened the door, they couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and the panic on their faces quickly faded away, replaced by surprise.

" are Qin Luo?!"

A little girl recognized the man and shouted out in surprise.

The other little girls had obviously watched that video too, and Dang even stared wide-eyed, throwing all the panic and uneasiness at grandma's house.

"Are you really Qin Luo? You are so handsome, even more handsome than in the video."

"Why are you here? Did you sign a contract with Rainbow Entertainment?"

"We signed a contract a month earlier than you. We are your seniors. Call me sister!"

"Can we add a WeChat account? We have dinner together when we are free tonight~"

The little girls are all outgoing and cheerful, and Qin Luo's charm is really terrifying, and they are immediately fascinated. Yingying Yanyan misses Qin Luo.

In the end, she leaned over to take a look and found Linglong standing behind Qin Luo.

Now the little girls are not calm, and their expressions look a little embarrassed.

In a place like an entertainment company, the relationship between superiors and subordinates is actually quite serious. It may not be visible on TV, but in the company, they are also artists. Those who signed earlier are seniors to those who signed later. .

When juniors meet seniors, their attitude should be more respectful, and they will also use "teacher" to address each other.

Although Linglong has not debuted for a few years, but for the few girls present, she is undoubtedly a senior.

Moreover, Linglong was already a second-tier artist, an undoubted star, and her current status and identity were exactly what these little girls yearned for.

Therefore, when Dou saw Linglong, they were still very sincere and fearful, especially when she was talking behind her back just now, which made them feel even more uneasy.

Everyone in the company knew that Jiang Zhitao and Linglong had a very good relationship, and they would appear together in the company from time to time.

If Linglong told Jiang Zhitao what they just said, it would be really not a good thing.

Although Jiang Zhitao has been hidden in the snow, and she gives the impression that she is a very easy-going person, but she is in a difficult situation now. If she gets angry, the young artists who have just signed with them will not be able to resist at all.

At this time, Qin Luo showed a gentle smile to them, and said: "Hello, my name is Qin Luo, I'm here to take a look around, I don't want to disturb you."

When he smiles, his brows and eyes are curved and his voice is easy-going, which will give people a strong affinity, and people will unknowingly let go of their guard, "I can't help but get close to him.

The nervousness of the girls eased a little, and they even lost their minds after seeing Qin Luo's smile.

After they reacted, they looked at Linglong cautiously again, seeing that she was not angry at all, but was smiling instead, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't disturb, don't disturb, you are welcome to visit."

"Then I won't be polite."

Qin Luo nodded and walked into the lounge.

Linglong followed closely behind, and the little girls would respectfully call out Miss Linglong when they saw her.

They seem to have a small age difference, Linglong should not be more than 25 years old at most, and the little girls are basically around 20 years old.

Their respectful attitude when facing Linglong made Qin Luo laugh a little bit.

A little girl noticed it and couldn't help saying: "You look so pretty when you smile, are you born so handsome?"

The implication is to ask him - have you had plastic surgery.

This is not an offense at all. With the development of technology and medicine, things like plastic surgery have long been commonplace.

Ordinary people can still make two stabs in the face, let alone in the entertainment industry where most people rely on their faces for food.

Qin Luo pinched his nose and shook it left and right, asking, "Look, is there any deformation?"

The little girl shook her head, feeling that Qin Luo was so naive and handsome, she couldn't help but blush, her little heart was beating thumpingly.

Worse, it's the feeling of being in love!

A girl came over and asked, "Are you going to become an artist of Rainbow Entertainment like us?"

Another little girl said: "It must be, you sing so well and look so handsome, it's a pity not to be a star.

Then another person echoed: "The song you sang is very popular, did the company promise to let you debut immediately after signing you? If you make your debut, you must put that song on the shelves as soon as possible. Love that song so much!"

"Me too!"

There are also a few little girls echoing by the side.

Qin Luo explained: "It is true that people from Rainbow Entertainment found me, but I have no idea of ​​becoming an artist for the time being, and I let you down.

Sure enough, several little girls showed disappointed expressions, and at the same time were a little puzzled.

"Why don't you want to be one?"

"You are so handsome and you sing so well, you will definitely become a big star."

"Yeah, yeah, it's a pity not to be a star."

Then Qin Luo told them that his original intention was to study hard, make progress every day, and become an inventor who would make beneficial contributions to society and the country in the future.

This sounded like a nonsensical coaxing tactic, but the girls just believed it, pretending to be moved, and praised Qin Luo as a person with ideals and ambitions.

Linglong beside her couldn't help stroking her forehead, and at the same time she was a little puzzled.

What about these little girls?

Although he is indeed handsome, you are also very beautiful. Maybe you will have many fans when you debut in the future. As for being so fascinated by him?

Linglong hadn't found a suitable answer to this question yet, so she heard Qin Luo say casually: "By the way, do you know Jiang Zhitao? She is also from your company."

A girl nodded: "Yes, Teacher Jiang is also an artist under our company, are you her fan?"

Qin Luo rubbed the tip of his nose: "Well...well, I came here to see if I could meet this big star, but it seems that I'm not very lucky, and I haven't seen it all the time.

Another girl said: "Ms. Jiang should be in the company now, if you look around more, maybe you can actually meet her."

"Then I'll go and have a look later," Qin Luo nodded, and then put on a curious gesture, asking: "Compared with her in person or on TV, which one is more beautiful?"

The little girl said without hesitation: "Of course she is beautiful in person. I saw her once from a distance before. She really has nothing to say about her temperament, and she is also very good-looking."

"It's no wonder she became a big star in just a few short years. If she continues to develop like this, she should soon become a superstar," Qin Luo said in admiration.

Seeing that the boy she likes favors other women so much, the little girl felt a little unconvinced, and said, "I think it's so embarrassing, she will be buried in the snow."

As soon as the words came out of her mouth, she was a little bit late, and quickly covered her mouth with her hands, putting on an innocent look of "I don't know anything".

"Xue Zang? Is there such a thing?" Qin Luo stared wide-eyed, looking very surprised, but when he saw the little girl's appearance, he said with a little regret: "Yes, this must be your company's secret, and it should not be said , sorry I didn't ask."

Seeing this, a little girl next to her didn't think too much, and said bluntly: "There is nothing we can't say, our company has made an announcement, and the outside world will probably know it all after a while. After all, Mr. Jiang is so famous and Xuezang is so big. You can't hide it.

Qin Luo showed an interested smile: "Can you talk to me?"

A few little girls fell under his charm without any prospect, and told everything in detail.

Linglong on the side listened silently, and was not surprised by this matter, because she had also read the company's announcement before.

Regarding this matter, she was actually full of confusion, because she knew that Jiang Zhitao was the president's daughter, but the announcement was made by the president himself.

This puzzled Linglong, but she didn't dare to ask Jiang Zhitao directly.

When Qin Luo walked into the rest room, she guessed that Qin Luo was interested in this matter. The happy chats with the girls before were just to pave the way for this topic to be brought up.

Otherwise, no matter how handsome he is, if he asks about such things when he comes up, the little girls may not be able to say it.

At first, Linglong didn't want them to speak up and tell people outside the company about this matter, but after thinking about it, such a big matter must not be hidden.

The company has issued an announcement. I am afraid that before the media receives the news, the company's employees will spread the news soon.

That being the case, it's okay to tell Qin Luo that he knows, and it's really not a secret anyway.

Qin Luo quietly listened to the little girls talking, with a calm smile on his face all the time, as if he was just interested in this matter.

But in fact, he already understood something in his heart.

No wonder Jiang Zhitao has been staying at home recently, and she didn't say anything when asked if she had a problem at work, but Qin Luo really guessed it right.

However, even if he figured this out, Qin Lu still felt puzzled.

What is Jiang Zhitao's own father going to do?

She obviously spared no effort to make Jiang Zhitao a star, why do she still do this now?

He was wondering

Then I heard a girl say: "Actually, I don't think this can be regarded as Xuezang, because the announcement also said that all her business in the company was suspended and banned.

"Isn't that just Xuezang, what's the difference?"

"There is a difference. Xuezang is not allowed to conduct any business at all, but Teacher Jiang can accept business, but not in the name of the company."

"Then in whose name?"


"Pfft, you mean to let her find Shang Yanzhi by herself?"

"What are you laughing at? She's so famous, it's impossible not to find her."

"Of course I can't find it. If it's just her taking private jobs under normal circumstances, then of course there's no problem. But the problem now is that the announcement was made by the company. When the outside world finds out, everyone will know that Jiang Zhitao was hidden by the company." Under such circumstances, even if she took the initiative to contact others, it was impossible for others to take her job.

Once she explained it like this, others would understand.

Yep, it's almost like being completely covered in snow.

The company's work was gone, and no one dared to give her private work. A shining star that had just risen not long ago suddenly fell like this.

While the little girls were discussing, they couldn't help sighing like a rabbit died.

They also have a star dream, dreaming of becoming a big star like Jiang Zhitao who has become famous in just a few years.

But so what if he becomes a big star? No matter how glamorous he is on the stage, he is actually just a decent worker.

Capital is a big hand that hangs over their heads forever. As long as that hand is lightly held, no matter how high and high the star is, it will be easily picked off and become dim.

Thinking about it, the little girls became more and more bored.

No one spoke in the lounge for a while, and the atmosphere became a little dull.

A girl seemed to be unable to stand the atmosphere, and deliberately changed the subject: "Qin Luo, we all really like your song "Between the Rainbow", can you sing it for us?

As soon as she said that, the others followed suit.

"Yeah yeah, we all really like it."

"You have come here, just sing for us once."

"Please, we really love that song of yours, give us a performance." 11

The little girls acted coquettishly, and their charming attitude was really unbearable, especially when they thought that they were still pink and tender artists, there was a certain point bonus psychologically.

For some reason, looking at their appearance, Qin Luo couldn't help but think of Yao Yanyan.

That coquettish little goblin always dresses hot and unrestrained, and her attitude is also full of enthusiasm, especially when she first met in the classroom, she whispered "I'm coquettish" in a low voice, and Qin Luo still hears it from time to time It echoed in my mind.

He waved his hands helplessly and said, "All right, all right, let's sing."


"Yeah, I can hear the live performance!"

"Hurry up, the piano is over there."

The little girls were so excited, they quickly moved the stools and sat in rows, their faces full of anticipation.

Linglong also sat on the side with great interest. Although she had heard Qin Luo sing live once, to be honest, the atmosphere at that time was so sad that she was immersed in that atmosphere all the time.

As for the specifics of this song, she really didn't have time to feel it in detail at the time, but she was sure that it was a good song. As for how good it is, she would know after hearing Qin Luo sing it again.

Under the expectant eyes of the girls, Qin Luo walked to the piano step by step.

This piano is placed in the corner of the lounge. It is usually used for decoration. It is purely for good looks, and no one will play it.

Because the sound insulation in the lounge is average, the sound will be obvious when you play it, unlike the piano room, which has special sound insulation, no matter how loud you play, it will not disturb others.

But everyone thought, now is the rest time, and there is no one else in the other rooms, so they didn't bother to go to the piano room, so they asked Qin Luo to play directly on this piano.

Sitting in front of the piano, Qin Luo gently stroked the keys between the black and white, but what echoed in his mind was not the melody of "Between the Rainbow".

The fingers fell, and a string of musical notes floated out from the cracks in the keys, making the girls' expectant expressions become confused.

" doesn't seem right?"

"Is it wrong?"

"I don't know, maybe it's an audition...

They all heard that this is not the melody between the rainbows.

They thought Qin Luo was auditioning the sound, but after listening to it, they found that the melody was actually quite pleasant, melodious, and it sounded very warm.

Following the melody, Qin Luo spoke softly.

"You cautiously raised your head and looked into the darkness

into a beam of warm light

Don't be afraid that's me coming to you

Don't be a corner and let me see what you look like..."

Following the warm melody, the soft singing voice also spread into people's ears.

Only then were they surprised to find that Qin Luo was not singing "Between the Rainbow".

In addition to being surprised, surprises followed, because they had never heard this song before, and it sounded very good.

The warm melody and soft singing sounds as if one person is comforting and encouraging another.

Qin Luo's fingers gently caressing the keys also seemed to gently comfort someone who was injured.

He told the other party in a soft singing voice——

"Don't be afraid that there is always someone who loves you

Don't be afraid, there is always someone who will take care of you

Don't be afraid, there is always someone you can rely on

There is always someone who can take you out of the haze..."

Jiang Zhitao walked alone in the empty corridor.

She hugged her shoulders with her hands, looked down at her toes, her thin body looked a little thin and weak while walking.

"Let me make a bet with you, starting today, I will cut off all your resources in Rainbow Entertainment, and then you can find a way to prove your ability, whether it is to participate in movies to get high box office, or in competitive variety shows If you take first place, it’s fine.”

"Within three months, if you can do it, then you win. I can choose to turn a blind eye to your contact with your brother."

"If you lose, then go back home and stay honestly. Don't think about being a star anymore, and you can't easily contact your former family members. For this, my biggest tolerance is to talk on the phone. Don’t even think about meeting or anything.”

"Now, I have made the bet very clear. You can reconsider whether to accept it. If you accept it, then abide by the bet and prove your ability to me.

"If you are afraid, let Qin Luo leave your house. I can allow you to have proper contact, as long as you don't cross the border. Then...your choice?"

...I bet you!"

The bet with Jiang Tianyao echoed in his mind, making Jiang Zhitao's heart always in a state of haze.

She suddenly regretted that she agreed to Jiang Tianyao's bet so easily.

If he didn't make this bet, at most he would let Qin Luo leave there. Although he would definitely be more disappointed in himself, at least he could find a way to meet him from time to time.

But after making this bet, if he loses, it's really too much to ask for a goodbye. Jiang Tianyao will do what he says, and Jiang Zhitao knows this very well.

It's not that she doesn't have confidence in her own ability, but it's a little difficult to accept what will happen after failure.

Her naive star dream is second to none, and the most important thing is that she is reluctant to part with Qin Luo and her adoptive parents.

If you lose the bet, you really lose everything.

The gloomy mood made Jiang Zhitao's footsteps extremely heavy.

She wanted to go back to her office to take a good rest, but at this moment, she heard a faint sound of the piano.

It seems that... 393 is from downstairs.

"Is someone practicing the piano?" Jiang Zhitao frowned slightly, then shook his head again.

She knew that the downstairs was the place where the entertainers were active, and there was also a piano room there, but the sound insulation effect of the piano room was very good, and the sound of the piano inside could not be heard upstairs at all.

Where did that sound come from?

Jiang Zhitao paused, and for some unknown reason, she walked into the elevator involuntarily and went downstairs.

The elevator door opened, and the piano sound became clearer and clearer, accompanied by a familiar male voice.

As if drawn by the singing, Jiang Zhitao walked to the door of the young artist's lounge step by step, stood at the door and looked inside.

The door was not closed, and she saw Linglong and several young female artists sitting in rows in the lounge at a glance.

And, Qin Luo who was playing and singing softly in front of the piano at this time.

A feeling of consonance emerged in the hearts of both of them at the same time, making Qin Luo, who was playing and singing, involuntarily look towards the door, and exchanged glances with Shameful Tao standing there.

Qin Luo didn't have much reaction, just smiled and continued singing.

"Don't be afraid that there is always someone who loves you

there is always someone to care for you

Don't be afraid, there is always someone you can rely on

There is always someone who can take you out of the haze

Even if the world doesn't give you a hug, I'm here..."

The singing gradually disappeared, and the sound of the piano also slowly passed away.

The girls looked at Qin Luo with a little light in their eyes, as if they had discovered a treasure in the world.

They couldn't help clapping their hands, wanting to praise Qin Luo, Ye wanted to ask him what the name of the song was.

Suddenly, an abrupt voice rang out, snatching away what they wanted to say.

"What's the name of the song?"

Several people looked around, only to find Jiang Zhitao standing at the door at some point.

She fixedly looked at Qin Luo, her eyes were complicated and unspeakable, and she seemed to be eager to get the answer to the question.

Qin Luo said softly: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

don't be afraid, i'm here

The simple four words caused Jiang Zhitao's heart to be filled with turmoil that was difficult to calm down.

She subconsciously turned around, not letting others see her expression at this time, and said in a calm voice as much as possible: "The song is good, but you can't practice the piano in the lounge. Be careful next time."

After that, he walked away directly.

The girls looked away, intending to slander, but they were afraid that Linglong and Jiang Zhitao would tell the truth, so they could only suppress their dissatisfaction in their hearts, and praised Qin Luo one after another.

Of course, they were more interested in Qin Luo's song, and asked him if this song was also his original.

After receiving Qin Luo's affirmative reply, the girls were very excited. The look in Qin Luo's eyes gave Qin Luo a familiar feeling.

Unmistakable, that was the look in my eyes when I was convinced for the first time that Ji Yan was a gold mine...

In order not to be ground into needles by these tortured little goblins, Qin Luo had no choice but to get out as soon as possible, and said: "I suddenly remembered something, so I'll go first, Miss Linglong, thank you for showing me around, and also Thank you for listening to my singing, bye bye, see you by fate."

"Ah? Let's go now?"

"Then come and play with us next time you have time."

"Wait a while before leaving, little big brother, why not add a WeChat account!"

The girls were full of reluctance, but Qin Luo had already left quickly, which made the girls look regretful and a little worried about gain and loss.

none of them yet


Linglong, on the other hand, looked at Qin Luo's hurriedly leaving back, as if she had guessed something, with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Qin Luo ran out of the lounge, and finally saw Jiang Zhitao in front of the elevator door.

Even though there was no one else around, she still complained, "Broken elevator, it's so slow.

When Qin Luo walked over, he found that the elevator stopped at this floor.

He pressed it, and the elevator door opened directly. Jiang Zhitao walked in silently, followed by Qin Lu.

After the elevator door closed, Jiang Zhitao stretched out his hand to press the button, and paused when he was about to touch it, and asked seemingly casually, "Where are you going?"

"Going home, I agreed to cook dinner for my sister," Qin Luo said, turned to look at Jiang Zhitao, and asked, "What about you?"

Jiang Zhitao said: "Me too, I promised my brother that I would go back for dinner tonight.

She raised her hand to light up the elevator button, and involuntarily raised the corners of her mouth, her eyebrows and eyes were curved, her smile was like a flower, bright and beautiful.

I have read all the comments of the brothers in the comment area. Thank you very much for your support. I have nothing to repay, so I will try to update as much as possible.

When it was put on the shelves, I emptied all the manuscripts. Let me save for two days. In the past few days, I will update 14,000 words twice a day. After I save manuscripts for two days, I will increase it to 3 updates per day.

00 words, try to let everyone read more! Ollie!.

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