In the morning, Qin Luo got up early as usual, washed up and went out for a morning run.

With the help of the bracelet, Qin Luo has completely developed the habit of exercising, plus the increase in strength, stamina and other attributes obtained many times during mining, Qin Luo now feels that he can kill a head with one punch Cattle.

Of course, this is just a guess. In a modern peaceful society, where are the cattle for him to fight.

Unless he ran to the pasture in his spare time, and then found a cow that didn't like it and gave it a punch.

If he was really beaten to death with one punch, it might be filmed and posted on the Internet.

At that time, those cattle lovers who are greedy for high-grade beef every day will jump out one by one, and scold him loudly, saying: Niu Niu is so cute, how can he beat Niu Niu.

Or: the air is shaking and cold, the world is full of oppression of cattle, when will the cattle really stand up?

After Qin Luo bought breakfast, he was having this kind of wild fantasy on the way back.

When I got to the door of my sister's house, I couldn't help but sighed again.

After breakfast, he was going back to the north, and he bought a plane ticket for this afternoon.

During breakfast, the siblings didn't speak much.

It's not that it's awkward to get along with each other. In fact, after getting along frequently for a while, the relationship between the siblings has eased to a great extent.

Although we still bicker at every turn when we talk, but compared to the previous mutual confrontation, now there is a hint of "flirtatiousness", or it is more like getting back to the state of getting along when we were young.

The reason why they didn't talk much after breakfast was because Qin Luo was about to leave, so they were both preoccupied with each other and didn't feel like talking.

Qin Luo was worried about her, because he had heard about the bet between her and Jiang Tianyao. Qin Luo didn't know the specific bet, but he knew the content of the bet.

From Qin Luo's point of view, her elder sister's strength is quite hard-core. Even without Rainbow Entertainment's resource tilt, it is not impossible to win the game, but what should be worried is still worrying.

As for Jiang Zhitao, she was somewhat reluctant to let Qin Luo go.

It was okay before, she seldom came back to live, even if she met Qin Luo when she came back to live, the siblings didn't talk much.

But it's different now. Seeing that the relationship has just eased, Qin Luo is going back to the north, which makes Jiang Zhitao very reluctant.

She wanted to tell Qin Luo several times before that she should leave a few days later, but she felt that this would damage her dignity as a sister, so she had to give up.

In the silence of the siblings, a breakfast was quickly finished.

Qin Luo tidied up the participation on the table, looked at the time, and said, "I'm leaving."

Jiang Zhitao pursed her lips, and pretended to ask casually: "Isn't it the ticket at two o'clock in the afternoon, leaving so early?"

Qin Luo explained: "Go to the mall and buy something for my parents."

After a pause, he asked again: "Together?"

"No," Jiang Zhitao pouted, pretending to be earning money.

But in fact, she really wanted to see Qin Luo off, but she was afraid that after sending Qin Luo to the airport, she couldn't help but board the plane with him.

She hasn't seen her foster parents for five years and really misses them.

Qin Luo didn't speak any more, just looked at her quietly, until Jiang Zhitao became irritable and said dissatisfiedly: "What are you looking at, hurry up and go."

"You hate me so much?"

"Yeah, out of sight out of mind.

After saying this, Jiang Zhitao subconsciously glanced at Qin Luo, and was greeted by his younger brother's pretty smiling face.

He said: "I'm leaving, you are here by yourself... well, you are not a child anymore, you can take care of yourself, if there is anything... call me.

While talking, he walked to the door, and looked back at Jiang Zhitao when he opened the door.

The siblings looked at each other silently, and finally smiled at each other.


The door was gently closed, Jiang Zhitao sighed, and let himself lie down on the sofa in the room.

But soon, she sat up from the sofa, patted her face lightly as if to cheer her up, and took out her mobile phone to dial a number.

"Hello? It's Director Liu...Yes, yes, I'm Jiang Zhitao. I heard that you have a new program that is about to start filming..."

"What the hell! Why are you so stunned!"

"Hey, baby, where are you from? You are so handsome."

"My family has a baby girl who is about the same age as you. Do you have a girlfriend? Come here, let me show you. This is a picture of my baby girl..."

In the taxi, Qin Luo suffered mental torture with a wry smile on his face.

The old driver in Sichuan and Sichuan complained about the congested traffic for a while, then turned to chat with Qin Luo who was sitting in the back row, and finally even took out his mobile phone to show Qin Luo the photo of his daughter, and started selling on the spot.

Qin Luo first looked at the photo, and then said with a straight face: "If you can't do it, you can't do it.

The old driver looked regretful, and then patted the steering wheel to complain, saying that there seemed to be a car accident ahead, and all the traffic was blocked here, and it seemed that it would take at least half an hour to finish it.

Qin Luo wasn't in a hurry, anyway, it was still early before the plane took off, and the shopping mall was not too far from the airport, so there was no time to go to the airport after shopping.

So he simply stood on the door frame and looked at the scenery outside the window, but it didn't matter, he saw a hospital.

It's fine if it's an ordinary hospital, the key is the hospital where Ji Yan lives.

In the past few days, Ji Yan often sent messages to Qin Luo, and he had to send a hundred and eighty messages every day.

Qin Luo will reply for now, but the reply is more perfunctory, such as "um" and "ah".

It's not that I'm too lazy to talk about it, but I really feel that there is nothing to say.

Originally, he thought that Ji Yan would give up soon if he was perfunctory like this.

But he still underestimated this girl, even if Qin Luo didn't reply because she didn't notice the message, she could tirelessly send several messages.

She didn't have to ask Qin Luo to reply, but told Qin Luo some ordinary things on her own.

For example, how many bottles of water did she hang today, what did she eat in the morning, the smell of disinfectant in the hospital was terrible, the sparrows outside the window were very cute, she saw a nice video on her phone in the afternoon, and what did she eat in the evening.

They were all unnutritive things, but she was able to send messages to Qin Luo very diligently all day, as if she was enjoying it.

Qin Luo also learned that she was still not discharged from the hospital through these news.

Looking at the hospital building outside the window, Qin Luo couldn't help complaining: "It's just a fever and a cold, as for being hospitalized for so many days~"?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a pretty girl with a bag of snacks in her hand.

She was wearing a white shirt and a black pleated skirt, with the waist pinching the hem of the clothes, which along the way outlined her slender and graceful waistline.

And under the skirt, there is a pair of slender legs wrapped under black stockings, the legs are perfectly shaped and the lines are attractive.

Men like darkness, whether it is night, black silk, abyss or black forest, men yearn for it.

But Qin Luo didn't stare at someone's legs because of Isp's nature, but simply because he knew that person.

Coincidentally, the other party seemed to sense Qin Luo's subtle gaze, and actually looked towards him.

The car didn't have one-way glass, and it was parked not far from the sidewalk.

The two just looked at each other through the window, and the other party also found Qin Luo, and showed a nice smile.

Just laugh when you laugh, why are you still standing there? What are you doing? Squatting on me?

Qin Luo complained in his heart, then sighed, and said, "Master, I'll get off here, how much is it?"

The old driver said: "They are all in-laws. If you talk about money, you will be far away. Come on, add a WeChat, and I will give you my daughter."

Qin Luo quickly glanced at the meter, scanned the QR code to pay, and then opened the door to get off the car. The set of actions was done in one go, for fear that the old driver would drag him back to Sichuan and set up a long-term battle.

Jia Ting stood pretty not far away, watched Qin Luo getting out of the car in a bit of a state of embarrassment, and asked him with a smile, "Why are you so pale?"

What an anxious red face, this is very northerner.

Qin Luo sighed: "You don't understand, it's all because of my damn charm."

Jia Ting looked him up and down after hearing the words, "There was a hint of surprise in her eyes and said: "It seems that he has really become a little more handsome than his talent...Are you sure you haven't had plastic surgery?"

"Are you speechless?" Qin Luo glared at her angrily.

Jia Ting covered her mouth with a chuckle and said, "Let's go."

Qin Luo was taken aback: "What are you doing?"

"Hospital, what else? Didn't you come to see Ji Yan?" Jia Ting looked at him and said, "Don't tell me you happened to be here, I don't believe it.

Qin Luo said with a blank face: "Believe it or not, this is indeed a coincidence. I was about to go to the mall, and there was a traffic jam here." What can I do? I am also desperate.

Jia Ting glanced at the long traffic, she didn't know whether she believed it or not, and said, "I'm just going to visit Ji Yan, you've already come, let's go together?"

Qin Luo hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't mention anything about the school celebration party. They walked into the hospital together. Qin Luo first went to the supermarket to buy some condolences, and then Jia Ting led the way, and the two entered the hospital building together.

Along the way, the two encountered countless gazes.

This is really normal, Jia Ting herself is a very beautiful girl, with gentle features engraved on her dignified oval face, she has the feeling of a classical beauty.

And with such a dress that looks like a professional woman, it adds a bit of mature charm to her look. Men who come and go, no matter whether they are young or old, can't help but look at her more. Eye.

As for Qin Luo, there is no need to describe his damn charm in words.

Just a word—even if Jia Ting was with her, there were three people who asked Qin Luo for WeChat along the way, which made Jia Ting feel a little bit frustrated.

In the past, she was not even afraid of Ji Yan in terms of charm, but for the first time in her life, she felt that she was willing to bow down to a man, and she was still willing to bow down to a man.

At this time, Qin Luo found that she was looking at him with a smile.

That kind of smile, if I insist on describing it, is: I am so angry, but I still have to keep smiling.

Qin Luo laughed dryly, and said casually, "Why did you come by yourself, Hao Meng and Shi Yulu didn't come?"

Jia Ting shook her head: "They've been here before, I just want to go out today, so I'll drop by, how about you?"

"I said it was a coincidence. I was planning to go to the mall."

"I know, I can see that you didn't bring a gift here, I'm just curious why you are going to the mall so early, it can't be because there is something you can't wait to buy, let me guess... um, have a date? "

"Very bold guess."

"Guess right?"

"guessed wrong."

"Then you are..."

"I'm going back to the north today to go to the mall to buy something for my parents.

Hearing this sentence, Jia Ting froze for a moment, looked at Qin Luo with a little surprise, and said, "I remember Ji Yan said that your family is from Beihe...

...where did you fly to?"

Qin Luo said casually: "The imperial capital."

"when's the flight?"

"Two o'clock in the afternoon.



During the question and answer session, Qin Luo couldn't help laughing and said, "Why are you asking so clearly? I don't remember you being so talkative.

Jia Ting didn't speak, but her expression was slightly subtle.

Then Qin Luo suddenly thought of something, and his expression became more subtle: " can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

Jia Ting smiled: "It's quite a coincidence, um, I also flew to the Imperial Capital at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, China Eastern Airlines MU5115, how about you?"

Qin Luo took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, his face suddenly became a little dumbfounded.

It's really the same plane, what a coincidence.

Jia Ting was obviously also very surprised, but she didn't say much, she just smiled and put the hanging hair behind her ears.

After walking for a while, she stopped in front of a door and said, "Here we are."

Qin Luo stood at the door and took a look. Through the glass window, he could see that Ji Yan was sitting on the bed by the window at this time, and there was no one else in the room except her.

The window was open, and a gust of wind was blowing in from the outside. A sparrow stood on the window sill shaking its head, looking dazed.

Seeing it, Ji Yan seemed to have discovered some surprise, quickly picked up the phone to take a picture, and then tapped the screen.

Soon, Qin Luo's cell phone rang.

He picked it up and took a look. It was Ji Yan who sent a picture of a sparrow and a series of messages.

She said: Qin Luo, look, it's the sparrow from before. It came again. I think it's quite cute. If I feed it, will it fly home with me?

Jia Ting leaned over from the side and took a look, and saw that Ji Yan had sent so many messages, and Qin Luo's reply was just a simple "um" and "oh", after that, she sighed faintly.

I don't know what to think.

Qin Luo didn't reply, put away his phone, pushed the door and entered directly.

Ji Yan, who was holding his mobile phone and waiting for Qin Luo's reply, looked over subconsciously, and then his eyes widened, his face, which was fairer than usual due to his weak body, slowly became dull,

It was as if some couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Qin Luo coughed lightly and asked, "How is your body?"

However, Ji Yan didn't seem to hear anything, just looked at Qin Luo blankly, the pupils in those beautiful eyes dilated quietly, with a little bit of starlight.

Jia Ting walked over from behind, in order to avoid making the atmosphere too delicate, she put the bag of snacks on Ji Yan's bed, and said with a smile: "Ji Yan, let me see

You, I bought you a lot of snacks that you usually like to eat.

She thought that this good sister would give her some attention, but the facts told her that she still thought too much.

Ji Yan almost didn't even look at Jia Ting, let alone the bag of snacks, but just looked at Qin Luo without blinking, and said as if dreaming: "Qin Luo, come see me

Qin Luo rubbed the tip of his nose and said, "Just passing by, I met Jia Ting and came to visit you, so... um, we came together."

Ji Yan just woke up like a dream, looked at Jia Ting suddenly, and asked with a little surprise: "You brought Qin Luo here?"

"...sort of."

"Thank you Jia Ting!"

Ji Yan opened his hands and gave Jia Ting a big hug. The face that was usually cold in school was full of gratitude at this time. Jia Ting sighed and felt heartbroken.


So she sat up and said, "I'll go outside and make a phone call first, you two can chat."

After speaking, he walked out on his own, leaving space for the two of them to be alone.

Now Qin Luo was even more embarrassed, complaining about Jia Ting's lack of loyalty and complaining about being too soft-hearted.

It's clearly decided, and there will be no more emotional turmoil because of Ji Yan, and it has been maintained well before.

The conversations with Ji Yan these days are all through the screen, no matter how many messages she sends, Qin Luo doesn't have any mood swings.

But seeing Ji Yan like this now, the feeling is completely different from that through the screen.

Her fairer and obviously thinner face seemed to show that she hadn't had an easy life these days.

Finally, Qin Luo sighed, sat aside and asked her: "Are you feeling better?"

"Yeah, it's much better." Ji Yan Xiaoji nodded as if pecking at rice, and said, "It's just a common cold and fever. It's almost fine on the third day of hospitalization. It's just that I have dysmenorrhea.

So my mother asked me to stay in the hospital for a few more days and let the doctor help me take care of my body. "

Qin Luo nodded, and then fell silent.

In fact, what he asked was pure nonsense, because Ji Yan had said all these words to him on WeChat, and he actually remembered them all.

It's just that if you don't ask this question, he doesn't know what to say.

This inexplicable embarrassment really made him a little bit embarrassed.

But Ji Yan was not embarrassed at all, she had a bright smile on her face, as if Qin Luo just came over and added to her world that had been dark for several days.

There was a beam of light.

Said: "||Actually, I was going to be discharged from the hospital in the afternoon. I didn't expect you to come today. You can come to see me. I...I'm really happy..."


As she spoke, she seemed to be a little emotional, and the corners of her beautiful eyes were obviously red.

But she seemed to be trying her best to suppress her emotions and not let the tears flow.

Qin Luo couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and then he heard Ji Yan say: "Qin Luo, shall we be together?"

Qin Luo:

Ji Yan has posted similar words on WeChat countless times these days.

Qin Luo even changed the words of rejection several times in a row. At first, he said "I will talk about it later", then "I am not in the mood to fall in love now", and in the end it was simply "I don't like it."

I love you."

But Ji Yan was stunned as if she couldn't listen, no matter what Qin Luo said, she just put on a posture of refusing to give up.

To be honest, it reminded Qin Rong of himself when he pursued her.

It's just that Qin Luo's pursuit of her at that time was not particularly pure. Of course, he liked her, but it was also partly occupied by system reasons, otherwise he would not have insisted on suing her.

White ninety-nine times.

In contrast, Ji Yan's current attitude is indeed much purer.

Facing Ji Yan's expectant eyes, Qin Luo was silent for two seconds and shook his head.

Ji Yan pursed his lips, a look of disappointment flashed across his face, but was soon covered by a smile.

She said: "I don't expect you to forgive me right away, it's okay, I know I did something to hurt you, so I will try my best to make up for my mistakes... By the way, you see

this. "

As she spoke, she got out of bed suddenly, opened the cabinet beside her, took out something from it, and handed it to Qin Luo.

It was a broken sculpture doll, its body was covered with cracks visible to the naked eye, densely packed, and there were many defects.

The color also presents a new concept of filth, which has been polluted so that it is difficult to distinguish the original color.

There is no doubt that this is the sculpture doll that the two of them painted together in the paint shop.

On the day of the school celebration party, Ji Yan threw it into the trash can and broke it into several pieces.

The current appearance must have been pieced together bit by bit by Ji Yan after picking up the pieces.

Qin Luo's gaze froze on it for a second, then shifted to Ji Yan's hand.

Those were supposed to be a pair of slender hands that were not stained with slender dust, but now they were wearing several band-aids.

Just looking at it, Qin Luo seems to be able to imagine Ji Yan putting together the pieces seriously, and then after being scratched accidentally, frowning, putting on a Band-Aid, and continuing to put together the pieces again


In other words, this thing is made of plaster, not ceramic, can it scratch your hands?

Qin Luo knew that he shouldn't have such doubts at this time, but he couldn't help it, his mind was moving too fast...

Ji Yan held the sculpture doll with both hands, and said: "I picked up all the pieces after you left that day. During the few days in the hospital, I was thinking about how to put it together every day."

"The doll is made of stone. After it was broken that day, many of them were melted by the rain. One piece was missing, so I thought, put the rest together first, and find it later.

The material completes it. "

"I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have lost it, now I want to make it up, can you wait for me? Soon, I can make it up soon (for the money)

) Okay, just wait a little longer, okay?"

Qin Luo raised his head slightly and saw Ji Yan frowning slightly. There seemed to be an unresolved knot between his brows. There was not only a deep apology on his face, but also a humble prayer.

He was silent for two seconds and nodded.

The girl suddenly smiled, and the knot between her brows also disappeared, and she didn't mention the previous things anymore, but just talked about what happened in the past few days, like marrying Qin

Luo said the message on WeChat again in person.

Outside the door, besides Jia Ting who was still standing at the door, Zhang Ru was also there.

She went downstairs to buy things earlier, and saw Jia Ting when she came back.

I thought it was my daughter's friend who came to visit her, but I didn't think there was anyone else in the house.

Ever since Ji Yan's biological father left without a word, it was the first time that Zhang Ru had a complicated state of mind towards a man that even she couldn't explain.

Seeing her daughter, who had been frowning for a few days, now smiling like a flower in the room, Zhang Ru felt extremely helpless.

Not long after, Qin Luo came out from the inside. He first said "Hi Aunt Zhang" to Zhang Ru, and then called Jia Ting to go in, leaving the space in the room for the two sisters.

As for Qin Luo, it seems that he has no plans to go back.

Facing Zhang Ru's complicated gaze, he couldn't help asking: "What's the matter with Ji Yan's hand?"

When mentioning this, Zhang Ru seemed a little angry, but tried not to attack, and explained: "This silly boy wants to make that sculpture doll look better, so

Use a utility knife to trim those irregularities.

"I told her that it's fine to use the same materials later. She just wanted to repair it. She said that it would not look good even if it was patched up. As a result, she scratched her hand several times.

What a silly boy..."

As she was talking, she suddenly took a deep breath, as if she was suppressing her sad emotions, and looked at Qin Luo and said in a complicated tone: "Aunt was not good before, Aunt

Aunt shouldn't treat you with that kind of attitude, no matter what happens to you, Aunt hopes... I hope Ji Yan won't be so sad anymore, okay?"

In the last sentence, Zhang Ru's tone was somewhat similar to Ji Yan's tone just now.

Not just the tone of voice, because of the relationship between mother and daughter, the two already look alike, when Zhang Ru put on such an attitude, that hero also has a high degree of resemblance to Ji Wei.

And Qin Luo's final response was just the same as when he was in the ward, silently nodding his head.

Just such a simple action seemed to make Zhang Ru heave a sigh of relief, and the expression on his face relaxed a lot. He asked Qin Luo if he wanted to go in and stay for a while.

Qin Luo shook his head, saying that he still had something to do later, and was ready to leave.

Zhang Ru had no choice but to give up and went into the ward by herself.

Through the transparent glass on the door, Qin Luo saw that although Ji Yan was chatting with Jia Ting, his eyes kept glancing at where he was.

When she was sure that Qin Luo hadn't left yet, a slight smile would appear on the corner of her mouth.

Qin Luo watched this scene silently, then suddenly took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Li Xuan. .

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