Hearing Xia Jiujiang's words, Father Qin nodded in response.

He smiled and said, "Of course Chairman Xia knows about such a big business."

He naturally knew about Xialu Group's plan to establish an urban community in the county, but he only participated in the dinner as a restaurant owner today, and he has nothing to do with this business, so I don't know why Zhen Jiujiang mentioned this to himself thing.

Xia Jiujiang smiled and asked, "Then, does Boss Qin have any opinion on our group's plan?"

Qin's father was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "What can I think? I just opened a restaurant, and I have no comparison with those who run a large group. I don't have a long-term perspective like you, and I don't understand the inside ways. "

After a pause, he added: "But it's a good thing after all. After all, our small county has been poor for a long time, and it has finally become rich in recent years. Once this urban community is built, it can solve the food needs of many people. The problem is Haoxia."

"Haha, Boss Qin said it well, come, I'll toast you," Xia Jiujiang smiled happily, picked up the glass and took a sip with Qin's father.

After putting down his glass, he said again: "Since Boss Qin is so optimistic about our project, then I wonder if Boss Qin is willing to cooperate with us?"

Not only Father Qin, but even Qin Luo was stunned for a moment.

You are such a big group, and what you are building is an urban community. What does it have to do with our restaurant? What is the cooperation?

What's more important is that your group will collapse in one month, so it's a godsend to cooperate with you at this time.

Qin Luo turned his head and saw his father sneered twice, and said the same thoughts as him: "Mr. Xia thinks too much of me. I'm just a small commoner who runs a restaurant. How can I cooperate with a big group like you?"

Xia Jiujiang said: "Boss Qin, you are welcome. Your restaurant is considered to be second to none in this county. The cooperation project we proposed is actually not a big deal. Boss Qin can listen to it."

"To put it simply, you will take the lead to become the first batch of merchants to settle in our urban community, and then build a food city, under the name of Boss Qin's restaurant, which will also play a very good role in attracting traffic. "

"In this way, you make money and we retain customers. This is a win-win result for us. Of course, investment is inevitable, but with the eyes of Boss Qin, he must be able to see the future interests, so this little money is nothing.”

"Boss Qin, what do you think?"

Xia "680" Jiujiang looked at Qin's father with a smile. He himself was a man with wicked eyebrows, and when he smiled, his eyes narrowed into a slit, looking very cunning and cunning.

Qin's father savored his words carefully, and did not answer in a hurry, but frowned and fell into deep thought.

Qin Luo on the side remained silent, thinking and analyzing the matter in his heart.

To be honest, although Qin Luo himself has no interest in and research on business, he still has basic judgment.

According to the information obtained from the magnifying glass of the future market, Anwen County will definitely be selected as a key development city in the province. The Chonglu Group of the city will also be able to obtain that important piece of land through bidding.

After that, the construction of urban integration will be carried out in full swing. Once completed, it will definitely become the place with the largest daily traffic in the entire county.

When Qin Luo was searching for news about Xialu Group, he also saw an interesting piece of news.

The so-called urban integrated building is similar to the Yida Plaza owned by the real estate tycoon Boss Wang.

Theoretically speaking, this kind of building would not be built in a small county, but Anwen County is about to become a key development city in the province. When those big bosses heard the news, they came like sharks smelling blood.

Because of this, Boss Wang has his eye on this piece of meat and wants to win the bid to build Yida Plaza in Anwen County, while Zhenlu Group is a competitor to open Boss.

Of course, the final bidding will definitely be won by the Xialu Group. Qin Luo knows the news and knows that it must be a good thing to cooperate with the Xialu Group.

If Qin's father chooses to cooperate with it, it will indeed be of great benefit to the old Qin's family after the urban integration building is completed - the premise is that the building can really be completed.

If he hadn't read the news provided by the magnifying glass of the future market, Qin Luo would definitely support Father Qin's cooperation with Xia Jiujiang.

However, there is no if in this world.

It happened that Qin Luo knew the news, and it happened that Xia Jiujiang proposed cooperation, but Qin Luo couldn't let Qin's father really agree, because this would be a hot fire pit.

He looked at his father who was thinking, and couldn't figure out what his father was thinking.

After a few seconds, Qin's father frowned and said, "I'll go to the bathroom first, you two can talk."

Xia Jiujiang smiled and said, "Boss Qin, please go ahead."

Of course, he didn't need to respond specifically, the main meaning of saying this was to give Father Qin time to think about it.

After Qin's father finished speaking, he got up and left, and Qin Luo followed closely behind. Seeing this, Qin's father looked back at him, but didn't say anything.

The father and son went all the way to the toilet and untied their belts side by side.

Out of a certain instinct that all men have, the father and son glanced under each other.

Father Qin sneered and moved a seat to the side.

"What's the matter dad?"

"That seat is uncomfortable."

"Is the one next to you comfortable?"

"Get out, I'll cut you again."

Qin's father cursed twice, and then said meaningfully: "You have something to tell me? Why, do you have an opinion on what the surname Xia said just now?"

Qin Luo hesitated for a moment, then said: "Well, it can be seen that you have plans to cooperate, but I don't recommend you to do so."

Father Qin asked, "Why?"

"It's hard to say, but I just feel unstable. After all, Xialu Group hasn't won the bid for a piece of land, and it hasn't even written a word yet. It's not safe."

"Heh, the person surnamed Jia came from above, from the imperial capital, and you're sitting here having dinner with them today, don't you have any doubts in your mind?"

...Even if Xialu Group takes over the land, the construction of urban integration will not be completed in a short while. What if something happens in the middle? Then the money invested will be paid Is the water floating?"

"Anyway, it is a large group with a market value of hundreds of billions, what can happen?"

In short, I don't think this matter is safe, so let's think about it again. "

After Qin Luo finished speaking, he sighed. It could be seen that his father seemed very excited about this cooperation opportunity, which could be revealed in his words.

In fact, this is normal, the cooperation opportunity that Xia Jiujiang throws out is like giving away money for free, anyone will be tempted.

The reason why Qin Luo was able to look at the problem from a different perspective was because he had opened up God's perspective in advance, otherwise he would have supported Qin's father.

Father Qin glanced at him, and suddenly asked, "Do you know something?"

....... What can I know when I am a college student? I just feel unsafe, so I need to think more about it. "

Qin Luo laughed twice, ignoring Qin's father's suspicious gaze, and stepped out of the toilet with his pants up.

As a result, as soon as he came out, he saw Jia Mingyi who seemed to be going into the toilet.

Qin Luo called out politely, "Hello, Uncle Jia."

Jia Mingyi nodded and looked at Father Qin who came out behind Qin Luo.

Father Qin said at this time: "By the way, the braised pork I made is still stewing in the kitchen, Qin Luo, go and see how it's done, and bring it to the house when it's done.

"Oh," Qin Luo responded, and left first.

Qin's father was not in a hurry to leave, he leaned against the wall to light a cigarette, and took a good puff.

Jia Mingyi said with a smile: "Your son is quite different from your character, he is very stable."

"Did you hear that?" Father Qin asked first, but before Jia Mingyi could answer, he said nonchalantly, "As soon as he's a college student and knows business, he knows what to do.

Jia Mingyi nodded and said, "This cooperation is actually good, you can think about it."

Qin's father flicked the cigarette ash, and said lightly: "Forget it, when you are old, you can make enough money to spend, and you don't have the energy to fiddle around."

Jia Mingyi glanced at him in surprise, shook his head, and without further mentioning, he smiled and said, "Your son is more handsome than when you were young.

"That's it, don't look at whose seed it is," Qin's father cocked his lips triumphantly.

In the back kitchen, Qin Luo came to the gas stove, and there was a casserole on it, in which Qin's father's braised pork was stewed.

The guy in the kitchen said that it has been stewed for a while, and it is almost ready to be cooked.

Qin Luo opened the lid with a wet towel, and immediately smelled a tangy fragrance.

The smell of spices such as cinnamon, bay leaves, Chinese prickly ash, dried chili and so on is mixed together, making Qin Luo move his nose involuntarily.

Since acquiring the skill [Advanced Cooking Skills], he has also become more sensitive to various flavors.

Picking up the soup spoon, Qin Luo took out a little soup from it, tasted it, then took out another piece of meat, and chewed a few mouthfuls in his mouth.

"It's okay," Qin Luo smacked his lips, but he didn't intend to put the pot of braised pork out of the pot immediately.

Without anyone noticing, he put his hand in his bosom, and when he took it out again, he already had an extra booklet in his hand.

It's about as thick as a primary school Chinese book, and there are six large characters written vertically on the cover——— Perfect Recipe Collection.

This is the resource dug out by the "automatic mining machine" that Qin Luo gave to Jia Ting last night. It records various common cuisines, but there are subtle differences in the production methods.

For example, this braised pork dish made by Qin's father, Qin Luo can almost guess what the production process is like after tasting it, and some of Qin's father's own unique skills should be included in it

So it will taste better than the usual braised pork.

Cooking is like this, the difference in heat, the length of simmering, the amount of seasoning, etc., often a small difference will lead to a huge change in the taste of the dish

And this book of perfect recipes, which records the recipes that make the taste of a dish perfect, anyone who gets such a recipe, it is no exaggeration to say, can become a nationally-renowned cooking master.

Of course, it also records the perfect cooking method of braised pork.

Qin Luo opened the book and glanced at it, then stuffed the book into his arms.

Without being seen by others, the book disappeared and entered the system space.

This system space is magical and convenient, but unfortunately it can only store things produced by the system.

"Boss Qin, you should reconsider this matter. We are very sincere here. You just need to bring your signboard to settle in. You don't need to invest too much money. If you are short of money, tell me That’s fine, we can support you strongly.”

"Hehe, thank you Chairman Xia for your attention. I'll just think about it later."

"Okay, after you think about it, you must contact me as soon as possible."

Qin Luo walked to the door of the box with a plate of braised pork, and was slightly surprised to hear the conversation inside.

He thought his father would agree to the cooperation plan proposed by the other party, and he was even mentally prepared to provoke the head of the family, but he didn't expect his father to actually reject it.

He said "consider it", which actually means to refuse, because Qin Luo knows his father very well, and his father's sexuality

Ge is actually very reckless, he doesn't like to think too much, he only thinks about what he can do or what he can't do.

If you can’t do it, don’t do it. If you can, then roll up your sleeves and do it, just like when he almost broke his fortune to open a restaurant.

It is the invisible rich second generation, and the negative second generation is almost the same.

Qin Luo knocked on the door, then pushed the door open and entered.

The people in the room looked at him subconsciously. Father Qin snatched the plate from Qin Luo's hand and put it on the dining table.

The rest of the people put on an expression of interest, and picked up their chopsticks one after another.

Lao Liu said with emotion: "Lao Qin's braised pork is excellent. The only drawback is that the waiting time is too long. I was so hungry just now."

Xia Jiujiang smiled and said: "Braised pork, you just need to stew it more, so that the meat is full of soup, and it must be stewed in a casserole, the taste of stewed in a pressure cooker or a large iron pot is different.

Qin's father gave him a thumbs up very face-saving: "Knowledgeable."

Jia Mingyi didn't speak, and silently picked up a piece of meat with his chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

In the process of chewing, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and finally he couldn't help but say: "It's delicious, it's so delicious."

After finishing speaking, I couldn't wait to pick up the second piece of meat.

His appearance made others greedy too. Lao Liu and Xia Jiujiang took a bite one after another, nodded while eating, and couldn't stop giving Qin's father a thumbs up.

"It's amazing, old Qin, your craft...hey, it's really getting better and better."

"It's no exaggeration to say, Boss Xia, it's much more delicious than the braised pork I ate in a five-star hotel before. It's a shame that your restaurant is in a small county!"

The compliments from the two are not decent words between adults, but sincere words of truth.

Qin's father seemed to be able to see it, and the smile on his face became stronger and stronger.

For a chef, there is nothing more gratifying than being praised for his craftsmanship.

But while he was happy, he felt a little strange.

Others will not mention it, but Lao Liu came to the restaurant not long ago to eat. He also made braised pork at that time. Although Lao Liu praised the deliciousness, his reaction was not so exaggerated.

Qin's father was slightly suspicious, picked up a piece of meat and tasted it himself.

Then, his eyes widened slightly, and he said with obvious surprise: "This is not right. 11

The rest of the people were taken aback and looked at him strangely: "What's wrong?"

"This is not my braised pork," Father Qin muttered to himself.

Of course he knows the taste of the dishes he makes himself the best.

He has been making this red-sand pork dish for more than 20 years, if not more than ten years. Since he has added a little unique skill in the production process, the taste is slightly different from that of other people's braised pork.

slightly different.

But this time, although the taste created by the unique craftsmanship is still there, there is a different feeling in it.

The braised pork in the south is sweet, the meat is fat but not greasy, and the lips and teeth are fragrant.

The braised pork in the north is salty, with a bit of spiciness, it tastes full of meat, and every bite can make people feel infinitely satisfied.

Qin's father's unique skill is to combine these two flavors as much as possible. He has been doing it for many years before he can barely meet his requirements, but he can barely achieve it.

But today's braised pork tastes like the taste he has been pursuing for a long time but has not been able to make. It is a truly perfect dish.

Seeing Qin's father's expression, the others were also in shock for a while.

Didn't he do it? Who did that?

The key is that this dish is so delicious, even if it doesn't know anything else, the chef will be famous for this plate of braised pork alone.

"No, I have to ask, someone must have moved my food."

After Qin's father finished speaking, he got up and left, not because he was angry that others had touched his own dishes, but because he was simply curious about which guy in the shop had this skill.

He came to the kitchen in a hurry, grabbed a chef and asked, "Who has touched my pot of braised pork just now?"

Seeing Father Qin's appearance, the cook thought something was wrong, and said nervously, "No, I've been in the back kitchen just now, and I haven't seen anyone touch it."

"No? Are you sure?" Father Qin stared.

The chef thought for a while and said: "If I really want to say it, your son has touched it. He seems to have put some ingredients in it before serving the dishes, but I don't know the details."

After a pause, the chef asked tremblingly again: "Your son, he couldn't have...caused trouble?"

His question was not answered, because Qin's father returned to the box in a hurry, and when he entered the room, he looked at Qin Luo with a smile that was not a smile, and asked: "Good boy [he hides deeply."

The others were taken aback for a moment, and then immediately reacted, looking at Qin Luo in surprise.

Seeing Father Qin's meaning, this dish was actually made by Qin Luo?

He actually has this skill?

Qin Luo smiled: "It's not that exaggerated, it's just that I tasted it before it was out of the pot, and then added some ingredients. The main thing is that you did a good job, and I'm just icing on the cake.

These words made Father Qin very useful. He felt that the limelight he had been robbed by his son had returned, but he knew the taste of the dishes he cooked.

It can be said that if Qin Luo is simply serving dishes out of the pot, then this braised pork dish is at most "delicious".

But because Qin Luo added a little more ingredients, this dish has risen from "delicious" to "delicious".

That is not the same.

"As expected of Boss Qin's son, the blue is better than the blue."

"Xiao Luo, what's the matter, are you planning to inherit your father's mantle from now on?"

"Haha, the tiger father has no dogs and sons."

Several old men cheerfully praised Qin Luo, and Qin's father also looked at Qin Luo with complicated eyes.

This brat, I haven't seen him for a few months, I won't talk about it when he becomes handsome, and I won't talk about being able to write songs, sing and play the piano by himself, but now he even cooks food that tastes better than my own, is it plausible?


And the conversation in the toilet on 1.2 just now, it seems that the son felt that things were unstable and therefore disagreed, but Qin's father always felt that there was something in his son's words.

I haven't seen you in just a few months, and the change is really big.

I don't know what this kid went through.

Without anyone noticing, Father Qin sighed and lit a cigarette for himself.

After dinner, Lao Liu and Xia Jiujiang left together.

Before leaving, Xia Jiujiang tried his best to facilitate the cooperation with Qin's father, but Qin's father just waved his hand and said to think about it.

Xia Jiujiang could also see his perfunctory intentions. In the end, seeing that Qin's father really had no intention of cooperating, he had no choice but to sigh helplessly and leave with Lao Liu.

Jia Mingyi didn't leave by himself either, he had a driver, and the driver had been waiting in the car before. When he learned that the leader had finished eating, he drove first and waited at the door.

Qin Luo and Qin's father sent him out together, during which Jia Mingyi repeatedly praised how delicious the plate of braised pork was.

The only regret is that there are too few, everyone eats one bite, and they are gone before they have enough.

Upon hearing this, Qin's father said to make another copy for Jia Mingyi to pack and take home.

Jia Mingyi was slightly moved, but in the end he shook his head and said: "Don't worry, I will come to Anwen County again in a few days and then come here to kiss your braised pork

Qin's father patted his chest and said: "No problem, just come, next time you can eat more."

Jia Mingyi looked at Qin Luo: "Haha, I still have to trouble Qin Luo then."

Qin Luo said politely: "No trouble, Uncle Jia can come over whenever he wants to eat."

Jia Mingyi smiled at Qin Luo, didn't stay any longer, got in the car and left.

When the car poured into the traffic flow, the father and son looked away.

Qin's father glanced at his son, turned around and entered the shop and said, "Elbow, follow me into the house."

Qin Luo subconsciously said: "No, I can't make an appointment today."

Father Qin glanced at him expressionlessly.

Qin Luo laughed twice, stopped playing bad jokes, and followed his father into the back kitchen.

According to the back kitchen, Boss Qin, who usually doesn't cook much by himself, showed a hundred and twenty enthusiasm today. He specially vacated a stove in the kitchen and prepared several fresh pork belly.

However, Boss Qin's enthusiasm is not used for cooking, but for studying.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be hard for the chefs to believe that Boss Qin, who has always been very confident in his cooking skills, is actually learning how to cook from his own son today...

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