imperial capital.

An Audi car was driving slowly in the traffic flow. After making seven rounds and eight turns, there were fewer and fewer cars around.

Finally, the car stopped in front of a three-story villa.

The electric gate opened slowly, and the car drove into the villa compound and parked in the open space outside the courtyard.

The driver got out of the car immediately and opened the rear door.

Jia Mingyi, who was wearing a suit, let out a long sigh of relief. After getting out of the car, he saw the young girl in the gazebo not far away.

She was wearing a sky blue dress with a white ribbon around her waist, like a beautiful lily in this yard full of green lawns.

At this moment, she was sitting on the gazebo, holding a paintbrush in her hand, and a piece of drawing paper in front of her.

Just as Jia Mingyi wanted to say hello, but he swallowed the words, and walked lightly to the gazebo, wanting to see what his talented niece was doing.

Suddenly, as if she felt something, she turned her head subconsciously, and her arm blocked the content on the drawing paper without a trace.

"Uncle, you're back," Jia Ting greeted with a smile.

Jia Mingyi didn't feel embarrassed and asked her, "What are you painting?"

"Uncle, don't be too curious about girls' things."


Jia Mingyi laughed and shook his head, but he didn't insist on watching, and turned and went into the villa.

After he left, Jia Ting picked up the brush and continued painting.

In front of her were actually two pieces of drawing paper.

The bottom one is the one Qin Luo drew for her on the plane.

And the one above was used by Jia Ting herself.

She was copying Qin Luo's painting at this time, not only was the painting very similar to 09, but she also filled in her own painting with both hands.

Those hands stretched out from the drawing paper, holding the two corners of the blanket with both hands, posing in a pose of covering Sleeping Beauty with a blanket.

What is different from Qin Luo's painting is that in Jia Ting's painting, Sleeping Beauty's eyes are opened a slit, and there is still a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. Little gestures of men.

After retouching the details, Jia Ting took her painting and looked at it again and again, with a smile on her face showing a hint of satisfaction.

However, when he looked at Qin Luo's painting, the satisfied expression quickly receded, replaced by distress and helplessness.

"No matter how you draw it, it doesn't look like it. It's not difficult to copy one by yourself, but I just dare not put pen to paper on his painting. Why..."

Jia Ting murmured to herself somewhat depressedly.

She compared the two paintings for a while, and finally picked up her mobile phone to take a photo, found the chat box with Qin Luo on WeChat, and sent the photo.

It took a while for the reply to pop up.

Qin Luo: Very beautiful.

Jia Ting: How does it compare with yours?

Qin Luo: It's only a few hundred million points away.

Jia Ting, who was holding the phone, let out a chuckle. She could tell that Qin Luo hadn't made a typo. This man seemed gentle and gentle, but occasionally he would make some speeches that made people laugh.

Jia Ting lost interest in drawing anymore, so fortunately she sat on a chair and chatted with Qin Luo.

However, Qin Luo replied slowly, taking a while to reply each time, and his words were slightly perfunctory.

Jia Ting thought for a while and asked him: Are you busy?

Qin Luo: I'm teaching my dad how to cook.

Jia Ting was a little surprised: You taught your dad how to cook? Isn’t your dad a chef? Can you teach him?

Qin Luo: Sigh, even though I have been very low-key, he still found out my excellence, and I am also very distressed.

Jia Ting pursed her lips and chuckled, thinking that Qin Luo was joking, and said: Alright, then you should do your work first.

Qin Luo: Don't worry, let's talk about fifty cents.

Jia Ting asked: What are we talking about?

Qin Luo asked back: Do you know which three kinds of people I hate the most?

Jia Ting became interested, she was really curious about what kind of people Qin Luo hated, so she couldn't help asking: Which three?

Qin Luo: The first type is those who do not know how to count.

Qin Luo: The second type is half-talking

Jia Ting thought the first one was a bit strange, but she didn't think too much about it. After all, people have different personalities, and it's okay to hate others who don't know how to count.

Jia Ting agrees with the second kind, and she also hates half-talking.

Then Jia Ting was looking forward to the third one, but in the end she waited and waited and waited and waited.

Seeing that Qin Luo hadn't mentioned the third one, she thought he was busy with something.

But after ten minutes, Jia Ting finally couldn't bear it anymore and asked her: What about the third type?

Qin Luo: The phone is out of gas, review.

Jia Ting froze for a moment, then continued to send messages to Qin Luo, but did not receive a reply.

She sat on the chair and stared at the phone blankly. After a while, she finally came to her senses and realized that she had been teased by Qin Luo.

Jia Ting was angry and funny, and finally took out a new drawing paper, and painted a four-square caricature on it.

The characters are all in the shape of stick figures, but the faces are beautifully drawn, and it can be seen that he is a handsome guy.

The first picture shows the man chatting with others in high spirits.

The second picture is that the man stopped chatting suddenly.

The third picture shows a man taking a sip of water from a water glass.

The fourth chapter of water is a man who was choked, and the facial expressions are quite funny.

On the whole, there was no connotation or humor, but Jia Ting nodded in satisfaction, then took a picture of her painting and sent it to her circle of friends.

By the way, a line of text is attached: May all those who speak half-spoken drink water and be choked.

Not long after, there were many people's likes below.

Hao Meng: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha hiccup #funny

Shi Yulu: Indeed, it is said that half of the people hate it the most #狗头

Ji Yan: Why is only the face painted so good-looking#疑疑

Auntie: This painting is a bit different from your style [Is there any connotation?

Ye Ziming: It's so pretty, I'm going to your house for dinner tonight, show me it then.

Jia Ting was very enthusiastic about replying to friends' messages, but when she saw Ye Ziming's message, the smile on her face faded away a lot, and she was no longer in the mood to continue blowing Xia Feng in the courtyard .

She packed her things and went back to the villa step by step.

Two men were chatting in the living room at this time, one of them was Jia Ting's uncle Jia Mingyi, and the other was Jia Ting's father.

Jia Ting's parents are four brothers, each named "loyalty, filial piety, propriety and righteousness". Jia Ting's father is the eldest, surrounded by Ming.

Jia Mingzhong is already a middle-aged man in his fifties, his face looks a bit serious, although there are traces of years written on his face, but the sharp eyebrows, starry eyes and straight nose bridge all reveal the handsomeness of his youth .

A woman came over at this moment, she was wearing a white dress, she didn't look very similar to Jia Ting, but she was still a complete beauty, her expressionless face exuded an unearthly beauty.

Holding a tray in both hands, she walked to the coffee table step by step, put the tray on the coffee table, took out the tea she had just brewed, and poured tea for the two brothers who were chatting.

"Thank you, sister-in-law," Jia Mingyi said politely.

It is normal for the uncle to say thank you to his sister-in-law, but what is abnormal is that Jia Mingzhong also said: "Thank you.

"You're welcome," the woman seemed to be used to it, and she simply responded, then walked to the side and sat down, with a blank expression on her face, unable to tell what she was feeling about this matter.

Looking at this scene, Jia Ting didn't react on the surface, but she couldn't help sighing in her heart.

Since she can remember, the way of getting along with her parents has always been the same, maintaining a respectful appearance.

Even though it is a husband and wife relationship, they are not as harmonious as strangers, which makes Jia Ting, their child, feel very distressed.

And the reason is that they just don't want to love each other.

Jia Ting knew this well, and she couldn't help feeling a little sad, and she was full of sympathy for her mother.

A woman who is married to a man she doesn't love in this life, I'm afraid she will never be happy in her life.

"Tingting, come and sit," Jia Mingyi's voice interrupted Jia Ting's thinking.

He called Jia Ting over to sit down, and asked her, "What about the two-month summer vacation, do you have any plans?"

Jia Ting smiled and said: "No special plans, just stay at home with my parents and grandpa."

Jia Mingyi shook his head: "That's not acceptable. You are still young, and this kind of life is too lifeless. College students go out to have fun during the long vacation. You can also go out for a walk and have a look."

Jia Ting was noncommittal about this, she was originally a rather homely girl, and if she had nothing to do, she preferred to stay at home reading or drawing, or watching dramas or watching movies on the Internet.

The summer in July is too unfriendly to the beautiful girl, it will burn 067's fair and tender skin, and the hot air will greatly reduce people's desire to travel.

Jia Ting didn't like chatting with elders very much, so she casually said, "Uncle, Dad, Mom, let's talk, I'll go upstairs to see Grandpa."

"Bring some fruit up, the woman sitting not far away reminded.

"Understood, Mom," Jia Ting replied, and Duan went upstairs with a plate of fruit.

The innermost room on the third floor belonged to Grandpa. Jia Ting knocked on the door and walked in.

In the spacious and comfortable room, there is only one old man lying on the bed.

He leaned against the head of the bed and looked out of the window in a daze. His face was covered with wrinkles and vicissitudes left by the years, and his eyes were deep and abnormal, but they didn't look cloudy.

Jia Ting called out, "Grandpa, you're awake."

The granddaughter's voice brought the old man back to his senses, and he turned to look at Jia Ting with a kind smile on his face.

"Tingting, come and sit down."

Jia Ting sat down obediently, picked up an orange and peeled it.

"Tingting, are you twenty years old this year?"

"Yes, grandpa, it's already two years old."

The old man nodded and said pointingly, "Grandpa was already married when he was your age."

Jia Ting paused for a while while peeling the oranges, and said with a smile: "I'm still young, it's too early for me to get married, I still want to spend more time at home with grandpa."

The old man laughed and said: "You can also accompany grandpa when you are married. When the time comes, bring Ziming to accompany grandpa. It is best to hug another big fat boy. That would be good.

Jia Ting tried her best to keep a smile on her face, but she looked a little stiff.

Just as she was about to say something, the old man said again: "This marriage was decided by my grandfather and my old comrade-in-arms. Now my old comrade-in-arms has gone ahead. My grandfather's health is getting worse day by day."

"But don't worry, even though Grandpa's health is failing, he can still see you getting married, otherwise Grandpa would be reluctant to leave, haha.

Jia Ting heard a hint of sadness in the old man's words, but in the end she didn't say anything, and sat silently peeling oranges. .

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