The little girl was so beautiful, but she was still very young.

Looking at the Ji family's small world, Chen Qing was really surprised.

This thing is so precious, can you give it to me just like that?

Although this small world is very inferior and looks underdeveloped, it is still a small world after all.

"You do things for me, so I will naturally take care of you."

This micro world is too small and useless to Chen Qing.


He suddenly changed his mind and thought that this thing could cover himself at a critical moment!

For example, if the factory expands in scale in the future, it will definitely recruit more illegal workers... Bah, more manpower.

Although the probability is very low, if Shura finds out about him and asks where he has gone, he can say that he has been caught in this micro world.

At most, we can build some decent factories.

Shura doesn't like to be reserved.

Chen Qing didn't refuse and took it immediately: "Thank you Shura!"

"Yes." Luo Luohong nodded: "Come on, follow me to watch the beheading."


The last time I watched a beheading was in Chuntaifang.

Come again this time?

The two left the house. Perhaps to avoid the same trouble as last time, Luo Luohong sat on the cloud chariot and Chen Qing walked.

The beheading was arranged in the central square of Ximing City.

Beheading in public is a deterrent, so the more people, the better, the more lively, the better.

The square is already crowded with people, and it is impossible to see what is happening inside the square.

Just keep hearing crying, begging for mercy, and shouting injustice.

A higher platform was set up in the square, on which ten powerful Shuras, Rakshasas, and Yakshas stood, including Bai Bailong, whom Chen Qing knew.

When he came to the platform, Chen Qing saw the situation in the square...

Ji family members!

The square was crowded with nearly a thousand Ji family members kneeling!

These people knelt with their hands twisted behind their backs and tied to their feet, and it was difficult to twist them.

Most people had obviously suffered a lot, their bodies were covered with blood, and many of them had their knees rubbed to a bloody mess.

Some people had already collapsed on the ground, some were unconscious under the scorching sun, and some kept kowtowing and shouting about injustice.

Several children were also tied up, crying in fear and leaning on the adults beside them.

If humans were to behead, they would have to choose a day and a time, but Shura didn't have so many requirements.

A Shura came out and shouted loudly: "Ji family, Ji Tongli, Ji Changqing, Ji Bozu, hiding contraband, all direct and collateral lines will be beheaded!"

As soon as the voice fell, in a huge, simple carriage next to him, a strong man in red raised his sword high in his hand and then chopped it down heavily!




On the square, nearly a thousand people's heads fell at the same time!

Blood gushed out of many people's arteries, and it seemed that there were suddenly nearly a hundred blood fountains on the square.

Heads fell to the ground, many heads were still conscious, and their faces were distorted.

Including those children.

Pain remained on their faces, some slowly faded, and some were frozen forever.

Chen Qing looked straight at several of the children, who were the same age as Chen Man.

Should the Ji family die?


This is a huge betrayal that has never happened in human history.

Should these children die?

At this age, stealing a piece of candy may require writing a self-criticism.

Chen Qing's eyes were complicated.

The list of people to be beheaded was drawn up by Ji Wei himself. How would he feel now?

A small half of the Ji family is in Guangfu County and will never be able to come out again.

A small half of them were beheaded here.

Although Ji Wei was not beheaded, someone in the clan rebelled and it was impossible for Shura to reuse him.

The Ji family offended the whole world, and humans could not tolerate him.

From this moment on, the Ji family was dead in name only.

When Ji Wei fell, the Ji family would fall apart in an instant.

Chen Qing stared at the boy's head, and the fear and pain on the boy's face finally faded. With an expression that was not peaceful, he completely ended his short life.

The scene of nearly a thousand people being beheaded was shocking and pierced the soul.

Many people who watched had lost control, some trembled all over, some screamed repeatedly. Some wet their pants, and some fainted directly.

Chen Qing forced himself to regain his mind and looked at the carriage.

In the carriage, of course, there was the executioner.

Rakshasa and Shura could face the sun directly, but the executioner could not. The carriage might not only be a sunshade, but also have other functions.

At this time, dozens of Rakshasas each grabbed two or three human heads, came to the platform, held the heads high, and dripped blood on a flag.

This flag was not an ordinary object, and the blood dripped on it immediately disappeared.

In just a moment, the flag

The face was redder than blood, and a blue Shura head on the flag slowly opened his eyes.

A murderous aura surged, and ordinary people in the square could no longer bear it and fell to the ground.

Bai Bailong stepped forward, took the Shura flag, and snorted coldly: "The flag has been sacrificed! Let's go! Follow me to kill people!"

"Kill people?"

Chen Qing thought of something in his heart, and his hand trembled slightly.

"Go! Make merit for me!" Luo Luohong waved at Chen Qing.

"I will defend the honor of Shura!" Chen Qing clenched his fist and beat his chest, solemnly promising.

Luo Luohong said solemnly: "The target is Han Yuan! He has a treasure that my clan values ​​very much. Don't neglect it, and don't hold back!"

Chen Qing's heart skipped a beat! He secretly said that it was not good!

But on his face, he said solemnly: "Shura, I will not leave any spare strength."

"I know you, and I believe you." Luo Luohong nodded: "Go!"

Chen Qing's eyes flashed.

Anxiously said: "Xiao Qian! You go, I'm going to Guangfu County!"

Chen Qing wants to contact Han Yuan!

Han Yuan!

Han Yuan!!

Damn it's Han Yuan!!

Bai Bailong must have used some method to locate Han Yuan!

Chen Qing appeared in Guangfu County with a thought, took out the leather, and was about to write, but saw that there was already a sentence on it:

"I have done it!"

Chen Qing was stunned.

The hand that was about to write had stopped in the air.

On the longhorn beetle leather, the second sentence appeared again:

"Please remember your promise to my human race!"

Chen Qing looked helplessly, clenching his teeth!

Han Yuan didn't write these words for himself.

But for Shura!

What kind of situation made Han Yuan feel that he was doomed?

He has now sacrificed his life and alienated Shura!


Chen Qing gritted his teeth, and a few golden lights came to Ma Yi.

"Ma Yi, tell Han Yuan a fortune!"

After a while, Ma Yi finished worshipping heaven and earth, and the prince solemnly shook the fortune stick tube, and a stick gently fell to the ground:


"Bad! Bad! There is still a glimmer of hope!"

Chen Qing was about to leave.

But he saw that somehow, another stick was placed on the edge of the fortune stick tube, shaky, and the face of the stick clearly read:


"Don't let that stick fall!"

As Chen Qing was speaking, the outer end of the No stick suddenly fell down and gently fell to the ground.

On the stick, the word "No" was particularly eye-catching.

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