The beam of white light that pierced the night sky entered Qin Yu's body.

Suddenly, her whole body lit up, and her whole body exuded a holy aura.

She flew higher and higher, and in the blink of an eye, she was already hundreds of meters high.

Everyone in the King's Domain could see this beam of white light from different angles.

Countless people were startled, walked out of their homes, and looked up at the night sky.

"That's... the power of the Queen of the Sky..."

"What happened?"

The elders under the eaves of the temple looked at the sky with turbid pupils, trembling constantly.

"The Queen of the Sky has sent down an oracle, and she has chosen that girl!"

"That's right, that's right! She was chosen as the agent of the gods. This is the first agent of my King's Domain in a thousand years!"

The elders were so excited that they spit and even couldn't bear to blink.

Agent means someone who walks in the world on behalf of the gods.

To give a simple example, the Crystal Saint is the agent of God, so she has that unique special power.

"No, it's impossible!"

The queen screamed hysterically, her pupils full of crazy bloodshot.

She spent her whole life wanting to be an agent all the time, but she never expected that she would end up fulfilling the wishes of an outsider girl!

Plop! Plop!

The broken heart was restored, and the heartbeat and breathing resumed.

Qin Yu slowly opened her eyes and was frightened on the spot.

"Hey? What's going on? Why am I flying so high!"

"Wait, how is Chen Nian?"

She looked around in panic and found that Chen Nian was standing quietly on the ground just below her.


"Don't look at it, help me! I can't fly." Qin Yu shouted with his hands in front of his mouth like a trumpet.

But Chen Nian did not respond, but continued to stand quietly there.

"No, when did my eyesight become so good that I can see clearly even from such a distance..."

Qin Yu was at a loss, and was in a state of daze.

In the next second, divinity occupied her consciousness, and her eyes were like stars, with a cold light filling her eyes.

The white holy light,

turned into light wings behind her,

put a holy crown on her head,

formed a divine bow in her hand.

At the same time.

In the Dragon Wing Domain, the stone statue of the god "Dragon Lord" shot out a green light.

In the Red Flame Domain, the stone statue of the god "Yan Huang" shot out a red light.

In the Crystal Domain, the god "Divine Crystal Deer".....

In the Forest Spirit Domain, the god "Tree God".....

In the Wind Chant Domain, the god "Fast Falcon".....

In the Earth Vein Domain, the god "Stone Emperor".....

The six-color divine light, from the gods thousands of miles away, finally gathered on Qin Yu.

When the Queen of the Sky returns, all the gods should offer their blessings!

These blessings were eventually integrated into the bow and arrow in Qin Yu's hand, turning into six gems of different colors.

In the night sky, countless divine lights fell like rain.

Qin Yu lowered his eyes slightly, like a god overlooking the world.

"The agent of the Queen of the Sky, may all the blessings in the world be bestowed upon you!"

The elders repeated this sentence one after another, kneeling and bowing their heads.

At this moment, even the elders who had previously voted for the Queen could only kneel tremblingly, not daring to disobey in the slightest.

At the same time, a large number of uniform footsteps came from around the temple.

Those were the soldiers guarding other parts of the Royal Domain. They were not the core confidants of the Queen, but they were also the absolute core force in the Royal Domain.

"The Royal Domain South Border Garrison Team, everyone! Salute the agent."

"The Royal Domain North Border Feiyun Cavalry, salute!"

"All members of the Royal Air Force listen to the order, salute!"

Swish swish swish!

Thousands of warriors from different regions, different organizations, wearing different uniforms and armors...

All half-knelt and saluted.

"The agent of the Queen of the Sky, may all the blessings in the world be upon you!"

The roars of the warriors were in unison, resounding through the sky.

At the same time, in the crowded streets of the Royal Domain, the people also knelt on the ground.

The millions of people in the Royal Domain, no matter who they were, no matter what they were doing, at this moment, paid tribute to the gods.

"The agent of the Queen of the Sky, may all the blessings in the world be upon you!"

The resounding voice enveloped the sky above the entire Royal Domain.

Within the entire Royal Domain.

There were two people who did not kneel.

Chen Nian, the Queen.

Chen Nian was still in the desire to kill, and the further release of the power of the demon sword would also greatly affect his mind, and the scarlet in his pupils had not faded.

And the Queen, now completely collapsed and broke through the defense.

“No… this is not true, this is not true….”

All her confidants were killed, and even the gods abandoned her, which made her no longer arrogant.

In mid-air, Qin Yu pulled the bow of the sky.

The red light symbolizing fire continued to gather, which was the power from Yan Huang.

The red arrow aimed at the queen.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me! I was wrong... I was wrong!"

When death came, the once arrogant queen could only kneel on the ground and beg.

The elders and the army that came from behind just watched silently.

If the gods' agents wanted to kill people, they would not dare to speak nonsense.

"I have made contributions to the king's domain, you can't kill me! You are a pure and kind person, right? You shouldn't let your hands be stained with killing. "


The queen responded with a flaming arrow that fell from the sky.

It was like a meteor streaking through the night sky.

The queen's forehead was pierced by a blast, and a raging fire ignited on her body, turning her into ashes on the spot.

Qin Yu finally slowly fell from the sky, with the wings of light on her back shining, as holy as an angel who redeemed the world.

She opened her arms and gently hugged Chen Nian's head.

"In the name of the King of the Sky, I grant you peace and tranquility. "

After she finished speaking, she closed her eyes and gently kissed Chen Nian's forehead.

People were stunned...

The agent of the Queen of the Sky actually kissed a human? This person is too happy!

This kiss was like rain and spring breeze.

Chen Nian's inner mania and bloodlust were completely suppressed, and the scarlet in his pupils gradually faded, and he regained his clarity.

Qin Yu also returned to the appearance of an ordinary girl, standing in front of Chen Nian, looking at him with a smile.

The two looked at each other.



A short silence.

Chen Nian spoke in disbelief.

"Are you... okay?"

"Well, it was the power of the Queen of the Sky that saved me... um! "

Before Qin Yu finished her words, Chen Nian hugged her tightly, causing her to stumble back a step.

Without saying much, she also opened her arms to hug Chen Nian, and leaned her flushed face on Chen Nian's shoulder.

"It's good that you're okay, it's good that you're okay."

Only after losing something, do you know how to cherish it.

That girl who had always been ordinary and had never been particularly valued, when she really left, Chen Nian realized how important she was in his heart.

As for Qin Yu, she had always wanted to stand beside Chen Nian in a less "ordinary" way, and now she finally did it.


"What's wrong?" Chen Nian asked.

Qin Yu pursed her lips with a smile and whispered, "Can you perform that again... Ahem, tonight you will be punished by God! ”

Chen Nian:?



PS: The author wrote these chapters very seriously, and it can be said that he was exhausted and burned himself out.

There is nothing much to say, Qin Yu fans, please reward the author with rewards!

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