Chen Nian:?

This girl is actually making fun of me?

"Then you can perform what you did just now again, in the name of the Queen of the Sky?" Chen Nian looked at Qin Yu with a half-smile.

"What's the matter? In the name of the Queen of the Sky, I will give you peace and tranquility. I am not shy." Qin Yu was a little proud.

"I mean, what you did after you said this."

"...Ah, you, you are so shameless!"

Qin Yu rolled her eyes at Chen Nian in annoyance, blushing and not saying anything. If she kissed Chen Nian again in public, it would be so embarrassing.

The people around were still kneeling on the ground at this time, and the corners of their mouths couldn't help twitching. They thought, can we get up and show our love again?

"Why are you all still kneeling on the ground? Get up quickly, all of you!" Qin Yu only noticed the surroundings at this time.

"From now on, you are the new queen of the kingdom!" an elder shouted, "Greetings, Queen!"

"Ah? How can I..."

Qin Yu panicked and immediately looked at Chen Nian for help, but the latter just shrugged and said nothing.

"If you don't agree to succeed the queen, we won't rise up!"

"That's right, you are the agent of the Queen of the Sky, and no one is more suitable to manage the kingdom than you!"

Qin Yu didn't know how to answer for a while. After all, this step of status was too big. How easy is it to manage a kingdom with millions of people?

However, the first thing she thought about was not her future difficulties, but to help Chen Nian.

"If I agree to you, can you send troops to support the Crystal Domain?" Qin Yu asked tentatively.

"You are the queen and the agent of the gods, so you naturally have the right to command the royal domain troops."

"Okay, then I promise you!"

Chen Nian hurriedly whispered: "You are so careless, aren't you afraid that you will not be able to be the queen in the future?"

"First get through the difficulties in front of you! And, and..."

Qin Yu muttered in a very small voice: "Even if I can't be a good queen, don't you still have you? What am I afraid of?"

"Then, ahem! Listen to the queen's orders, quickly integrate the army, and send troops to support the Crystal Domain!"

"The Southern Border Garrison has received the order!"

"The Northern Border Flying Cloud Cavalry has received the order!"

"The Royal Air Force has received the order!"

Soon, the major armies of the Royal Domain were integrated.

Airships and warships took off one after another, and there were several huge strategic spacecraft similar to aircraft carriers, which was enough to show its powerful foundation.

Of course, Qin Yu would also set off with the army.

Now she not only has the power of the Queen of the Sky, but also the blessings of the other six gods. Holding the artifact "Sky Bow", she is no longer an ordinary girl before.

In terms of combat power, if she were in the seven airspaces, she would be able to fight Chen Nian with the blessing of the gods.

Chen Nian calculated the time and found that he had been delayed in the King's Domain for a short time, but it should be in time to rush back now.


Crystal Domain.

It has been three days since Chen Nian left.

And the barrier opened by the Crystal Saint can only last for three days at most.

Outside, the people of the Red Flame Domain kept bombarding the barrier, constantly exerting pressure on the people inside.

The people in the Crystal Domain were panicked, and everyone was on pins and needles.

"What...what should I do!"

"The barrier is about to collapse, and then the Crystal Domain will be finished!"

"Then can't we go to war with them? Damn it!"

"No! When we choose to retreat and defend, we are already in an absolutely disadvantageous position. If there is no reinforcement, we will die miserably!"

What is the most important thing in the battle of the seven airspaces?

Air supremacy!

The Red Flame Domain now has absolute air superiority, and the advantage is almost infinite.

When the barrier disappears, they can let countless floating warships bomb the Crystal Domain indiscriminately, and then send people in to clean up the mess.

With the air force of the Crystal Domain, there is no ability to resist at all.

The only thing they can rely on is foreign aid, so they must ask for help from the King Domain.

"Saint Lady, let's surrender!"

"If we don't surrender, we will have no chance if we really fight!"

"Yes, Saint Lady, surrender!"

The elders of the Crystal Domain kept advising Lan Jing'er.

Surrender means actively opening the barrier, allowing the opponent's army to enter the Crystal Domain, and being forced to sign various defeated treaties.

But Lan Jing'er is not ready to surrender, she believes that Chen Nian will not break his promise.

And what she has to do is to delay the other party as much as possible before he comes back.

"Go ask them about the terms of surrender."

Lan Jing'er sent an elder to negotiate with the Red Flame Domain through the air.

"First, 50% of the crystals obtained by the Crystal Domain every year will be unconditionally donated to the Red Flame Domain!"

This first condition made the elders of the Crystal Domain grit their teeth.

Half of the crystals are the lifeblood of the Crystal Domain!

"Second, the Crystal Domain mustThe technology must be shared with the Red Flame Domain unconditionally, and elite technicians must be sent over. "

This condition is to lock up the technology and talents of the Crystal Domain, so that they will never be able to turn over. How cruel!

"Third, hehe... This condition was proposed by the big man above us. The Crystal Saint must go to my Red Flame Domain as a captive. At that time, she will marry a man from the Red Flame Domain and give birth to a child as a proof of the friendship between our two domains."


Hearing this, the elders of the Crystal Domain could no longer bear it.

If the first two items can still be swallowed, the last one is undoubtedly a naked insult.

The Saint of the Crystal Domain is so sacred that she is insulted by them like this!

"You are dreaming! Even if all the people in the Crystal Domain die in battle, it is impossible for the Saint to be defiled by others."

"Hahaha, then you just wait, the energy of the barrier is about to break. "

Finally, the negotiations failed.

The elder returned in anger, and no longer had the idea of ​​surrendering in his heart.

"Saint, they are bullying too much!"

"If you want to fight, then fight. Even if my Crystal Domain is to be destroyed, I must bite them hard!"

"The barrier can still hold out for two hours. It is expected that the barrier will disappear at dawn." Lan Jing'er took a deep breath: "Everyone prepare for battle!"

"Fight for the Saint until death!"

People shouted with blood, and the shouts resounded through the sky.


"Hehe, you are still yelling when you are about to die."

Chi Xiang's mouth curled up uncontrollably, "Crystal Saint, the more you are like this, the more I want to get you! Only by conquering such a woman can I feel a sense of accomplishment!"

The sky was pale.

At this time, the energy barrier became thin again and was about to disappear completely.

Just then.

"Report, report! ”

“A large number of troops are coming from the front, it seems... it is the "Imperial Air Force", the top air combat unit of the King's Domain!”


Hearing this, the general of the Chiyan Domain suddenly changed his expression.

“People from the King's Domain are coming? Impossible, their queen has clearly informed us, what's going on!”

The people of the Crystal Domain also saw the large army coming from afar.

Lan Jing'er's eyes lit up, ecstatic.

That guy is back!


ps: Thanks to the great god certification sent by "Oh Ling Chaochun", the drowsy author immediately woke up!

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