The dean looked at several people.

"I will suppress her power for three days, and start the operation after three days. Yaxin, take her to the medical department to learn."


Tang Rou was taken away in a daze.

In the next three days, she must learn relevant skills in the medical department to prepare for the operation.

The dean looked at Chen Nian again: "Leave her to me, the old man. As for you, I didn't expect you to be a problem child."

Chen Nian lowered his head: "I am willing to accept the punishment."

"Your punishment is waiting for you in front, go ahead, there are many students waiting to see you."


Chen Nian was also puzzled.

What does this mean? What do you mean my punishment is waiting in front?

He walked forward in a daze and came to the gate of the academy, only to see a large number of students waiting for him here.

"Hey! Look, it's the leg-touching fairy Chen Nian!"

"Finally back, come and share your skills with the brothers!"

"Does the blood princess' legs feel good to touch?"

"I heard you brought a wife back to your world, brother, you really dare to think and do!"

Many people gave Chen Nian a thumbs up, praising him endlessly.


Chen Nian felt like a monkey being watched in a zoo.

Many female students pointed at him.

"He must have a strong desire..."

"Yes, I guess he's a pervert in private!"

As thick-skinned as Chen Nian was, he couldn't hold it back any longer.

At this time, the roommate squeezed out of the crowd, came to Chen Nian and said with a smile: "You are awesome, Chen Nian, the story of killing the origin demon god has spread everywhere, and now everyone has to discuss you after dinner."

"What's going on? How come the whole college knows what I did!"

"Uh, your combat record has been published on the college forum, with a cumulative number of clicks exceeding 30,000, more than 2,000 comments, and it has been pinned for three whole days. Don't you know?"


Chen Nian hurriedly opened the forum to check.

You don't know until you see it, and you'll be shocked when you see it!

This is too real, isn't it?

Nanako, this is how you record me, okay.

Chen Nian felt that he could no longer survive in the college, especially when he thought that these things had been seen by Senior Sister An, he couldn't help scratching his head.

He hurriedly escaped from the crowd and visited Nanako's department as quickly as possible.

"Nanako, someone is looking for you."

"Oh, here they come!"

Nanako had just run out of the department when she was suddenly grabbed by a big hand and dragged to the corner of the corridor.

"Mr. Chen, what are you doing..."

Without saying a word, Chen Nian pushed the cute girl with glasses against the wall.

"Hey? Wait, wait! We don't allow office romances, don't..."

"I'm in love with your sister."

Chen Nian said unhappily: "What did you record for me? Is it the way you record it?"

"Huh? But I, I recorded it truthfully!"

"Do I need to write down the 1 minute and 27 seconds of passionate kissing between me and the Queen of the Blood Clan?"

"Can't I write it down? QAQ?"


Chen Nian sighed: "Now my reputation has been damaged, and you have at least 80% of the credit. In the future All the girls in the academy are going to stay away from me. "

"It's okay, Master Chen Nian, I won't look at you strangely, come on!"

"Okay, okay, thank you so much."

At this time, two female colleagues came up the stairs and happened to see Chen Nian doubling Nanako against the wall. They immediately whispered:

"It seems that the rumors are true..."

"Has he already extended his claws here? That's terrible!"

Chen Nian hurriedly let go. He couldn't wash himself clean even if he jumped into the Yellow River.

"Master Chen Nian, are you willing to let me be your recorder next time? Nanako will definitely work hard to satisfy you!"

"Definitely next time..."

After returning to the academy, Chen Nian hadn't seen An Qingluo yet. He hadn't been able to thank her for the bullets she sent him. Now he was embarrassed and didn't have the face to see her.



There was a message.

Chen Nian opened the terminal and saw that it was sent by the dean.

[Go downstairs in the office building, Director Liu is waiting for you]

He naturally did not dare to neglect the arrangement of the dean, and hurried over.

Director Liu's shirt was not wrinkled at all, and he was serious with his glasses, and even his standing posture was straight.

"Hello, Director Liu!"

"Chen Nian, the dean arranged for me to take you to meet the World Tree, let's go."

"World Tree?"

"We'll talk while we walk."

Director Liu took Chen Nian along the way: "The place we are about to go is called the World Tree Courtyard, where there is the incarnation of the World Tree."

"What are we going there for?"

"BeforeThe observer should have told you that the extraordinary power of all of us is actually given by the World Tree. He asked us to use this power to fight against disasters, but the manifestation of each world is different. "

"Yes, that's right."

In Chen Nian's world, power is given to people through the integration of games and reality, and then gradually becomes stronger through upgrades.

"Now that you have come to the academy, the way to increase power can be more intuitive. You can get performance points after completing the external mission, and these performance points can directly allow the World Tree to help you increase your power."

"Oh, I see."

World Tree Courtyard.

The entrance is a sparkling light gate, and only those wearing the academy's emblem can enter.

The two successfully entered the light gate, and what came into Chen Nian's eyes was a dreamy and beautiful giant courtyard, and in the center of the courtyard, a towering tree stood, and thousands of branches and leaves were all beautiful golden.

"Is this... the incarnation of the World Tree?"

"Close your eyes, calm your mind, and the World Tree will naturally guide you. "

Chen Nian did as he was told.

Soon, a gentle and peaceful voice sounded in his mind.

"Child, I am the incarnation of the World Tree. In view of your outstanding performance, I have been awarded accordingly."

Immediately afterwards, a light screen popped up in front of Chen Nian.

[Performance Points: 20]

Below, there are things that can be exchanged for performance points.

[Basic Level Improvement]

[Learn New Abilities]

[Strengthen Existing Abilities]

[Obtain Equipment and Weapons]

[Obtain Bloodline Talent]



Chen Nian clicked on them one by one to check.

First, the basic level improvement.

[Level Improvement 10 - Performance Points Required: 2]

This means that by leveling up to 50, only 10 performance points are needed. Chen Nian can directly reach the sixth level through this!

Then there is learning new abilities. As Chen Nian clicked on it, a voice sounded at the same time:

"The abilities that are suitable for you have been presented. ”

All the abilities that appear below are suitable for Chen Nian to learn.

[Word Spirit, Sequence 29 "Water Dragon Swim" - Required Performance Points: 2]

[Word Spirit, Sequence 58 "Dust Storm" - Required Performance Points: 3]

[Sequence 82... Performance Points: 4]

[Sequence 120 "Void": Let yourself enter the Void state, ignoring all attacks for one second. Required Performance Points: 10]


Weapons and Equipment Series.

[Ion Forging Sword (Legendary) - Performance Points: 3]

[Dragon Slayer Sword (Mythical Grade)]——Performance Points: 5]

I didn't expect to be able to exchange for a Dragon Slashing Sword... But now the Dragon Slashing Sword is a bit out of strength, so I have to change to a new weapon.

[Heavenly Mans Sword (Heavenly Grade)]——Performance Points: 8]

[Infinite Sun Chasing Bow (Heavenly Grade)]——Performance Points: 8]

Other high-level equipment cannot be equipped for the time being, please upgrade the basic level before exchanging.


ps: Some people asked why they didn't become stronger after beating the boss. Now they become stronger like this. You can discuss what to exchange.

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