After Chen Nian looked at it, he decided what to exchange.

First, a handy weapon that can keep up with the strength. Above the mythical equipment is the "Tiangong" level!

Of course, Tiangong-level equipment is also divided into good and bad, the lowest requires 7 performance points, and the highest requires 10 performance points.

If you want to buy, buy the strongest!

In the end, Chen Nian chose a Tiangong-level weapon called "Sun and Moon Mysterious Soldier".

What's so powerful about this weapon?

It has two forms.

During the day, it is a sun-shaped knife with a sun mark on the handle.

At night, it is a moon-shaped sword with a moon mark on the handle.

What's more interesting is that the mark is actually an energy slot with three stages.

New Moon - Half Moon - Full Moon.

New Moon: You can cut out moon sword energy with the weapon.

Half Moon: You can activate the exclusive ability skill "Moon Full Universe", and a full moon will condense on the tip of the sword, causing large-scale damage.

Full Moon: You can activate the exclusive ability skill "Lunar God's Radiance" to summon three thousand moonlight rays from the sky to attack the enemy.

First Sun - Setting Sun - Blazing Sun.

First Sun: The weapon can cut out high-temperature flaming blade energy.

Setting Sun: You can activate the exclusive ability skill "Flame Dragon Piercing the Sun" to throw the knife and turn it into a flaming dragon.

Blazing Sun: You can activate the exclusive ability skill "Great Sun Divine Power Slash" to make the weapon a hundred times larger, increase the surface temperature a hundred times, and perform a devastating slash.

These abilities look awesome, but every time the weapon is activated, it is only in its initial form.

To change to an advanced form, such as from a new moon to a half moon, you need to absorb the essence of the moon.

But the advanced form can only be maintained for a very short time. Once the time is up, it will fall from the high-level form back to the lowest level form, and it cannot be advanced again in a short period of time, so it is quite a test of the timing of use.

As for the attributes of this weapon, it is naturally quite awesome.

As mentioned earlier, the game merges with reality is the means by which the World Tree gives everyone power.

Since Chen Nian has successfully met the World Tree, the previous attributes such as strength, agility, and extraordinary have a unified new name - ability value.

This ability value includes the sum of attributes such as attack and defense, which is the total attribute provided by all the equipment on him.

Before getting the new weapon, Chen Nian's total ability value was: 500

And now.

Ability value +320.

His total ability value has increased to 820 points, and one weapon has increased by more than half!


After exchanging the weapon, Chen Nian still has 10 performance points left, and he chose to exchange for a new ability.

[Word Spirit: Sequence 120 - Void]

[This word spirit can be activated instantly, and after activation, the body will be ethereal within one second, ignoring all attacks! Note: It cannot be activated continuously]

This word spirit is still very effective, and it is normal that it cannot be activated continuously, otherwise it would be completely invincible.

Finally, all 20 performance points are used up.

"I hope you can go further under my protection. Go, kid."

After the voice of the World Tree sounded, Chen Nian withdrew from the consciousness space.

Liu, who was standing by, couldn't help asking, "How many performance points did you get?"

"Uh, 20 points."


Liu couldn't help but lose his voice in surprise.

The average student would probably get less than 5 points after completing a mission, but he got a full 20 points!

Killing the Origin Demon God was indeed considered a great contribution, and the reward was even more generous.

"It's okay, go. If you get performance points in the future, you can come here to redeem the reward at any time."

"Okay, thank you Liu, by the way, Liu, how is your progress with Miao next door?"

"Go away! Stop gossiping."

Liu Chen pushed his glasses and left unhappily.


On the other side.

Tang Rou was taken to the medical department of the college, where basically everyone has treatment-related abilities or rich medical knowledge.

The one who brought Tang Rou was a senior sister with short hair.

"I heard that you were recommended by the dean, but don't be lucky. Those who can stay here are all talented and knowledgeable people."


"Put on the antibacterial suit, it can resist some special energy radiation, as well as various viruses, bacteria and chemical pollution. This is my spare suit. If you pass the test, I will make a set for you later."


Tang Rou took the white tight uniform thrown to her.

But while wearing it, she suddenly said with difficulty: "Senior, senior sister... I feel breathless."

The senior sister was briefly surprised for a moment, then glanced at Tang Rou's chest, and then looked down at her own.

"Bear it!"

"The dean only gave you three days. In three days, you have to learn basic knowledge and pass the test. There is no time to take care of the details."

The senior sister brought Tang RouArriving in front of a laboratory, the automatic door opened after using the emblem to identify the identity.

When the two entered, there was a loud bang, and a large amount of white mist sprayed from all directions.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough!"

Tang Rou kept coughing, but the senior sister said calmly: "It's just a sterilization spray, don't be nervous, follow me in."

"There are a total of 100 mice in this glass box. They are the learning materials for these three days. I will inject them with mutant viruses and extract the viruses. All you have to do is use your ability to keep them alive."

"Ah, the little white mice are pitiful."

"Now, put on gloves and catch one out, we will start immediately." The senior sister commanded.

"I, I catch? Wait, I'm a little scared, they won't bite people!" Tang Rou asked with concern.

"Experimental mice are generally gentle, just catch them. If you are afraid of this, how can you join the department?"


Tang Rou put on gloves and carefully put her hand into the glass cabinet.

Unexpectedly, the mice started to run away desperately. She tried several times but failed to catch them.


The mice chirped, as if shouting: Brothers and sisters, run quickly, if you are caught by it, you will die!

Finally, Tang Rou got angry and finally caught one successfully. The mouse struggled desperately and bit her hand hard.

"Ouch... Didn't you say you wouldn't bite me, senior sister QAQ?"

"Unfortunately, there are always accidents in experiments. Let's start. I will start the operation after injecting it with the virus. Get ready."


Soon, the mouse was put on the operating table.

It was injected with the virus, and suddenly all the hair on its body turned black, and even its body became much larger, and it became extremely aggressive!

The senior sister remained calm and began to extract the virus, and instructed: "Why are you still standing there? Move, otherwise it will die."

"Okay, okay!"

Two minutes later, the little white mouse died.

Tang Rou immediately caught another one. The little white mouse screamed as it left, as if saying: Rat, I'm going to see my grandmother soon!

After several hours of learning, a total of thirteen rats were sacrificed, and none survived.

The senior sister's forehead was already sweating: "That's it for today, go back and rest first."

"Wait, let's do it again, we will definitely succeed next time!" Tang Rou has already caught a new rat.

"You just... said they were pitiful?"


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