
After reading Xiao Lihua's ten-year experience, Da Lihua took a deep breath.

That guy lived the life she had always dreamed of... a truly wonderful life!

She could have used "time reversal" to return to her own world a few years ago, but she still did not abandon this world that had nothing to do with her.

In another time and space, she turned into a free wind, completely cleared the haze of this place, and then returned triumphantly. What a magnificent life!

Compared with her sinful self, she was too dazzling.

Da Lihua smiled bitterly.

But suddenly!

A terrifying thought popped up in her mind, and her whole body trembled violently as if struck by lightning...

"No, that's not right."

"She has gone back ahead of time, much faster than I expected!"

In Da Lihua's expectation, Xiao Lihua would have to wait for at least several years before she could go back. Even with her own experience in Yin-Yang magic, time reversal was not so easy to learn.

But she didn't expect that the time flow rate of the two time and space was different.

Xiao Lihua had gone back, but at that time... she hadn't left yet.

So a time and space paradox was formed.

In one time and space, there are two completely identical people!

Therefore, the world will erase the existence of one of them to maintain the stability of the world.

"I had a severe headache at that time, was it because the world wanted to erase my existence? Because Xiao Lihua came back..."

"No! But why am I okay?"

Da Lihua's face was pale, and her lips trembled and she lost her voice: "It's because... there were strong people in the academy who helped me temporarily resist the power of the world's rules. So the weaker me was not erased, but she was erased from existence by the world!"

It's terrifying to think about it.

What does it mean to be erased from existence by the world?

Everything about her will disappear.

Even in other people's memories, this person will be completely forgotten.

She will be like she has never been born.

"How could this happen... It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this!"

"No, I have to go back again, I have to tell Chen Nian... They must not know that Lihua has gone back yet!"

Da Lihua suddenly urged all her magic power.

Yin-Yang Eyes, open.

Bang! A hurricane suddenly arose, and the wind and clouds changed color.

Forbidden Technique, reverse time and space.

Space was torn apart by brutal force, and the long river of time appeared before her eyes like a sea of ​​stars.

Lihua's gray-white long hair fluttered in the wind, and the tail of her hair was gradually turning pure white. She seemed to have aged ten years in an instant...

Forbidden Technique, the reason why it is forbidden.

Not only because it is difficult to activate, but also because the cost of activation is unbearable.

In order to go back ten years ago, Da Lihua has tried nearly a hundred times, and this time it was less than an hour away from the last time.

Activating two forbidden techniques in a short period of time will put a greater burden and overdraft on the body.

But she must go back!

She must tell Chen Nian and others about this news.

In order to bring back this news, she had to go even if she had to give up another ten years of her life!

Because if she didn't tell them... maybe all of them would forget the original Lihua.


She finally stepped into the long river of time again.


For Chen Nian, Tang Rou and others, less than a minute had passed here.

But a short minute was enough to forget many things.

Unconsciously, the memory of "Little Lihua" had been erased by the power of the world's rules.

"Boss, why do I suddenly feel empty in my heart... as if I forgot something important."

Tang Rou covered her chest, with a rare sadness between her brows.

"I have the same feeling."

Chen Nian thought, "We seem to be waiting for someone to come back, but I forgot who that person is..."



The wind swept the fallen leaves.

There was lightning and thunder in the wind, which made the students around exclaim!

"What's going on!"

"The space is distorting... What happened?"

The dean stood on the top of the tower, with his hands behind his back, looking down through the window of the office, his expression could not be seen.

The strong men of the academy also gathered around because of this incident, and were on high alert.

A staggering figure emerged from the space distorted by the thunderstorm. It was Da Lihua who had used "Reversal of Time and Space" again.

"Chen Nian!"

Da Lihua hurried to the two of them, not even taking a breath.

Her face was pale, her hair became even whiter, and she seemed to have lost the girl Aokiji.

"The pear flower of your world is back!"

"Time on both sidesThe flow rate is different. I spent ten days here, and she has spent ten years there, so she returned to this world not long ago. "

"The reason why I was erased by the scale of the world is that two completely identical people cannot exist in the same time and space!"

"Since I am safe and sound, she must have been rejected by the world!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Nian and Tang Rou looked confused and bewildered.

"Excuse me... who are you?"

"Who is Lihua? Why can't I understand what you are saying?"

They have forgotten the existence of Xiao Lihua, and according to the cause and effect of the world, there would be no Da Lihua without Xiao Lihua, so the memory was also erased.

"I am Lihua ten years later. There is a smaller Lihua in this world. Have you all forgotten?"

Tang Rou and Chen Nian looked at each other and shook their heads.

Da Lihua's expression froze.

Uncontrollably, tears burst out.

"How could this happen... It shouldn't be like this! ”

“I’m sorry... I’m sorry... It’s my fault...”

She was almost incoherent, her face completely wet with tears.

Because she did not belong to this time and space, she still remembered the existence of Xiao Lihua, but others had forgotten it, including Chen Nian and Tang Rou.

“Wait, don’t cry first, just talk slowly.”

Although Tang Rou did not know what happened, she still hugged her gently and patted her back.

After calming down.

She slowly told Chen Nian and Tang Rou all the ins and outs.

Of course, Chen Nian was not stupid. Although he no longer remembered the existence of Xiao Lihua, he still understood the logic.

“You mean, because you two were in the same time and space at the same time, the world erased her existence, which led to our loss of memory? ”


Time goes back to not long ago.

Little Lihua is back.

In the past ten years, she has experienced setbacks, made friends, laughed and cried, and now she has completely shed her immaturity and become a graceful young girl.

In terms of age, she is almost the same age as her sister Youcai.

The place where she returned was the village where she was teleported away.

"Woo, I'm finally back."

She strode back home. She hadn't been home for ten years, and her heart was already full of longing for her family.

At this time, her sister Youcai and grandfather were having dinner at home. To them, Lihua had been missing for ten days.

"I don't know where the dead child ran off to... Grandpa, don't worry, I have asked Yang Wei to help find it, and it shouldn't take long to find it."

Bang! The door was opened.

When Lihua saw the familiar face, her eyes were sore.

"Woo, woo, sister! "

She pounced on him like a cat, and cried loudly in Youcai's arms.

"I miss you so much, sister. I didn't expect that you are still so young after ten years. You obviously don't know how to take care of your skin. And grandpa, it's great that you haven't been buried yet. I'm so afraid that I can only burn paper for you when I come back QAQ..."

"No, who are you, beautiful lady?"

Youcai blinked in confusion.

"I am your sister Lihua. Now you can't spank me anymore, hehe!"

"You are Lihua? Wait... She can't grow so fast even if she takes hormones."

"Oh, things are complicated. Anyway, I suddenly grew up ten years older. From now on, I will call you sister, and you call me sister, too. Let's talk about our own things."

Lihua was very proud.

But at this moment, a sharp pain attacked her head like a tear.

"Ah... head, head hurts..."

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Are you okay... Hey! "

Just like that, Lihua fainted.

She fainted at almost the same time as another Lihua in the World Tree Academy.

Because two identical people appeared in this time and space, one of them must be wiped out.

Lihua in the academy was protected by the dean, but she was not.

That night, Lihua slept all night.

It was not until the next morning that she woke up from the bed with a drowsy head.

Lihua slowly came outside and saw Youcai eating breakfast. She pouted and said, "Sister, I'm hungry too. Why don't I have a share!"

However, Youcai ignored her.

"Sister! Why are you ignoring me? Don't you still believe me? But I've grown up!"

Youcai continued to ignore her, as if she didn't see this person.

Lihua said unhappily, "Sister, I'm so powerful now. If your brother-in-law bullies you in the future, I'll help you beat him. Of course, there's also Chennian. Please pay attention to me!"


Youcai stillHe was eating by himself, not even looking at her.

At this time, Lihua finally realized something was wrong.

She tried to reach out her hand.

But unexpectedly.

Her hand went through Youcai's body.

"How, how could this happen..."

She tried to hug him.

But she found that her whole body went through.

"What happened to me...?"

Lihua murmured, she couldn't understand what was going on.

She seemed to have become a completely transparent person.

She left home and came to the street outside. Granny Wang from the next door was hanging clothes in the yard.

"Granny Wang! You often give me candy. I am Lihua. Do you remember me?"

Granny Wang continued to hang clothes.

Lihua went to the field again and found her grandfather who was working. She stood on the muddy path and shouted: "Grandpa, Grandpa, can you see me?"

Grandpa continued to swing the hoe, sweat soaked his back and wet his clothes.


She finally understood that no one could hear her talk or see her anymore.

She seemed to have been "exiled" from this world.


For Chen Nian, the logic of this matter was not difficult to understand.

The difficult point was.....

He could not empathize with her.

Because he had forgotten Lihua and had no memory of their acquaintance, how could he empathize with a stranger?

That night, Chen Nian sat alone on a bench by the playground, thinking about this matter carefully.

Suddenly, a faint fragrance came from beside him.

It was the smell of perfume.

Chen Nian turned his head and did not expect that Senior Sister An Qingluo was sitting beside him. The soft light of the street lamp illuminated her delicate facial contours.

"Senior Sister An, when did you...come?"

"I passed by here three times while walking on the playground. I thought there was a blind person sitting on the chair, but it turned out not to be blind!"

An Qingluo's words were full of sarcasm. It seemed that she was still holding a grudge, Chen Nian thought.

"Excuse me, senior sister, I'm thinking about something very important. I wonder if you can help me with some ideas." Chen Nian said politely.

"Is it related to the girl today? Tell me about it."

So Chen Nian told everything he knew.

An Qingluo frowned: "You mean, she came from the future world, and she was originally in this world, but her existence was erased?"

"Yes, this feeling is too vague..."

An Qingluo fiddled with the hair on the side of her ear, revealing the crystal pendant on her ear: "This earring is a birthday gift from my mother. My sister and I each have one. I wear it on my left ear and she wears it on her right ear."

"Now they are gone. When I think that I can't see her again in my future life, I feel empty in my heart, as if a piece is missing."

"Do you have that feeling?" An Qingluo asked seriously.


"That's right, she must be someone very important to you. Go find the dean. He is the only one who has a say in the power of the world's rules."

"Thank you, senior sister. I'm suddenly enlightened."

Chen Nian smiled and said, "But it's a pity that there is only one such beautiful earring. I'll make you a pair of the same one if I have a chance."

"Hehe, is this how you pick up girls in other worlds?"

An Qingluo stood up and said, "No need. There will never be another earring exactly the same in the world. Even my ability to create things cannot create it because it has the smell of my mother and sister."

After that, she turned and left.

The next morning.

Chen Nian came to the dean's office early in the morning.

"Unfortunately, I am not omnipotent. I am powerless to bring back a person who has been erased by the rules of the world."

"Dean, is there any other way?"

"The incarnation of the World Tree controls the power of rules. That is your only chance."

"Thank you, Dean."

Chen Nian immediately came to the courtyard of the World Tree and entered the consciousness space of the incarnation of the World Tree.

"Hello, I want..."

"No need to say more, child, I already know."

The gentle voice of the World Tree sounded in Chen Nian's mind, "Your friend has been exiled to the cracks of the world. I can't reverse the rules to bring her out, but I can send you in."

"Send me in?"


ps: Two chapters in one

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