"I can send you into the gap between the worlds."

Hearing this, Chen Nian hurriedly asked: "If I go in, is it possible to save her?"

"The possibility is small, but not impossible. The greater possibility is that you will also be forgotten by the world and can never leave."

Chen Nian:......

This is equivalent to asking him to sacrifice himself to save Lihua, to save a stranger who does not exist in his memory. Is it worth it?

Chen Nian already has the answer in his heart.

Her disappearance is largely due to me. I can't let her be abandoned in the gap between the world. I must save her.

"I am willing to go." Chen Nian gave the answer.

A beam of green light suddenly floated out, landed in Chen Nian's palm, and turned into a seed.

"What is this?"

"A seed. It can absorb the thoughts of all living beings, sprout and grow, and become a sharp blade that breaks the world."

"The thoughts of all living beings..."

"Go, kid, you don't have much time, and you will be completely forgotten soon. Remember, if a person's existence is strong enough, it will not disappear completely."

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Nian had been sent out of the consciousness space, and he couldn't get more hints.

He was about to be forgotten, and he had to race against time!

He hurried to the ward of the medical department and pushed the door open.

He saw Tang Rou sleeping on the bed, and Da Lihua sitting beside the bed, as if the two were reversed.

"No, why are you still lying down?"

Tang Rou was awakened by Chen Nian's voice, stretched and said: "Of course lying down is more comfortable than sitting, isn't it?"

"Fortunately you didn't forget me, now I have something urgent to tell you, especially you Tang Rou, you will forget me soon."

"Forget what? Wait, you don't want to get paid, right? That won't work!"

"Bah, if I'm still thinking about my salary at this time, I will be exiled to the cracks of the world, just like Xiao Lihua, only in this way can I have a chance to save her." Chen Nian hurriedly explained.

"You...can save her?"

Da Lihua hurriedly stood up, and her dim pupils suddenly became more colorful.

"It's not a big hope, but I have to try, Tang Rou, first of all, you can't forget me."

"I...of course I won't forget you, you still owe me a lot!" Tang Rou put her hands on her hips.

"Don't just say it, write it down! Write down everything about me in your mind."


Tang Rou hurriedly opened the memo on her phone and started writing.

Wrote about her first meeting with Chen Nian, joining the guild, becoming his exclusive secretary, helping him pick up his sister, helping him pick up his sister, helping him pick up his sister...

"No?" Chen Nian had a few question marks on his head.

"What's wrong? What I wrote is all true!" Tang Rou said confidently.

"Okay, if everyone has forgotten me, I hope you can make them remember me. According to my speculation, the so-called sentient beings' thoughts mean that there must be enough people who remember me, so that I can have a chance to come out."

Chen Nian explained everything to Tang Rou, and then said to Da Lihua.

"Can you take us back? Lihua is over there. Only by going back can I have the opportunity to obtain the power of sentient beings."


Lihua originally had the ability to break through the barriers of the world, which was also the main reason why she was captured by the demon god.

Now the train to the various worlds has not yet departed. If Chen Nian wants to go back, he can only rely on the power of Da Lihua.

"As long as I can save her, I am willing to do everything!"

Da Lihua urged the power of the spell, and in an instant, a strong wind was raised in the ward, and the whole room was shaking.

The ground under the feet of several people suddenly became empty, and they sank down and fell into a chaotic space.

After an unknown amount of time, Chen Nian and Tang Rou finally landed and stood firmly.

This is already Chen Nian's world, Linhai City.

"Wow, we are back now! It's amazing... Boss?"

Tang Rou looked back excitedly, but suddenly froze in place as if the computer had crashed, looking at the empty front with a puzzled face.

"Huh? Who did I just... call?"

She scratched her head, thinking about it, but she couldn't remember it.

Da Lihua:.......

At this moment, Chen Nian was standing in front of Tang Rou.

He understood that he had been exiled to the cracks of the world, and Tang Rou had forgotten him.

"So this is what being forgotten feels like. It really hurts."

Chen Nian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He couldn't imagine how much of a blow it must have been for Xiao Lihua, who had been in a lonely world for ten years and finally came back to visit her relatives and friends, but was ignored like air.

Now he felt the same way.

"I hope you can remember, otherwise no one will pay you a salary anymore.. "

"Let's go!"

After Chen Nian finished speaking, he flew up, opened his Sky Eye, and flew over the city at a very fast speed.

His mission was to find Xiao Lihua first, and the rest could only be left to fate.


Da Lihua still remembered Chen Nian.

She was not from this world, so Xiao Lihua and Chen Nian were not erased from her memory.

"Sister Tang Rou, you forgot someone."

"Did you? I felt like I forgot something, but I usually have a good memory..."

"His name is Chen Nian, you have recorded everything about him, if you don't believe me, open the memo and take a look. ”

Tang Rou opened the memo. She was shocked when she saw it!

It really recorded every detail about "Chen Nian".

How did she meet him, how he led her to join the guild, how he led the Dragon Kingdom to shock the world, how he repelled foreign enemies, how he picked up girls...

Nothing was missed, and it was remembered clearly.

"No, this person called Chen Nian is too bad, right? Why are all the records of him picking up girls on it, ugh!" Tang Rou couldn't help but complain.

Lihua nodded: "You are right, but without him, those worlds would have been devastated, and so many people would not have been saved. He is a hero, a pioneer of the era who broke through thorns and thorns, no doubt."

"Is Zhendu so powerful?" Tang Rou was skeptical, "So he is a very powerful pervert?"

"Uh.....You can understand it that way."

"That's not right, it's not scientific. If he is really such a person, and we have known each other for such a long time, why doesn't he pick me up? ! "


"Am I not pretty, or am I not 36D?"

"I can't answer this question."

Tang Rou curled her lips: "Okay, let's just say that he has poor taste and has the desire but not the courage. Of course, this girl is not that easy to pick up. ”

She continued reading the memo.

As the words were recorded one by one, the outline of a person named "Chen Nian" gradually formed in her mind.

At the end of the memo, there was another line of text.

"Tang Rou who remembers Chen Nian" to "Tang Rou who forgot Chen Nian"

Note: You really forgot him, that's not okay! He still owes you wages and a lot of delicious food, don't forget, blackmail him after this order!

By the way, you must be very confused, why did this guy pick up so many women, but not you? Uh, that's me.

Actually, I don't know either, the answer will only be known later, so you must remember it!


Tang Rou closed the memo.

"There is no doubt that this is indeed my handwriting, and even the style is exactly the same as mine, cough cough... It seems that there is indeed such a person as Chen Nian."

Da Lihua said: "He said that he wanted the power of all living beings, so it is not enough for you to have an impression of him."

"Then what should I do now? ”

“Go find his female friends and remind them of him.”

“Okay, okay, I didn’t expect that I would be doing this hard work again… Forget it, he still owes me money, I can’t forget it!”


At night, in the village.

Lihua squatted on the ground outside the house, hugging her legs with her hands.

In the night, it seemed that she was the only one in the world.

No one could see her, she couldn’t talk to anyone, and couldn’t eat anything.

She went to find Chen Nian, but unfortunately she couldn’t find him, so she came back here.

How she hoped that one morning when she woke up, her sister would find her leaning against the outside of the house and call out her name… But that could only be a luxury.

In the ten years in that world, none of them were as hard as this day!

For ten years, she thought about the day when she would go back every night. She wanted to tell everyone People grow up and do extraordinary things.

Unfortunately, no one can tell her about the thoughts that have been brewing for countless days and nights, or the words that overflow her chest.

The despair called "loneliness" completely enveloped her.

The jade-white earrings tightly clenched in her hand were her last warmth.

It was given to her by her companion "An Qingluo" who fought side by side with her in that world, but in fact it was not given to her, but to Chen Nian.

Chen Nian in that world is dead.

Before Lihua left, the two had such a conversation in front of Chen Nian's tomb.

An Qingluo gently took off the earring: "Okay, I helped you take back your world, and I should go too. This earring was left to me by my mother. My sister and I each have half, saying that it can bless us to marry a good man."

"Although you are not a good man, this earring is for you."

She was about to bury the earring in ChenIn the tomb of the old man, Lihua suddenly said, "How about I send you Chen Nian from that world? He's still alive."

An Qingluo:?

Lihua: "Actually, I'm not from this world. I'm from another time and space. I'm going back soon. Chen Nian is still alive."

An Qingluo was stunned for a long time and couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, in that case, you can help me bring a message. Just say, it's better not to make me sad in the future!"

"Yes, I will definitely bring it to you."

Unfortunately, this agreement can't be fulfilled. I'm so hungry and want to eat.

Lihua curled up in the corner, touching her stomach, and suddenly felt like crying.

Suddenly! !

She looked up at the night sky in the distance and found a figure flying at a very fast speed.

That familiar figure landed in the village.

Chen Nian? !

Lihua's face showed a moment of joy and expectation.

But then she became depressed again.

Since no one can see me, how could Chen Nian have an accident? He... should have forgotten me.

Want to ask me for help like before?

Humph, you will never find me.

"Bad guy!"

Lihua was angry for no reason.

Just then, Chen Nian's figure stopped in front of Lihua.

"Why are you sitting alone?"


Lihua looked up suddenly.

This was the first time she met someone's eyes.

Chen Nian, really talking to herself, really seeing herself!

"You... are talking to me?"

"Who else is here? You really look exactly like Lihua, but you look much younger and your hair is black."

Lihua's nose suddenly felt sour.

Tears burst out uncontrollably.

All the emotions finally broke out at this moment!

She stood up and hugged Chen Nian tightly, crying and howling, almost sobbing.

"Sister can't see me.... woo woo woo... Grandpa can't see me either... No one can see me... I'm so scared, so scared that it will always be like this... woo woo..."

At this moment, all the memories about Lihua in Chen Nian's mind were revived.

Her existence was observed and proved by Chen Nian.

Just like Schrödinger's cat, only when the cat in the box is seen by people outside, can we know whether it is dead or alive.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I'm here."

Chen Nian comforted Lihua in a low voice.

After thinking of everything about Lihua, he knew that everything he did was worth it.

Lihua cried loudly, but did not wake up anyone. The night was still very quiet, and people were all asleep.

"But...but why can you see me? Sister can't."

"Because you have been erased from the world and exiled to the cracks of the world, and I have come to the cracks of the world, so I can find you."

"You mean... they can't see you either?" Lihua looked at Chen Nian with tearful eyes.

"That's right."


Lihua's expression froze.

She didn't expect....

Chen Nian would do this for her.

Even in the long night at the end of the world, he chased after her.

At this moment, the scenery of the world changed.

At this moment, the boundless loneliness disappeared, replaced by the warmth of being cared for.

At this moment, she defined the throbbing heartbeat in her heart as "love".

The young Lihua didn't understand love. Her Chen Nian only had "worship" for her big brother, but now she is a mature girl in her early twenties.

After ten years of tempering, she not only grew physically, but also understood many things.

"Stupid! Idiot!"

Lihua shouted at Chen Nian's chest. She had never experienced love, so she could only express her emotions in this way.

Chen Nian didn't say anything to interrupt her.

After a while.

Lihua wiped away her tears, "Then we will be trapped in there for the rest of our lives... It's so sad to spend our whole lives with a bad guy like you."

"That's not necessarily true."

Chen Nian opened his palm, and a green seed lay in it.

"Whether we can get out depends on whether the will of all living beings can make this seed germinate."


ps: I recommend a song to everyone, "Goodbye Deep Sea", the author wrote this plot with this song in an infinite loop

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