Luoyang City.

A group of people are waiting for Chen Nian in the inn.

"It's been a whole night, where did Junior Brother Chen go?"


"What happened last night?"

"I didn't see clearly, it seemed that someone was chasing Junior Brother Chen, and then he ran away."

At this time, a vermilion bird flew over.

"It's Junior Brother Chen's bird!"

"Look, there's a note tied to its feet!"

Several people hurriedly caught Xiao Zhu, untied the note and took a look.

It's inconvenient to enter the city, wait for everyone at the Sanli Post Station outside the city-Chen Nian.

"Junior Brother Chen said it's inconvenient for him to enter the city, what's going on... Is there an enemy of his in the city?"

"In that case, let's go find him."

When the group arrived at the city gate, they found a woman in a red skirt standing on the pavilion. Although she was wearing a veil, her eyebrows and eyes showed that she was extraordinary.

She was holding her hands in front of her chest, her eyes were cold, and she seemed to be waiting for something.

Several senior brothers recognized her at a glance.

"That's the courtesan of Xueyue Tower, Miss Ji Ya..."

"What is she waiting for here? Could it be that the person who chased Junior Brother Chen last night... was her?"

"But why did she chase Junior Brother Chen? Didn't she happily invite Junior Brother Chen to drink tea and listen to music that day?"

"Is it possible that Junior Brother Chen took her..."

"Impossible! Miss Ji Ya is not a casual person. She is at least one of the descendants of Tiannu Sect."

"Tsk tsk, Junior Brother Chen is very lucky."

Yue Xiaomeng saw several senior brothers whispering in a low voice, and chased after them and asked: "What are you secretly discussing?"

"Haha, we are praising Junior Brother Chen..."

"You can tell she has no good intentions at first glance. Don't teach Chen Nian bad things, do you hear me!" Yue Xiaomeng snorted coldly.

"Yes, yes..."

Finally, the group finally met Chen Nian outside the city.

Next, the destination is Tianxuan Holy Land.


Tianxuan Holy Land.

Mu Qingxuan is back.

She stepped on a three-foot green sword and passed through the white clouds. Her fairy-like figure fascinated many outer disciples below.

"Is that Senior Sister Mu Qingxuan? She is so beautiful!"

"She is indeed the most beautiful woman on the list of stunning fairies. I feel relaxed and happy just by looking at her from afar..."

"It would be great if I could see Senior Sister Mu every day."

"Dream on. First, I have to climb the Yuntian Ladder and become an inner disciple!"

The so-called Yuntian Ladder is a ladder that extends all the way up, with a total of 100 steps.

When you climb the ladder, you will be suppressed by force.

It is very easy for outer disciples to be promoted to inner disciples. They only need to climb 50 steps.

The 50th to 100th steps above are where the elders compete for the pride of heaven.

"It is said that when Senior Brother Mu Yun was 18 years old, he climbed to the 80th floor in one breath, breaking the record of disciples!"

"Why else would he be the Son of God? You and I should stop aiming too high."

When Mu Qingxuan flew over the Shiyun Ladder, he saw a familiar figure standing on the 50th floor, with one hand behind his back, white clothes as white as snow, and handsome.

Who else could it be but Brother Mu Yun?


Mu Qingxuan landed: "What are you standing here for?"

"If he wants to enter the Tianxuan Holy Land, he will definitely climb the Shiyun Ladder. When he does, I will stand here and wait for him, looking down at him and saying "You are here" indifferently.

Mu Qingxuan glanced at his brother with a strange look: "Brother, are you sick..."

"Don't you think... such a scene is quite stylish."

"Pretentious! "

Mu Qingxuan felt that his brother seemed to have some problems with his brain since he came back from a trip.

"So you don't want to go out with me, just thinking about these boring things?"

"Showing off in front of others is a learning, Master once said that learning is endless, so how can there be boring things?"

"Fool... Is your friend so special that it's worth you to think of a good posture to wait for him?"

"Yes, he is very special!"

"Then I will see who is so sacred that my brother is so worried."

Mu Qingxuan didn't waste time talking to her brother here, she was in a hurry to go back to find her senior sister.

Bamboo Pavilion in the Mountains.

Jin Shu was watering the flowers and plants in the yard.

"Senior Sister!"

A fairy figure floated into the yard.

"You are back, Qingxuan."

"Senior Sister, I know you really want to know the news about Senior Brother Boyi, but you can't put down your face to ask. "

"I... didn't, don't talk nonsense!"

Mu Qingxuan smiled and said, "I told my senior sister that you will get married in March, and my senior brother... gave me something."


Mu Qingxuan spread out her palm, a whiteThe colored chess piece floated up.

Behind the chess piece, there was a "Jin" character engraved.

"My senior brother said that this is a chess piece he carved by himself, and he gave it to you, senior sister, just as... just as..."

"As what?"

"As congratulations to you on your happy marriage."

Jin Shu's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly slapped the chess piece away.

The chess piece rolled into the soil of the flower bed.

"What else does he know besides playing chess and gambling? He also wished me a happy marriage. Well, well, I shouldn't like such a chess nerd!" Jin Shu's voice almost broke.

"Senior sister..."

Mu Qingxuan sighed: "Senior brother also said that he is too untalented and not doing his job properly, so he is not worthy of you, senior sister."

"Not worthy? I don't care, but he cares about this?!"

"Men are always proud. I just saw my brother doing something stupid on the ladder, just to greet his friends from a high position..."

"That's all!"

Jin Shu was so angry: "His chess skills are not even as good as mine. He is just a stupid idiot. From now on, I will not ask him anything!"


Disaster world.

Devil's Tower,

The tenth seat, the last divination.

This old man, who was so thin that he was just skin and bones, stood in front of the magic weapon "Sky Star Compass" used for deduction, and was deducing what the result of the Demon God Core he sent would be.


The deduction result of the Sky Star Compass made his turbid pupils shrink suddenly.

The Demon God Core, perished?

Moreover, it was almost instantly destroyed. According to this result, it was destroyed by an extremely powerful force.

It is impossible that he is so strong that he can kill the Origin Demon God instantly. Is there such a strong person in that world?

So, he continued to use the Star Compass to deduce, trying to reverse the result and find that powerful person.

If such a strong person becomes an enemy, he will be a big enemy!

With his eyes slightly closed, his gray fingers fiddled with the compass, and the stardust streamer passed through the gap between his fingers...

Suddenly, a force in the compass rebounded.

He was blown away!

"How... is it possible..."

Mo Bu struggled to get up from the ground.

Another person who could not be deduced.

Just like last time, it seemed to be protected by the power of some rules and could not be seen at all.

At this time, a black stream containing terrifying power suddenly poured in from outside the door.

Even Mo Bu, who ranked tenth, could not help but tremble after sensing this power.

The black stream converged on the throne of the demon god and turned into a figure.

It was a young and handsome man, but there was a hint of evil on his face. Just looking into the blood-red pupils, Mo Bu felt a chill.

The man stretched out his hand slightly, with his five fingers slightly bent.


A black ghost claw emerged from the ground, lifting Mo Bu up in the air. The huge ghost claw almost crushed all his bones...

"My Lord..."

Mo Bu's hoarse voice was trembling.

The man on the throne in front of him was not the Origin Demon God, nor the Origin Tianlong, but the "Source Evil" who was even higher than that.

One of the three commanders of "Disaster", a powerful existence that makes people daunted.


"I heard that you... sent a magic core to the upper world without authorization?" The man asked slowly.

"Yes... sir!" Mo Bu replied in a trembling voice, "I thought I could create chaos from above to break the situation."

"Who allowed you to act without authorization?"

Jing Long's tone suddenly increased, and the ghost claw crushed dozens of Mo Bu's bones, causing him to spit a mouthful of black blood on the ground.

"The territory where the magic core is heading is the fourth level of the World Tree, the territory of Lao Si."

"I... don't understand what you mean, sir!"

"Lao Si is a chess player. He uses the world as a chessboard and all living beings as chess pieces."

"He... is a chess player."

"Do you know what chess players hate the most?"

"Chess players hate it most when others move the chess pieces on their chessboard."

"If Lao Si wakes up because of your unauthorized actions, it will be a big trouble."

"I, I know I was wrong..."

"Get out!"


A few days later.

After a long journey, Chen Nian and his party finally arrived at the territory of Tianxuan Holy Land.

"Is this the territory of Tianxuan Holy Land? Such abundant Xuan Qi! The speed of cultivation here must be much faster than ours."

"Nonsense, otherwise why is it called a holy land? I don't know how many people in the world want to enter."

The master walked forward and bowed to the gatekeeper disciple, saying: "We are from Qingxuan Sect and want to visit Tianxuan Holy Land."

"You are a guest, please come in!"

So, the group entered the gate of the holy land.

The disciples were quite curious: "Wait, wait ...Wait, is it so easy for us to get in? Don't we need any conditions?"

"You wish, we only entered the outer gate of Tianxuan Holy Land!"

"The inner gate is higher. Only after entering the inner gate, you can be considered the real core disciples of Tianxuan Holy Land. The mysterious energy above is even more abundant."

"So... we can only stay in the outer gate..."

"If you want to go to the inner gate, you must climb the Yuntian Ladder!"

"What is the Yuntian Ladder?"

"It is the bluestone staircase that towers into the sky. There are a total of one hundred floors, and each floor is a big step."

The master stroked his beard and said, "When I was young, I also had great ambitions to climb the ladder, but I couldn't climb after the 30th floor. Alas."

"Ah, Master, you can only climb the 30th floor?"

"Yes, if you want to visit the inner gate, you have to climb at least 50 floors of the ladder!"

Yue Xiaomeng was surprised and said, "Wow, so many people are climbing the ladder, it's spectacular! ”

Under the green mountain and the mist, a dense crowd of people were climbing up the Cloud Ladder.

“It’s just a short step, why do they feel like their lives depend on it when they take one step forward?”

“Because the higher you go, the more powerful the force will be to suppress you. As long as an outer disciple climbs the 50th floor of the ladder, he can become an inner disciple.”

“Back then, when the Son of God Mu Yun climbed the ladder for the first time at the age of 18, he went directly to the 80th floor.”

“Let’s go and try the power of this Cloud Ladder!”

Several disciples were eager to try, and they rolled up their sleeves to show their strength.

“Master, if we climb the 50th floor, we will have to join the Tianxuan Holy Land. Don’t blame us for betraying our master!”

“Haha, just you? Dream!”

Below the ladder, there were two white-clothed disciples, a man and a woman, guarding.

Chen Nian walked quickly.

“Mu Yun and I are friends. I came to see him. Can you pass on the message?” ”

“Hahaha! Are you friends with Mu Shenzi?”

“Too many people have come to see Mu Shenzi all day. If you want to see him, you can climb the 50th floor of the ladder!”

Chen Nian said with a smile: “I heard that Mu Yun climbed the 80th floor. If I surpass him, will I be the new Son of God?”

The two were stunned at first.

Then they all lost their temper.

“So he is a moron.”

“Alas, every day there are such fools who don’t know their own limitations and come to climb the ladder. It’s tiring.”

Chen Nian clasped his fists: “Thank you, both of you.”

That’s right, he came here specifically to get ridiculed.

This is the taste of the fantasy world!

If he is not ridiculed and suppressed, he feels that pretending is meaningless.

Doesn’t senior Mu Yun want to learn how to show off in front of others?

Now, the teaching begins.

Chen Nian said to the master and Yue Xiaomeng who stayed below: “Master, senior sister, I am also going to climb the ladder.”

“Come on, Chen Nian! ”

“It’s hard to move on the ladder, don’t force yourself.”


With his hands behind his back, Chen Nian stepped onto the first step with ease.

Sure enough, as soon as he stepped onto the ladder, he felt pressure.

It seemed that his body had become several times heavier.

This was only the first step.

It is conceivable that this so-called ladder has blocked countless people at the entrance of Taixuan Holy Land.

Chen Nian just paused for a moment and continued to walk up, unhurriedly, as if strolling in his own backyard.

“He’s still pretending?”

“Guess how many steps he can take?”

“At most twenty steps. I’m looking forward to seeing his embarrassed look later.” "

The two guard disciples laughed and talked.

There are all kinds of people on the ladder.

Some people lie on the ground, moving their bodies with difficulty, as if every inch of movement is torture.

Some people simply sit on the stairs to rest, sleep, and wait for their energy to recover.

Some people can't see their own strength, force the ladder, and are pressed to spit blood and seriously injured, and finally rescued.

On the seventeenth step of the ladder, Chen Nian met several brothers who left earlier.

"Chen Nian, you are here too!"

"No, it's really no good, these seventeen steps are my limit!"

"Hey, it seems that there is no hope of becoming a disciple of Taixuan Holy Land."

"Chen Nian, how do you feel, are you under pressure?"

Chen Nian smiled and said, "Not bad."

"Don't worry about us, go up by yourself, anyway, it's you who wants to find Mu Yun, we just come to see the world."

"Come on, rush to the 50th floor! "

Chen Nian clasped his fists and smiled: "Those brothers, have a good rest, I'm leaving first."

After that, he continued to walk up.

He passed one person after another and took one step after another.

The 20th step of the ladder is a key node.

At least dozens of people stayed here.

Because the difficulty of the 21st step will rise suddenly, many people can't go up one step.

In the eyes of everyone who was extremely shocked.

Chen Nian took a step up.


ps: I was told that I had no water yesterday, so I should have no water today!

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