Yue Xiaomeng looked at the ladder and asked curiously:

"Master, you were able to climb to the 30th floor when you were young. You must be much stronger now. Why don't you try again?"

"Haha, Xiaomeng, you are still too naive."

The master stroked his beard and smiled: "The older the bone age, the heavier the pressure. It is not that the stronger the strength, the higher the climb. The reason why Mu Yun can reach the 80th floor is because his aptitude is enough to be against the sky. So you see that there are young people above, and the old man will not humiliate himself."

"Master, how many floors do you think Chen Nian can reach? I think he has already reached the 20th floor!"

"I think it will be no problem for this kid to reach the 50th floor of the ladder and obtain the qualification to become an inner disciple."

Under the white clouds, the ladder is built beside the green mountains.

Countless young people are struggling to climb here.

Only one person walked up with his hands behind his back, relaxed and carefree.

Wherever he passed, he attracted countless shocked eyes!

The two disciples guarding the ladder no longer had any mockery on their faces. They estimated that Chen Nian could only reach the 20th floor at most, but this was clearly far from his limit...

Of course, being able to reach the 20th floor was not a big deal.

After all, the minimum requirement for inner disciples was the 50th floor.

The ladder had 30 floors.

Those who could reach the 30th floor were all young talents in Jiuzhou. When they saw another newcomer coming up, they all cast their eyes to watch the show.

The difficulty of the 31st floor would increase sharply, and the suppression force would be at least three times that of the 20th floor.

Many people went up with full confidence, but finally retreated in embarrassment.

It can be said that whether one can gain a foothold on the 31st floor is the threshold that distinguishes "low-level talent" from "medium talent".

Chen Nian's steps did not stop, and he continued to move up.

When he stepped onto the bluestone slab on the 31st floor, he suddenly felt a mountain pressing down on his back!

You can imagine how terrifying the suppression force was.

The road ahead...you have to carry a mountain to climb up.

"Haha, as expected!"

"Brother, if you can't do it, come down. It's not a loss of face if you can't go up."

"Yes, we were all persuaded to retreat. We can't rush to climb the ladder."


One of them lost his voice and said, "Have you noticed... that he has no Xuanqi?"


Everyone realized it after hearing this.

They trembled as if struck by lightning, and looked at Chen Nian with shock.

If you want to resist the suppression of the ladder, what else can you rely on if not Xuanqi?

Could it be that this kid... reached the 30th floor with just physical strength?

It's terrifying to think about it.

If so, they dare not imagine what kind of monster this guy is.

That's right, Chen Nian didn't start to use his strength before this.

These days, he would take time every day to practice the elementary Xuanqi breathing technique, and he has been running for nearly 300 cycles, and his body has begun to slowly integrate into the rules of this world.

In short, there is more power that can be used.


A dazzling light emanated from Chen Nian.

It made everyone around him look away subconsciously.

"Such a dazzling light... It's like being directly hit by the sun..."

"What did he do...?"

The dazzling, unbearable golden light lingered around Chen Nian.

At this moment, he was more dazzling than the scorching sun at noon, like a true son of God!

"Brother Chen... What happened?"

"Why haven't I seen him use this kind of power before..."

"What kind of skill is that? "

The brothers used their elbows to block the dazzling light and looked at Chen Nian from afar.

He continued to climb the ladder.

He climbed ten steps in a row as if walking on flat ground.

The pressure of the ladder seemed to no longer exist for him.

Those who were climbing the ladder painfully were surpassed by Chen Nian one after another, and could only look at him in shock.

Nine Revolutions, Fifth Level

The body becomes holy!

By the spring breeze, he wakes up from his dream and turns his body into a Tao.

"He...he climbed to the fiftyth floor in one breath!"

"What a ghost..."

"I have seen people climb to the fiftyth floor, but it is the first time I have seen him do it so easily!"

"Junior Brother Chen is too strong. He has the qualifications to join the inner gate of the holy land."

"Haha, but he is our junior brother first, and we are all honored together, and we are also lucky! "

The two disciples below were completely dumbfounded.

I thought he was an ignorant and arrogant boy, but I didn't expect him to really be fooled.

"He said he... was a friend of Mu Shen Zi, is it true?"

"Some time ago, I saw Mu Shen Zi standing on the ladder, seemingly waiting for someone... Could he be waiting for him?"

The two realized it later, and their faces changed.

Let's not talk about whether it wasMu Shenzi's friend, if Chen Nian climbed to the 50th floor, his status would be far beyond the two of them.

At the 50th floor, there was an elder who guided them.

"Congratulations, my friend, you are qualified to join the inner sect of Taixuan Holy Land." The elder said with a smile.

"I have no interest in joining your holy land."


The elder was slightly stunned: "Boy, do you know that Taixuan Holy Land is a place that all practitioners in the world yearn for? They dream of coming here to practice, but you don't want to?"

"I have already visited Qingxuan Sect and have no interest in visiting other places."

"Then why did you come to climb the ladder?"

"Looking for your Shenzi Mu Yun, someone below said that you can only find him by climbing the ladder, so I climbed it."

"...... Mu Yun?"

"Please pass on the message, I'll go up and take a look."

After that.

Chen Nian once again led out the divine light and continued to climb upwards.

Above the 50th floor, it is a pure challenge.

"He has already reached the 50th floor, and he wants to go up further?"

"You have great ambition..."

"The record holder of this ladder is Mu Yun. How many floors do you think this kid can reach?"

"No matter how talented he is, he can never surpass Mu Yun!"

Climbing to the 50th floor of the ladder has already attracted the attention of the inner sect, not to mention that Chen Nian's situation is so special.

His news began to spread quickly in the various peaks of the inner sect.

"Mu Shenzi, someone is looking for you. He is on the ladder and has already..."

Before the disciple finished the second half of the sentence, a stream of light passed by his ears, and Mu Yun had already flown out.

Chen Nian, you are finally here.

Many days of practice, just for today.

Mu Yun landed on the 50th floor of the ladder at the fastest speed, with his hands behind his back, looking down.

When Chen Nian appeared, he would use his mysterious power to raise a breeze.

When the wind blew up his black hair and the hem of his clothes, he would say lightly: You are here.

That scene would be very pleasant.

"Saintess, there is a man outside climbing the ladder, and he has quickly reached the 50th floor!"

"Isn't it normal to reach the 50th floor? What's so strange about that?" Mu Qingxuan replied.

"But he... asked for the son of God Mu Yun by name."

"Could it be that brother's friend has come? Let's go and take a look!"


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