Ci Song followed Ning Ping'an through building after building until they came to the last house on the east side of the academy. The house looked a bit shabby and out of place compared to the other finely crafted buildings around it.

"A great person lived in this room. From today on, you will live here." Ningping said calmly.

"Okay teacher." Ci Song nodded, opened the door and walked into the room.

The furnishings in the room are very simple, but there are not many things that should be there. Moreover, Ci Song has an inexplicable sense of déjà vu here. He always feels as if he has been here before. This feeling is very strange.

However, Ci Song didn't pay too much attention, because he had this inexplicable sense of déjà vu when he was at Blue Star. He first came to the table, touched the teapot lightly with his hand, and found that the water in it was hot. Knowing that this place was usually cleaned, he directly picked up a cup, poured a cup of tea, and handed it to Ning Ping'an, who was already sitting on the stool.

"Teacher, please have some tea."

"Well." Ning Ping'an took the tea, took a sip gently, then put the tea cup on the table and said to Ci Song: "Look at the room. If there is anything missing, just tell me. I will ask someone to do it." Prepared for you."

"Okay teacher, let me take a look again."

Ci Song stood up and began to walk around the room. The furnishings in the room were simple but very neat, and there was an ethereal atmosphere that made him feel very comfortable here.

On the wall above the desk, there was a painting that caught Ci Song's attention. The painting showed a portrait. Although the portrait looked a little blurry, Ci Song could clearly feel the meaning in the painting. The figure seems to be looking at itself. This feeling struck him as strange and unusual.

Ning Ping'an's eyes also noticed the painting, and said to Ci Song: "This painting is a self-portrait painted by a scholar who originally lived here. This person has achieved a very high level of cultivation at a young age. When he was painting, the talents of heaven and earth automatically gathered with the brush, and were finally retained in this painting. If you can understand this painting in the future, it will also be beneficial to your practice. "

Hearing this, Ci Song walked to the front of the painting and looked at it carefully.

The figure in this painting is wearing a blue robe and a bamboo hat. Although he can't see clearly, Ci Song can feel the temperament and majesty exuded by the figure in this painting. Ci Song was certain that the portrait in the painting was definitely not the gentleman from Yan Sheng Academy, because the portrait in the painting made him feel a very strange feeling, as if he had become the person in the painting in the next second.

He could clearly feel that the figure in this painting seemed to be looking at him, as if his eyes were looking directly at him through the years.

Below this self-portrait, there are four short lines of poetry:

Jiao'e's military skills are half the sky, and her beautiful jade and literary talents are an immortal. Who can be taught without distinction? What is the difference between men and women?

After seeing these four lines of poetry, Ci Song was stunned. He had no idea that the words written in the painting in front of him coincided with his own. This made him a little surprised. At the same time, he was also surprised by the words in the painting. had a strong interest in the portrait.

In such a feudal era and a world dominated by men, there are actually people who are willing to think about women? This heroic sentiment alone is enough to make Ci Song admire him.

"Teacher, who is the figure in this painting?" Ci Song turned to Ning Pingan and asked.

A glimmer of light flashed in Ning Ping'an's eyes, and he whispered: "You will know when the time comes."

Ci Song nodded silently and did not continue to ask any more questions. Everyone in this world likes to be the Riddler. He is used to it, just like he once asked his father, where is his mother in this world? My father also replied: "You will know when the time comes."

All I can say is that it’s a good thing this world isn’t Gotham, otherwise the genuine Riddler would be so happy, and everyone would be the Riddler.

Ning Ping'an seemed to see Ci Song's helplessness. He said lightly: "You don't need to pay too much attention to this matter. The literary style contained in this painting is not something you can accept now. Put it in your mind." In the room, it is to cultivate your literary heart subtly. "

Hearing this, Ci Song became interested. He sat directly on the table and curiously asked his teacher, "Teacher, what is this Wen Xin?"

After hearing Ci Song's question, Ning Ping'an became even more confused, "Didn't your father tell you?"

"Uh, no, no, maybe I said it, but I forgot." Ci Song replied truthfully.

"Then you wrote that extremely wonderful ink poem without knowing anything, and then you made a breakthrough?" The shock in Ning Ping'an's eyes became more intense.

"Yes." Ci Song nodded. Speaking of which, he originally wrote the poem on a whim, and then he had a breakthrough. He himself had no idea what happened.

After Ning Ping'an heard Ci Song's answer, she fell into deep thought.

He originally thought that Ci Qibai was the one who wrote the ink poem under the guidance of Ci Qi Bai, but now it seems that Ci Qi Bai didn't say anything to Ci Song.

"Then how to use talent? And how literati fight among themselves, do you know these?" Ning Ping'an asked.

Ci Song shook his head and said: "Teacher, students don't know that students can't even control their own talents, let alone use their talents in literary battles."

"Hiss." Ning Pingan took a breath of cold air. He never expected that Ci Song in front of him was actually a scholar who knew nothing. He had taught at least tens of thousands of students over the years, but he had never seen a student like Ci Song who knew nothing.

"Was it reckless for me to accept Ci Song as my personal disciple?" Ning Pingan asked himself.

"Then can your father tell you about the "Mo Realm", which is the realm of cultivation of scholars?"

"I know the realm of scholars, but it was not told to me by my father. It was told to me by Uncle Yue, the manager of my family's library. My father didn't tell me much about scholars." Ci Song answered truthfully.

Ning Pingan frowned slightly and said, "Uncle Yue? Shi Yue?"

"It's Uncle Shi Yue." Ci Song replied truthfully, "Teacher, do you know Uncle Yue?"

"Yes, I know him. I taught him back then." Ning Pingan's eyes were filled with a bit of nostalgia, but it only lasted for a second.

"Ci Song, tell me the truth, do you know nothing about other things about literati?" Ning Ping'an said to Ci Song seriously, "You just need to tell me the truth."

"Yes. I was too playful and wasted a lot of time. Please forgive me, teacher."

. . . . . .

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