Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 33 My father's poetry is like a saint!

"It's good for you to take care of yourself now that you've come." Ning Ping'an's expression didn't change much.

"A good thing?" Ci Song was a little confused.

"I originally thought that your father would personally guide you to practice literature, so that your road ahead would be smooth sailing, and you could even reach the level of a great Confucian before the age of forty."

Ning Ping'an slowly talked about the situation of Ci Song, "But there is a price to pay for doing so. In the future, when you break through to the realm of literary giants, you will encounter shackles like a natural chasm. Most ordinary people are stuck in this At this level, you will be influenced by your father at that time. Unless you are more talented than your father at that time and write a poem that surpasses the literary giant your father became, you will not be recognized by heaven and earth at all. , there is no way to become a literary giant.”

"Nowadays, with the great rise of literature and the endless talents, everyone can become a saint. However, in Tianyuan, there are only a few people who have the status of saints, and your father is among them. And if you want to surpass him, It’s almost impossible.”

"Your father may have thought of this step, so he deliberately didn't guide you." Ning Ping'an analyzed slowly.

Hearing this, Ci Song nodded, apparently agreeing with Ning Ping'an's statement, but the fact was that his father was too lazy to care about him, and he was too lazy to learn. For a playboy like him, his father had long pinned his hopes on The next generation, that is, his grandchildren.

However, through Ning Ping'an's words, he heard another meaning, that is, his father is indeed very good on the entire continent, and he is very likely to become a saint in the future.

"My dear, why should I work hard when I have such a powerful father? It's good to be a dude seriously and live happily every day. Who dares to bully me then, I will directly reply to him: My father's words are like a saint in vain. Zhizi, you dare to mess with me?"

Thinking of this, a strange smile appeared on Ci Qibai's face. This feeling of fighting for his father was quite pleasant to think about.

"Ci Song, since you already know about the realm of literati, let me tell you about talent." Ning Ping'an said slowly.

"Student, listen." Ci Song sat upright, pricked up his ears, and listened carefully.

"Wenqi has three functions: body refinement, luck, and enlightenment."

"The so-called body training, as the name suggests, is to use your talents to temper your body.

Make your body stronger and even have some special abilities, such as walking on water, and the talents around your body can withstand attacks from ordinary weapons. "

"After tempering to a certain level, you can even become invulnerable to water and fire, and your physical body is immortal."

"The body is immortal? Isn't that the same as true body cultivation?"

Ci Song suddenly realized that this was a little different from his own literati. Ning Ping'an's words opened the door to a new world for Ci Song.

Ning Ping'an continued to explain to Ci Song: "The so-called luck does not mean luck as most people think, but refers to the ability to use talents. People who have more subtle control over their own talents can release their talents in a single thought. It has many wonderful uses.”

"Then what's the specific magical effect?" Ci Song asked curiously.

"Do you know why literary giants are also called the ultimate literati? Because when a literati reaches this level of cultivation, it is possible to step into the stream of saints and become a saint. All literati who can step into the realm of literary giants have great wisdom. A man with a big heart and a lot of talent.”

"In order for ordinary people to break through the ranks of literary giants, in addition to having their talent recognized by heaven and earth, they also need to be recognized by a saint. The talent of a literary giant can summon the shadow of a real saint in a single thought." Ning Ping'an said lightly.

"Teacher, how powerful is the saint's shadow?" Ci Song asked curiously. This was the first time he heard this word.

"The holy soul is immortal, not subject to punishment from heaven, not afraid of hell, and can destroy the country with a snap of the finger. A literary giant blessed by the shadow of a saint has almost one or two times the fighting power of a saint, and some literary giants can even get multiple saints. There was once a literary giant who was recognized by five saints and killed a semi-saint by virtue of his status as a literary giant. "

"Behead the Half-Saint in reverse?"

"Ahem, I'm going too far. To put it simply, talent is the most important thing in your practice. You should use your talent more and master it completely."

Ning Ping'an withdrew the topic, "Mingxin, as the name suggests, is to clarify one's literary heart. Don't let the outside world deceive your literary heart and embark on the path of doing evil."

"Refining the body, refining the energy, and refining the mind, these three are independent of each other and dependent on each other. Only by perfecting these three can we enter the realm of a true saint."

"It seems that the path of this scholar is not easy." Ci Song sighed.

"That's natural. The first thing you have to learn now is to know how to control these talents." Ning Ping'an continued.

"Control your talent?"

"Yes, control your talents, because you have to guide these talents out of the body and act on your body and your own writing."

"In the process of guiding talents, you will be disturbed by your mood, which will prevent the talents from being guided smoothly."

"In addition to the state of mind, the physical condition also affects the use of talent."

"For example?" Ci Song asked.

"For example, when the body is tired, the talent will also appear to be a little weak." Ning Ping'an said slowly, "So when literati write, they mostly choose to be full of energy."

When Ci Song heard this, he suddenly remembered that when he wrote the poem, he did not think about anything. At that time, he was just trying it out, and he did not have any burden in his heart, so he succeeded. It must be related to his mentality.

"I will help you with your luck, and you can follow this feeling."

After that, Ning Pingan stood up and grabbed Ci Song's hand. A warm air flow was transmitted from Ning Pingan's hand to Ci Song's body.

Ci Song only felt that there was a small stream flowing slowly in his body. The talent in his body was running regularly. A stream of warm air moistened his eight meridians and five internal organs.

This feeling was so comfortable that it could not be described in words.

Ci Song found that the talent in his body was like a headless fly bumping around in the meridians, but this time under the control of Ning Pingan, the talent traveled along the eight meridians and five internal organs and gathered in Ci Song's Dantian.

"Remember this feeling."

. . . . . .

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