Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 62 I will rely on my own abilities to take back the glory that belongs to me!

"No, Junior Brother Ci, have you reached the level of Tongsheng?"

After witnessing Ci Song's continuous arrows, all of which hit the bull's eye, Bai Ye asked directly.

Hearing this, a trace of surprise flashed across Ci Song's face. So far, only his father and Grandpa Cuo knew that he had broken through the Tongsheng realm.

Ci Song was also deliberately concealing his cultivation. He had not even had time to tell his teacher about it, but why did Bai Ye see through his realm at a glance?

"I." Ci Song gave Bai Ye a look, and Bai Ye immediately understood, then chuckled, "Junior Brother Ci, Mr. Ning's vision will never be wrong."

Bai Ye had received a positive answer from Ci Song's eyes, and he couldn't help but feel deeply moved.

As for how he saw Ci Song's cultivation realm, it was actually very simple, that is, from the frequency, accuracy and strength of the archery.

The ordinary students of Kaizhi realm can shoot three arrows at most, and the distance can reach 100 feet. If they are students who shoot into ink, they can shoot six arrows. If they gather all their strength and shoot with all their strength, they may be able to reach the target of 300 feet.

However, Ci Song shot eight arrows without interruption, and each arrow hit the bull's eye, and the target was 300 feet away. This is probably not something that students of Kaizhi realm can achieve.

Even for ordinary students, the probability of mistakes is very high, so Bai Ye dared to boldly infer that Ci Song's realm has at least reached that of a student, otherwise all this would be impossible to accomplish, unless he was born with supernatural power.

Ci Song's proud record also directly convinced all the uninformed students present. They truly realized that this "relative" in front of them was indeed not as bad as they imagined. At least in terms of archery, he was better than anyone present.

However, among this group of students, there was a pair of eyes staring at Ci Song. Unlike the envious, admiring and surprised eyes around him, the owner of these eyes was so jealous that he was about to drip water.

"Why? Why can Ci Song have such talent?"

This person was Fang Zhongyong, who had a "conflict" with Ci Song before. Although it was a conflict, Ci Song did not take Fang Zhongyong to heart.

In fact, his archery skills were also very good. The arrows shot with all his strength also crossed a hundred feet. He was the best one except Zhang Shuzhi, and he had not yet entered the ink.

If he really broke through and achieved the state of enlightenment, Fang Zhongyong was confident that he could easily crush Zhang Shuzhi.

Originally, Fang Zhongyong thought that today would be his stage, but he did not expect Ci Song to suddenly appear again.

He also deliberately used a clumsy way to make everyone mistakenly think that he really knew nothing, and then made a big splash, leaving a deep impression on everyone present.

"Ci Song, you really have calculated everything." Fang Zhongyong said sarcastically in his heart.

However, Fang Zhongyong did not really express his emotions, because Ci Song was now a direct disciple, and he could not afford to offend him.

"When I really write poetry and become a direct disciple, I will rely on my own ability to get back the glory that belongs to me!"

Fang Zhongyong has a very high confidence in his talent. He firmly believes that he will be able to catch up with Ci Song one day, or even surpass him.

Ci Song on the other side did not know what Fang Zhongyong was thinking. At this time, he had been called aside by Bai Ye.

"Junior Brother Ci, go to the Saint Building to find Mr. Ning and tell him that you have broken through the Tongsheng." Bai Ye said to Ci Song.

"Hey? The afternoon class is not over yet. Is it not good for me to go to the teacher now?" Ci Song asked.

"You don't need to follow me for this afternoon's class. My course is only for students below the Tongsheng realm."

Bai Ye looked at Ci Song with admiration in his eyes, and said: "Junior Brother Ci, if Elder Ning knew the news of your breakthrough, he would definitely be full of joy."

Ci Song also understood Bai Ye's meaning, bowed to him, and said: "Ci Song will take his leave now, Senior Brother Bai, thank you for teaching me archery."

After that, Ci Song turned around and left.

"Junior Brother Ci's temperament is not as bad as the rumors say. At least in my contact, I can feel that he is a very sincere person."

Bai Ye muttered a few words in his heart, and then turned around and returned to the shooting range.

. . . . . . .

After leaving the shooting range, Ci Song took out the map from the jade pendant and looked for the specific location of the Saint Tower. However, when he just confirmed the location and took back the map, he suddenly saw a towering golden tower in his sight.

"Damn, I forgot that the shooting range is not far from the Saint Tower. I even studied the map."

Ci Song complained about himself, and then looked at the golden tower above. It was the most magnificent and tallest building in Yansheng Academy - the Saint Tower.

The height of this tower is at least seventy or eighty meters. The exterior is made of a special light golden metal, which looks indestructible.

It is said that every inch of this Saint Tower is full of the breath of the saint. If you study the entire tower thoroughly, you can enter the realm of the saint.

Of course, this is just a rumor among ordinary disciples. Gongsun Cuo once told Ci Song that the Saint Tower is the treasure left by Yan Sheng before he ascended to heaven. It contains their lifelong insights and inheritance, but it is not easy to truly comprehend the essence of it.

After Ci Song took back the map, he walked towards the Saint Tower.

However, before reaching the Saint Tower, he needs to pass through a small path, which leads directly to the main entrance of the Saint Tower.

When Ci Song really walked into the path, he found that the path was paved with a special kind of crystal stone, and each crystal stone was engraved with some patterns and words.

"What is this? It looks like a sentence?" Ci Song was full of curiosity and began to study it.

"The higher you look up, the higher it is; the harder you drill, the harder it is; the more you look ahead, the more you look behind. This is also a classic sentence of Yan Sheng."

Ci Song read this sentence and understood what it meant. This sentence was said by Yan Yuan, who used it to lament the profoundness and difficulty of Confucius's teachings, and also expressed his sincere belief in the teachings of his teacher.

There are many crystal stones here, and many words are written on them, but he did not stay on these crystal stones for too long, because the breath contained in these crystal stones made him feel very uncomfortable, and continued to walk forward.

This path does not look long, but Ci Song walked for about an incense stick of time before he really reached the end.

Ci Song looked at a huge stone gate in front of him, on which were carved three large characters "Saint Tower".

He stood in front of the stone gate, full of awe. This Saint Tower contains the wisdom and insights of Yan Sheng throughout his life. For Ci Song, it is full of mystery and unknown.

. . . . . .

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