Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 63: Inside the Saint's Tower, will it explode if you get too close?

Ci Song took a deep breath and gently pushed open the stone door.

As the stone door slowly opened, a whole new world appeared before his eyes.

Behind the stone door was a huge courtyard surrounded by layers of stairs. In the center of the courtyard was a golden tower that soared into the sky. That was the Saint Tower.

Ci Song stood in the courtyard, looking up at the tower, and was extremely shocked.

What came into view was one huge statue after another that contrasted with the golden tower. Each statue was full of power and majesty, as if telling Ci Song that this place was not for ordinary people to set foot on.

Among them, the statue in the center of the tower had a broad forehead and a slightly raised forehead. The eyebrows were carved thickly and energetically, and the eyes were bright and piercing.

His nose was tall and straight, and he looked upright and powerful. Confucius' lips were rosy and plump, slightly upturned, giving people a kind and amiable feeling.

Ci Song certainly recognized the identity of this statue. It was Confucius. He had seen the same statue at the entrance of the academy and worshiped it.

"In this Saint's Tower, there should be sculptures of Confucius and his seventy-two wise disciples, right?" Ci Song thought to himself.

The golden tower body shone in the sun, stinging people's eyes a little.

Ci Song looked up and felt that his vision was not broad enough. This tower seemed to reach the sky and pierce the clouds.

He sighed in his heart that this Saint's Tower contained the wisdom and insights of Yan Sheng's life, and he must seriously comprehend it.

Ci Song continued to walk up. He stepped on the bluestone steps and walked up step by step. Every time he stepped, his mood became heavier.

He walked through one corridor after another and looked at one stone tablet after another. Each stone tablet was engraved with the thoughts and insights of each disciple.

Just when Ci Song had just walked to the fifth corridor, a figure appeared in front of him. The figure with white hair and white robe was Ci Song's teacher, Ning Ping'an.

"Ci Song? Why are you here? At this time, shouldn't you be studying with Bai Ye?"

Ning Ping'an's voice was very calm, and Ci Song did not hear any anger.

Ci Song bowed his head and said, "Teacher, I came to see you. I have already broken through to Tongsheng."

When he heard Ci Song say that he had broken through to "Tongsheng", a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes,

Then Ning Pingan said calmly, "Follow me."

Ci Song followed Ning Pingan through the sixth corridor and came to a huge courtyard.

There was a square pool in the center of the courtyard, and there was a four-cornered pavilion in the middle of the pool. There was a huge stone table in the pavilion, and two stone benches were placed on both sides of the stone table.

Ning Pingan walked to the pavilion, sat down, and then pointed to one of the stone benches and said to Ci Song: "Sit down."

After Ci Song sat down, Ning Pingan said straight to the point: "You broke through in this month, right?"

Ci Song nodded and said: "Yes, teacher, I came here today to learn how to control the literary energy."

Ning Pingan was not surprised at all, as if he had known that Ci Song would say this, and asked calmly: "Do you think you have reached the point where you can learn more advanced knowledge?"

Hearing this, Ci Song became a little unconfident, and said hesitantly: "Teacher, I don't know about this either."

Ning Pingan's eyes flashed with a trace of appreciation, and then said: "Okay, I will arrange it. But before that, I want to test your level."

As he said, he took out a piece of light green long jade from his arms and handed it to Ci Song, saying: "This is the test jade. Inject your literary energy into it, and you can test your level."

Ci Song took the test jade and injected his own talent into it according to Ning Pingan's instructions.

The originally plain surface of the jade tester actually started to roll like the surface of water. After a moment, the jade tester suddenly exploded and turned into countless fine powders that splashed out.

Seeing this scene, Ci Song was completely confused. What happened? Why did the jade tester suddenly explode? He just got closer?

Could this be the legendary explosion when you get closer?

Ning Ping'an, who was standing by, was also a little out of control at this time. His calm face showed such a shocked expression for the first time.

Ning Ping'an, who was standing by, was also a little out of control at this time. His calm face showed such a shocked expression for the first time.

"You actually burst the jade tester directly? Your talent is too abundant?"

Ning Ping'an spoke slowly. What he just took out was the jade tester used by the Tongsheng level. Its function is very simple, which is to test whether the talent in the Tongsheng is abundant.

If it is abundant, then the jade tester will flash with a brilliant light, and if the talent is not enough, then the jade tester will not change at all.

However, Ci Song in front of him actually burst the jade pendant directly, which means that his talent has exceeded the standard of Tongsheng, and is not much different from those students who have broken through Tongsheng and become Xiucai.

Ning Pingan thought to himself: "He is worthy of being his son. He easily completed what he did back then."

He thought so in his heart and said: "Ci Song, your talent has completely reached the standard."

Hearing this, Ci Song did not show joy, but asked cautiously: "Teacher, this jade pendant, I don't need to pay for it, right?"

Ning Pingan heard this, and his face, which had just returned to normal, turned black again. He said helplessly: "This is the academy's thing, you don't have to pay for it."

Ci Song nodded with relief and said: "Then I feel relieved."

When he took the jade tester just now, he felt that this thing was not cheap. If he had to pay for it, it would be a disaster.

Ning Pingan took a deep breath, calmed down his mood, and said: "Okay, now let's continue the topic just now."

Ci Song nodded and said: "Teacher, you said I have reached the standard?"

"Well, you have more talent than I thought. If I am not mistaken, you have gathered at least three strands of talent in your Dantian, right?"

Ci Song nodded fiercely. Ning Pingan was right. There were indeed three strands of talent in Ci Song's Dantian. The second and third strands were naturally formed when Ci Song solved the problem of literary backlash.

"Teacher, you are right. I have condensed three strands of talent in my Dantian."

"You have just broken through the Tongsheng not long ago. How did you gather so much talent?"

Ning Pingan looked at Ci Song puzzled, because Ci Song's improvement speed was so fast that it was not an exaggeration to say that he had ascended to heaven in one step.

Although rapid improvement is a good thing, for a child like Ci Song who does not have much foundation, too fast a speed of improvement will make his foundation weak and affect his future development.

"This is the teacher. I wrote another poem..."

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