Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 685: Discussion, change of direction, and heading straight to the northwest ghost den

After learning the news, Ci Song and others thanked Dao Ziling and others. After watching the Taoist disciples leave, they began to discuss where to go next.

Ci Song was the first to speak out his thoughts, "Senior brothers, instead of following students from other schools and eating dust, how about we take the initiative and go deep into the world of chaos?"

After Mo Yao heard Ci Song's words, he immediately disagreed, "No, this is too dangerous. If we go deep into the Chaos Realm, what we will face is the alien coalition. The combat power of the alien armies is comparable. They are much stronger than those foreign tribes stationed on the border of Beiluoyuan."

"I agree with Junior Brother Ci."

Duanmu Qing on the side directly expressed his agreement with Ci Song. He also felt that it was too troublesome to rush to the east of Beiluoyuan now. It would be better to go directly into the Chaos Realm to fight with the aliens.

"I agree too."

Zhong Qi followed Duanmu Qingcang's words and expressed his thoughts, "Just like Junior Brother Ci said, if we change direction at this time, let's not talk about how long it will take to reach the east. If we get to the east, those desolate tribes will After being killed by students from other schools, we still have to face the alien coalition. Rather than doing this, it is better to take the initiative. "

Because they knew the rules of resurrection, the thoughts of several people present also became radical. Especially Zhong Qi, who had always been cautious, chose to take the initiative this time. Bai Ye did not express his thoughts immediately, but looked at Zeng Xiangteng aside.

Seeing this, Zeng Xiangteng still looked extremely peaceful and chuckled: "You can decide, I can do it."

Seeing that everyone's opinions were basically consistent, Ci Song took Mo Yao's hand and said, "Yao'er, I know you are thinking about our safety, and it's understandable that you act more cautiously, but this is a trial after all. Lian, if you are too cautious, you will fall into the inferior position, right? "

Mo Yao nodded, intertwined with Ci Song, and agreed with Ci Song's statement.

Seeing that Mo Yao agreed, Ci Song turned to look at Bai Ye, "Senior Brother Bai, what do you think?"

Bai Ye did not answer Ci Song's question immediately, but asked another question, "Do you think this Divine Eye Illusion Realm really created the Chaos Realm?"

"When I was being taken to the outer world, I had a chat with the immortal in Master Chen's painting. The immortal in Master Chen's painting once said that Master Chen himself had entered the realm of chaos alone to explore for hundreds of years, traveling almost everywhere. He visited every part of the Chaos Realm and only returned from the Chaos Realm a few years ago.

"Master Chen attaches great importance to the battle of a hundred schools of thought, and has been building a trial place for this purpose."

After hearing Bai Ye's words, Zhong Qi told what he knew and what he had guessed: "I think this time the Divine Eye Illusion Realm is actually another identical Chaos Realm constructed by Master Chen."

After listening to Zhong Qi's story, Bai Ye finally expressed his thoughts: "If it is really as Zhong Qi said, then we will head northwest all the way, bypassing the Yu Clan's territory in the west and the territory in the north. How about going directly to Guixi from the barbarian territory?"

When everyone present heard this, they were all shocked by his plan. Originally, their ideas were already somewhat radical, but they didn't expect Bai Ye's ideas to be even more radical than theirs.

Seeing the extremely shocked expressions of several people, Bai Ye revealed his plan, "If there is no place in this world of chaos that we know best than the ghosts, especially those of us who have fought against the ghosts and know their The weakness is that we have an advantage against them.”

"Although our current literary and Dao cultivation is only Hanlin, I believe that with our current combat power, coupled with the Thunder Spirit and the Shangqing Thunder Method mastered by Junior Brother Ci, we are enough to face the Ghost King and all the ghost tribes below."

"Moreover, as we go deeper this time, we can not only kill aliens on the way, but we can also explore the environment and terrain in the Divine Eye Fantasy World. Even if we encounter some powerful beings that cannot be solved along the way, after we are resurrected, You can take a detour or think of other solutions.”

"This is my personal idea. Of course, if it feels too risky, we can also move forward to the north and face the coalition forces of the Barbarians and Desolate Tribes."

After Bai Ye told him his plan, he stood quietly, waiting for the reply from Ci Song and others.

After a brief shock, several people's faces showed a look of thinking. After weighing the pros and cons, they quickly made a decision in their hearts.

"I agree with Senior Brother Bai. Although this trip is dangerous, it is also an experience. If we can reach Guixiao, then as Senior Brother Bai said, that place will indeed pose the least threat to us."

Ci Song was the first to express his opinion. He completely agreed with Bai Ye's idea and was willing to go straight to Guixiao.

Mo Yao saw that Ci Song directly agreed to the plan. After thinking about it for a while, he also expressed his agreement, "Since Brother Ci Song has agreed, I don't have any objections. It's just that this matter is of great importance and we must do everything possible." Be careful to minimize the risk.”

Seeing that Ci Song and his wife both agreed to Bai Ye's plan, Zhong Qi and Duanmu Qingcang also expressed their agreement. Only Zeng Xiangteng remained silent and just looked at Bai Ye quietly.

Seeing this, Bai Ye asked, "Brother Zeng, what do you think?"

Zeng Xiangteng smiled gently when he heard this. "Brother Bai, you are joking. I just didn't expect that Brother Bai would have such courage to go straight to the ghost den. I was a little surprised. Last time, I was inexplicably dragged into the group by a guy without knowing it. This time at least I took the initiative, so I naturally want to go with him."

"Okay, since everyone has no objection, let's go."

"Target, the northwest ghost den!"

. . . . . . .

At this moment, on the steps outside the door of the Master's Hall, the leaders of the Tianwaitian family were kneeling on the steps. There were at least a hundred people, and they were all waiting for Chen Xintong's response.

Last time, the number of people who came here to kneel down to Chen Xintong was not many, only a dozen people, and Chen Xintong did not meet them.

This time, the closed door of the Master Hall was finally opened, and Chen Xintong appeared in front of everyone. He slowly glanced at the kneeling people and calmly asked: "Everyone, you kneel down and say that this battle of a hundred schools of thought is unfair. I want to know, where is it unfair?"

No one dared to answer Chen Xintong's question.

Only the old man in the front looked up at Chen Xintong tremblingly, and said with courage: "Master Chen, we think that this battle of a hundred schools of thought is unfair because the place of this battle is the Chaos Realm. If so, it's fine, but why can't the students of Tianwaitian who died in the Divine Eye Fantasy Realm be resurrected like secular students?"

"If so, how can this trial be fair?"

... . . . . .

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