Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 98 Oh, isn't this the famous Senior Brother Zhou Ge? I haven't seen you for a day,

However, Ci Song still politely saluted the three students from Zilu Academy: "I have met all of you, senior brothers."

"I've met junior brother." After hearing Ci Song's salute, the three students from Zilu Academy all looked at him and returned the salute.

"Senior brother, why are you so tired? This is only level 110."

Ci Song curiously expressed his doubts. After all, in his understanding, as long as the literati after entering the ink world, their physical fitness is much higher than that of ordinary people. They should not be so tired after just climbing a few steps. ah.

And when he climbed so many steps, it felt like climbing stairs. What exactly did Senior Brother Bai Ye mean by "just looking at talent"?

What does Chashan rely on to test his talent?

After hearing this, the three of them looked displeased at first, but when they saw that Ci Song was just a child of twelve or thirteen years old, the displeasure on their faces receded.

"I think junior brother's talent must be excellent. We are not very talented. Every time we go up a level, we have to bear the pressure of a mountain." The student sitting on the steps said.

Another student also stopped when he reached the 113th level, "Looking at the wind under my feet, junior brother, and ignoring the pressure as if it were nothing, it seems that Yan Sheng Academy has produced another genius this year."

"Even so, we should make way for our junior brother and let him go first."

The student who had just stepped onto the one hundred and fourteenth level wiped the sweat from his head and made way for Ci Song.

After hearing the explanations of the three people, Ci Song finally understood. It turns out that you have to bear pressure when you go up the stairs, and the test of your talent is pressure. For students with high talent, pressure is nothing. generally. For students with low talent, this pressure is like a mountain.

"I wish my junior brother a smooth journey and a brave climb to the top."

Three students from Zilu Academy saluted Ci Song at the same time and sent out their heartfelt wishes.

Seeing this, Ci Song returned the gift sincerely. He originally had a grudge against Zhou Ge for the students at Zilu Academy, but he didn't expect the three students to be so friendly. Only then did he realize that he had overgeneralized.

These three students were not only friendly to him, answered his questions, and even took the initiative to give way, which made Ci Song's respect for the three people even deeper.

"With the support of the three senior brothers, Ci Song will definitely go all out."

After saying that, Ci Song stepped forward. The three students looked at Ci Song's leaving figure, their eyes full of emotion.

Flowers bloom again, and people are no longer young. They are now 29 years old, only one year shy of reaching their thirties. Their talents have also reached their own shackles due to the growth of age, and they can no longer move forward.

"It seems that the three of us have reached our peak." The student at level 114 sighed and said.

"Being poor without flattery, being rich without being arrogant, it is a blessing to be here today."

I saw the 113th-level student slowly walking down the steps, walked to the 110th-level student, helped him up, and walked into the tea shop on the left.

"A gentleman is harmonious but different. Since he can't go up a level, it's better to take a look at the tea mountain scenery with his best friends."

The one hundred and eleventh level talented man also walked down the steps and entered the tea shop.

. . . . . . .

As Ci Song continued to climb up, he met more and more students. During this period, he also saw students from Yan Sheng Academy and saluted them. Without exception, they all had red faces and were sweating profusely as they climbed up. With.

Ci Song did not stay too long. After a brief salute with his senior brothers, Ci Song climbed up to the top of the mountain again under the gaze of everyone. As his pace gradually climbed up, everyone's eyes were full of envy.

Because at the age of Ci and Song, it was the time when their talents exploded, and their talents were basically finalized at the age of twenty-five and could no longer be improved. They no longer had the infinite possibilities they had when they were young.

Soon, Ci Song had reached more than 350 steps, but at this time, Ci Song was not blushing and out of breath, as if these 300 steps were just a trivial test for him, but these three Level 150 has blocked nearly half of the students.

"It seems that my talent is indeed very high. After all, I have accumulated so many BUFFs without knowing it. If I don't reach the top, I will be sorry for these cheats."

Ci Song murmured in his heart. At this moment, he saw a familiar figure climbing up with difficulty.

After seeing this person, Ci Song accelerated his climbing speed and directly surpassed this person.

"Hey, isn't this the famous Senior Brother Zhou Gezhou from Zilu Academy? Why are you so embarrassed after not seeing him for a day?"

Ci Song looked mockingly at the panting Zhou Ge in front of him. Zhou Ge was sweating profusely and panting. He looked at Ci Song with a tense face and a livid expression.

Originally, with Zhou Ge's ability, before the 300th level, it was completely crushing, and it could even be said to be a leisurely stroll, without fear of any pressure at all. However, after reaching the 300th level, every step Zhou Ge took was extremely difficult. It seemed as if every step required his best efforts.

At this time, Zhou Ge's face was red, his clothes had been soaked with sweat, and his hands were weakly dragging the steps, showing his exhaustion.

On the other hand, Ci Song not only looked normal, but even smiled, looking at ease.

"You kid, cough cough... cough... wait for me... cough cough..."

Zhou Ge was furious when he saw Ci Song's mocking look, but when he opened his mouth to curse, he couldn't stop coughing.

"Wait for you to come up? Okay! I'll wait for you to come up. When you come up, I will tell you what nightmare haunting is."

Ci Song looked at Zhou Ge with a joking look on his face. For this kind of person who insulted his academy and mocked him, Ci Song did not have any kindness towards him.

"Hey, I originally thought that Senior Brother Zhou Ge could easily reach the top of Tea Mountain with your sharp tongue, but I didn't expect that you would be stuck at the 360th step. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk."

"Boy, you are just relying on your youth. When you reach my age, do you think you can still climb so lightly?"

Zhou Ge's face turned red, and he was obviously extremely angry.

"Oh? Really? Then I want to say that when you reach my age, you will know how careless I am when climbing."

After saying that, Ci Song was about to turn around and leave.

"...cough cough...wait until I get up there...cough cough..."

Zhou Ge said angrily, but because of his anger, he couldn't stop coughing. In addition, he was already exhausted, and he felt even more uncomfortable at this time.

"Waiting for you to come up? Okay! I'll wait for you to come up."

Ci Song turned around, looked at Zhou Ge's angry look, and said with a smile.


I saw Zhou Ge struggling to lift his feet. Just as he stepped onto the first step, Zhou Ge's body suddenly trembled. The arm that was originally dragging the steps also lost strength in an instant, and his whole body suddenly fell back.

Seeing this, Ci Song subconsciously prepared to hold Zhou Ge, but Zhou Ge did not fall on the steps, but disappeared directly on the steps as if falling into nothingness.

"What's going on? Where are the people?"

Ci Song looked at the place where Zhou Ge disappeared with a surprised look on his face, but he didn't understand what happened.

"Here, you forced yourself to climb it, don't blame me."

Ci Song looked at the steps where Zhou Ge was just now. The traces, sweat, and blood spurted by Zhou Ge had all disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared.

. . . . . .

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