Confucianism is supreme? I am reciting Tang poems in another world!

Chapter 99: Seven Hundredth Step, Tea Leaves Silence

Ci Song shook his head and shifted his attention to climbing again.

Soon, Ci Song had reached the 450th step. Along the way, there were basically four students stopping every ten steps, and each teahouse was full of people. This was also the limit that most ordinary students could reach.

After this process, Ci Song also found that as long as the students entered the teahouse, the pressure on them would disappear. In the middle, he saw a student who stepped on the 400th step with all his strength and jumped directly into the teahouse. The moment he entered the teahouse, his exhausted breath instantly recovered to the peak.

"I don't know how many steps I can climb before I can feel the pressure?"

Ci Song increased his climbing speed, and the speed of climbing like a jog stunned the students who were resting.

"This... is this what a human would do?"

"Is this still a human? It's clearly an animal!"

"I originally thought that Crazy Bai was abnormal for climbing the second level in one step, but he was still in the mood to jog?"

"Being young is good."

The students who were resting were dumbfounded when they saw Ci Song's relaxed look. In their opinion, Ci Song's actions at this time were completely provoking the pressure of the tea mountain.

After reaching the 560th level, Ci Song finally felt a little pressure, but this pressure was like a drizzle and had no effect on him at all.

Soon, Ci Song came to the 660th level. Along the way, Ci Song saw very few students. At the same time, Ci Song also realized that the pressure of the tea mountain was increasing in percentage, because at this time, he felt that he was climbing with a load of 20 kilograms on his back.

But 20 kilograms of weight is nothing to Ci Song now.

. . . . . .

Ci Song didn't know that the scene of him climbing in the tea mountain was clearly seen by the Master, Ning Ping'an, and three middle-aged men.

At this time, everyone was sitting on the roof of the Talent Building, sipping fragrant tea and evaluating the students who were climbing.

"As expected of Mr. Ning, he actually accepted the son of a madman as his apprentice. It is really surprising that he can perform so well today."

The man from Zilu Academy in a yellow Confucian robe, holding a teacup in his hand, squinting his eyes, in front of them was a huge bronze mirror, which reflected the scene of Ci Song climbing the mountain easily.

He is the current dean of Zilu Academy, Zhongbo.

"There was Bai Ye in front and Ci Song in the back. The literary fortune of Yansheng Academy is really enviable."

Another middle-aged man in a blue Confucian robe exclaimed. He was Duanmu Qingcang's father, the current dean of Zigong Academy, Duanmu Weili.

And the man in a purple Confucian robe sitting on the bench, who never said a word, was the dean of Zengsheng Academy, Zeng Huaigu.

"The son of a madman is indeed surprising. His climbing speed is no less than that of Ci Qibai back then." The master took a sip of tea and spoke slowly.

After hearing the name "Ci Qibai", everyone present fell silent.

Finally, it was Ning Pingan who broke the silence, "This kid has been too smooth along the way.

He has never experienced failure, so he is a little fearless now. But if he has never experienced failure, how can he have the motivation to pursue the limit?"

Everyone was attracted by Ning Pingan's words and waited quietly for his next words.

Ning Pingan put down the teacup in his hand and said: "His personality is very similar to his father's. Perhaps this is his destiny. But can he pass the test of silence like Ci Qibai did back then and reach the peak?"

Ning Pingan's words made everyone present fall into deep thought.

Silence is a leaf of tea planted by Ziyou, one of Confucius' three thousand disciples, during his semi-saint period. Ziyou originally wanted to wait until it grew up, pick it and give it to his teacher Confucius. However, Confucius defeated all the schools of thought in the Great Dao dispute, and from then on, all the talents in the world belonged to Confucianism. It was also after that battle that Confucius and his seventy-two sub-saint disciples ascended to the immortal world.

Ziyou was only a semi-saint at that time, and could not leave Confucius, so the master and disciple were separated, and this leaf of tea could not be delivered to Confucius, but Ziyou firmly believed that his teacher would return to the lower world one day, so he kept using his own talent to nourish the tea leaves and named it Silence.

But after a thousand years, Confucius still did not return. Even though Ziyou broke through to the level of a sub-sage, he could not ascend because of the completion of the laws of heaven and earth, and he could not escape the ravages of time. Before his death, he turned his holy soul into nutrients and put it into this tea. Since then, this tea has become spiritual. Under the nourishment of the holy soul, the tea has also developed spiritual wisdom.

And the tea mountain was transformed from this tea.

"The Ci Qibai of that year passed the test of silence and sat in the chief position." The words of the master broke the silence, "Becoming the only chief in five hundred years."

"Can his son accomplish the same feat as his father did back then?"

After listening to the words of the master, the people present had different expressions, but their eyes were all looking at Ci Song in the bronze mirror.

. . . . . . .

At this time, Ci Song had reached the 700th step, and the pressure was getting bigger and bigger, like carrying a 100-jin stone, but Ci Song could completely bear it.

"Brother Ci Song, you're here!"

When Ci Song stepped onto the 700th step, he saw Mo Yao, dressed in red, sitting in the teahouse on the left, waving at Ci Song.


When Ci Song saw Mo Yao, he was relieved. He hadn't seen Mo Yao all the way up, and he was a little worried that Mo Yao would have an accident, like Zhou Ge, accidentally falling down. . .

"Brother Ci Song, how come you are so fast? I heard from Senior Brother Bai Ye that you were the last one to go up the mountain. I thought I had to wait for you for a while."

Mo Yao in the tea shop was full of surprise and joy.

"It's okay, not too fast."

Although Ci Song knew that Mo Yao was talking about his fast climbing speed, her words still sounded strange.

"Yao'er, why don't you continue to climb up?" Ci Song asked curiously.

"I was thinking of going up, but I will be tested after going up, so I thought I would rest here."

Mo Yao said as he walked out of the shop directly.

Ci Song was surprised when Mo Yao walked out of the teahouse, "I thought I couldn't climb anymore after choosing a seat."

"Can't? I didn't know?"

Mo Yao's face showed a trace of surprise. She originally thought that she could drink a cup of tea and wait for Ci Song here. Should she be able to continue climbing? After all, the pressure brought to her by these seven hundred steps is nothing.

Mo Yao was about to step up, but was stopped by an inexplicable repulsive force, making it impossible for her to continue to climb.

. . . . .

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