Su Xiaoxiao:"If we want to discuss it, let's stop here. Next, we will start selecting the people who will participate in the task."

Su Han interrupted the members of the union. After counting a few times in his mind, he suddenly spoke.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Officially start the snatching mission."

After the voice fell, a mission~ prompt popped up.

"Ding! Union President Su Xiaoxiao! Gudazi! Kuroko Tetsuya has successfully participated in this mission."

Fallen Angel Twelve Winged Black Cat Clan:"!!!!"

Tony is not the richest man:"Gudazi and... Kuroko Tetsuya?"

After thinking for a moment, Tony Stark asked in the guild.

Tony is not the richest man:"I want to ask... in the world of dry girls, is there a basketball game between Fate and Kuroko?"

Tsuchima Mi:"……Kuroko's basketball has it! Fate, too! It's just zero, no fgo.

Kirishima Touka:"Is this like this?""

Let the world feel the pain:"It's disappointing... Doesn't that mean that Gudazi can't reveal his identity?"

Xiao Zhizhishu:"I always feel like you have misunderstood something! That guy didn't send fgo, it doesn't mean that he doesn't know about Gudazi's existence."

Kinomoto Sakura:"What you said actually makes sense."

Su Xiaoxiao:"If we want to discuss it, let's discuss it after the task is completed."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Now, it's time for the mission to begin."

After Su Han said this, he stretched his body and clicked to officially participate in the mission. A brilliant brilliance surrounded his body, and when the brilliance dissipated, his figure disappeared from where he was.


At the same time, Qianwumei buried the world.

In a coffee shop.

Xiao Mian, who had a graceful posture and neat clothes, ordered a cup of coffee, held his chin,"……Not here yet?"

Tsuchima Mi was too beautiful at this time, attracting the attention of many people in the coffee shop. Some people even thought about whether they should come up and strike up a conversation.

Suddenly, a brilliant brilliance suddenly appeared next to Tsuchima Mi. rising up


"what happened?"

"What is this!"

Those who were paying attention to Tujian Mi suddenly noticed something, and their expressions changed dramatically. When the light dissipated, the figures of Su Han and others appeared instantly.

Su Han stood at the front, with a gentle smile on his lips. Even those people who were shocked by what happened suddenly couldn't help but be attracted to Su Han the moment they saw him.

Compared with the beauty of Toma Buri, it gave people a different feeling. He was too perfect. , like a fairy that fell into the world, it can no longer be summarized by simple beauty or handsomeness. If I have to say it, it can only be described as a perfect work of art.

"There were more people around than I expected."Gudazi frowned.

"……trouble!"Heizi Zheye spoke concisely and to the point. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly opened his palm.

Then, there were people around who were attracted by Su Han's appearance, or people who looked horrified, or even prepared to call the police. Regardless of the person, their bodies remained stiff.

Then, they continued to do what they had been doing before with expressions on their faces as usual. It was as if they completely ignored Su Han and others.

"This is," Gudazi frowned, and after thinking for a moment, his eyes lit up,"I see... is it the aura covering it? But it can also cover up our breath! Let others subconsciously ignore us... What level of aura covering is this?"

"I'm not so sure either. Kuroko Tetsuya said expressionlessly,"Because I used the union to strengthen the level of concealment ability I have now.""

"I see! Gudazi suddenly realized it, and did not discuss it in depth. She turned to look at Tsuchima,"By the way...have you found any trace of that guy now?""

"found it!"Tsuchima nodded seriously and showed the phone interface to several people,"Originally I couldn't find this guy. After all, this guy seems to have extremely powerful computer capabilities. The IP address cannot be found at all!"

"But... isn't his new website attracting traffic recently? So, he held a comic convention personally. Maybe you want to use this to promote it? Well...that's it."

Heizi Zheya looked at the phone interface with a subtle look on his face.

"This is true."Gu Dazi didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Originally, she wanted to say that if she didn't seek death, she wouldn't die, but after thinking about it, even if the time traveler didn't reveal his identity, it would be easy for Su Han to find his traces, so she didn't say anything.

····Asking for flowers 0···

"I just hope that this time traveler is not like the one I met last time." Kuroko Tetsuya's voice was calm. He was referring to the person he met last time in Miss Kaguya's world. That can be said to be the worst civil servant time traveler that the union has ever encountered.

"Don't think about it so much," Su Han interrupted the group's contemplation. He turned on the guild's live broadcast and said slowly,"Let's rush to that guy right now."

Su Han gently slapped the void in front of him with his palm, and with a crisp buzzing sound, the void collapsed. Su Han stepped into the collapsed void..............0Behind him, Kuroko Tetsuya, Tsuchima Buri, and Gudazi looked at each other and followed closely behind.


At the comic show.

Various cosplayers were walking around and negotiating. Some were dressed as Sakata Gintoki, and some were dressed as Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke. There are even ones dressed as Luffy, Whitebeard, and Shanks.

At the handrail of the stairs on the second floor, Longjian Shaye watched this scene with a touch of joy and enthusiasm on his face.

"This comic convention is really held in the right place... I will record the comic convention later, send it to major video websites, and then guide it. Maybe it can make people popular."

Ryuuma Saya is very confident in the quality of comics such as One Piece, Naruto, and Bleach. As long as readers are introduced, they will definitely stay...and then, like Geng Xueqiu, they will continue to expand.

Suddenly , the scene made a crisp buzzing sound, and the void collapsed.

"……what happened?"

"Wait a moment! Why did the air split open? What the hell is this?"

"Could it be that... is this a light novel plot? People from another world invade...wait! In this case, wouldn't it become very dangerous here? ?"

"How could it be true... This must be a special event organized by the official organization of this comic exhibition, right?"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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