The space-time gap was too conspicuous, attracting the attention of many people present.

The one who was far away remained calm. But those who got close were all peeing like shit, and they were so frightened that they ran outside quickly. Even if some people think this is a virtual projection, they cannot remain calm and become very panicked.

The next moment, several slender figures walked out of it

"It's a comic show," Gudazi looked around, her eyes brightening. She even saw the cosplays of Emiya Kiritsugu and Artoria,"There are indeed as many people as I imagined."

"trouble……"Kuroko Tetsuya shot around, and then he stared straight at Kuroko Tetsuya's cosplay and Kagami Daiga's cosplay... His expression was subtle and wonderful,"No, it should be said that it is more troublesome than I thought."More."

After a brief silence, there was an uproar around"350"

"Kuroko Tetsuya...seems like the others are also cosplayers? Especially the young man with black hair at the front, IGod... He, how on earth did he get this look, which even makes me feel that he is perfect and not human?"

"Do you feel this way too? I have it too! I thought it was an illusion. I didn’t expect the aesthetics to be similar!"

"'s not so much that the aesthetics are similar, it's more that that guy is too perfect and forcibly unifies our aesthetics with his own attitude. Ah...I can do it!"

No one thought it was aliens or something from another world. After all, they recognized Kuroko Tetsuya. They felt that this must be an official activity.

Some people frowned and thought hard.

"OMG...what the hell is that? Is the black hole that just appeared a brand new virtual reality technology?"

"I want to send it online! The sense of reality just now... is definitely a black technology. I didn’t expect that this level of black technology would appear here!"

"You said... what would happen if you used that kind of black technology to make a movie? Will it……"

"It must be dealt with as soon as possible." Kuroko Tetsuya thought for a moment and opened his hands.

He used the skills he had used in the cafe before. These extremely excited cosplayers all looked stunned, and then gradually returned to calm.

"Although I know this is the special skill of heroic spirits," Tsuchima muttered,"but it still feels fuzzy when I look at it."

"……Feels a bit like a supernatural event?"Gudazi raised his eyebrows.

In the distance,

Ryujian Shaye felt something was wrong when he saw the gap in time and space. Especially when he saw Kuroko Tetsuya, Tsuchima Mi, and Gudazi's appearance... he naturally recognized them. Gudazi... But he also knew that he had not released fgo.

Therefore, the situation was obviously very wrong.

And after seeing Kuroko Tetsuya's action, the strange atmosphere at the scene... He swallowed with a gulp, and turned towards the scene without any hesitation. Fleeed

"It must be that guy!"Gu Dazi looked at Longjian Shaye who was running away against the flow of people. He raised his arm high, and the command spell on it exuded a faint luster,"Leave it to you!"

With a roar, the spirits gathered, and the figure of Hess emerged.

His feet suddenly stepped on the ground, and his body shot into the distance like a cannonball. With a bang, he landed in front of Longjian Shaye.

"you……"Ryujen Shaye's expression was stiff. After a long silence, he forced a smile and said,"It's really a special dress...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" After only half of the words, Hercules grabbed Ryujian Shaye's clothes. Leader, he rushed towards Gudazi's direction.

Longjian Shaye was placed on the ground by Hercules, but he was completely frightened. His whole body was like mud, and he collapsed on the ground, staring at the people in front of him in fear and disbelief.

"……I didn't expect you to use this method to capture him."Tsuchian Mi looked at Gudazi with a strange expression.

"I've said it before...and you can see from the strength of Hercules that he has shown mercy. Gudazi said harshly, but seeing her touch her nose, one could tell that she was actually a little embarrassed inside.

"Yes, it is easy to leave a psychological shadow."Heizi Tetsuya took a deep look at Gudazi, and then slowly came to Longjian Shaye.

"……Who are you?"Longjian Shaye forced himself to calm down. He raised his head and stared at the group of people in front of him, his voice trembling.

"It's just what you imagined!" Kuroko Tetsuya's voice was calm.

After a short silence, Ryujian Shaye's mentality collapsed."……is that a lie? How could such a thing happen?"

The two-dimensional characters actually exist in this world... It seems like he attracted this group of people because he held a comic exhibition......

"You may have misunderstood," Tsuchima Miyu said in a quiet voice. She could see Ryujian Shaye's thoughts,"Our world is the world of Ganwu Mei Xiaomian... Gudazi, Kuroko Tetsuya and the president and the others are... Came here specially from another world"

"……Eh?!"Longjian Shaye was confused. He said that he was completely confused now.

"Let me explain it!"Heizi Tetsuya was very patient and explained to him the matter of Bunchaogong's time traveler.

Su Han crossed his arms and looked at everything in front of him on track. He smiled and entered the union chat room with his eyes closed.

The Fourth Hokage :"The situation is better than I imagined... At least the copycat this time is not the brain-dead rich second generation I met last time."

Shirai Kuroko:"Actually, you can't say that you are a brain-dead rich second's just that! That guy had obviously been fooled by the superior living treatment he received after traveling back in time... So when President Gintoki Sakata came over with them, he didn't adjust his mentality at all."

Henglaishan Kaguya:"But... the Wenzhao Gong time traveler last time was indeed disgusting! He actually wanted to fight Shinomiya Kaguya or something."

Koro-sensei:"It seems...2.1...Miss Kaguya may be from the same family as Kaguya Shinomiya. I feel the same way."

Kurosaki Ichigo:" Six six six six! It's so funny that I feel the same way."

Thor Odinson:"Awesome!"

Tony is not the richest man:" Thor: Although I don't know what happened, just follow everyone and shout that you are awesome."

Thor Odinson:"?????"

Yako Busujima:"Have you noticed? The president just entered the venue before! Eighty or ninety percent of the people present are staring at the president. There is also a small number of people who are looking at Kuroko Tetsuya.

" Field Jingyan:"……You are very observant."

Sakata Gintoki:"This fully proves a truth... The president's appearance is a killer for both men and women! (Serious face.jpg)"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"President, I'm really blowing it.jpg"

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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