Shino Nobutsu:"This fully shows that Miss Black Cat is living a happy life. (Sentiment.jpg)"

Busujima Yako:"?????"

Tony is not the richest man:"……I suspect you were driving, but I can't find any evidence.

Kirishima Touka:"This car drove into my face!" What more evidence is needed? Just copy it and take it away. (Serious face.jpg)"

Yuan Dagu:"Six six six six."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……You guys, why do you get so excited when talking about this kind of topic? A look of helplessness appeared on Su

Han's face, but he shook his head and said nothing more.

Sakata Gintoki:"Look at the scene... Kuroko Tetsuya and the others seem to have finished explaining." Next, let’s see what choice this copywriter will make, right?

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Does this need to be said?" Yukinoshita

Yukino rolled her eyes.

Yukinoshita Yukino said:"As long as you are not a fool, you will not seek death.""

Gudazi:"What you said makes sense, I am speechless.jpg"

Su Han 15 opened his eyes, just like what was discussed in the union.

After a brief silence, Longjian Shaye's eyes There was entanglement in his words, but there was no hesitation in his words,"I choose... to return to my original world... By the way, I want to ask a question"

"question?"Heizizhe also raised his eyebrows.

"I don’t understand, how could you have any problem with this?"Tokuma Mi muttered, and then said,"But just tell me... We will give you answers if we can."

Tsuchima Mi's attitude towards him is good. After all, there is a comparison with the previous Wenzhao Gong. It seems that this time's time traveler is quite cute!

"that……"Longjian Shaye looked at the people in front of him sheepishly and said cautiously,"After I return to my original world, can I also copy the famous books in this world?"

The scene fell into a brief silence.

Gudazi's eyes went straight, and the corners of Tujian's mouth twitched. He was as calm as Kuroko Tetsuya, but his eyes became strange at this moment, looking up and down at Ryujian Shaye

"……Don't look at me like this!"Longjian Shaye quickly raised his palms, with a wry smile on his face,"I'm not very clear about this, so why don't I ask you?"

"I guess you have to ask the president this question."Gudazi rubbed his chin

"We probably have no control over your world. Han raised his eyebrows,"However, I'm not sure if your world has any special mechanism... Maybe it violated some mechanism and the connection failed."

"Hahaha... I'm just having fun, how can I be a copycat?"Cold sweat broke out on Longjian Shaye's forehead and he quickly denied it.

"Next, I’ll send you back directly!"Su Han didn't say much, and slowly came to Long Jian Sha Ye's body, stretched out his finger and tapped it lightly. With a crisp buzzing sound, a gorgeous brilliance lingered on Long Jian Sha Ye's body.

Longjian Shaye's pupils contracted and he felt an extreme pain, but he found that he could not move at this moment. With the next breath, his consciousness disappeared completely. His figure also disappeared. A clear mission prompt suddenly sounded Ring

"Ding! The union mission has been completed! Union President Su Xiaoxiao received 4 points! Mi Toma earned 10,000 points! Kuroko Tetsuya also received 20,000 points. Gudazi received 30,000 points"

"Sure enough," Heizi Tetsuya nodded expressionlessly,"Although he didn't get many points in the Wenzhao Gong time traveler mission, he was too relaxed... It would be great if he could take on a few more missions like this."

"No," Tujian buried his eyes and twitched,"Although Wenzhao Gong is not very harmful... but there are too many time travellers, no matter how you think about it, it is not a good thing."

"Let's go back directly."Su Han looked around the members for a week

"Although I really want to keep you," Toma Mi stuck out her tongue and said a little embarrassed,"but I don't have the cooking skills of Miss Erina Nakiri or Mr. Liu Subause, so I can only wish you a safe journey."

"It can be said to be very real."Gu Dazi touched his nose. After completing the guild mission, the only thing that could convince Su Han to stay was the world of the two cooking gods in the guild. After all, the food they cooked was real. Delicious.

Su Han did not comment on this, closed his eyes, and clicked on the official return button.

A brilliant brilliance suddenly rose up, enveloping the bodies of everyone present. When the brilliance dissipated, the bodies of the group also disappeared. not see


In the blink of an eye, Su Han appeared in his house.

He looked at the familiar layout of the room, stretched lazily, then came to the bedside table, made a cup of coffee, sipped the coffee, closed his eyes, and stared at the content in the union chat room.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Actually, I'm quite curious... the Bunsho time travellers were sent back! However, the various writings they left in that world were not completely erased."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"In other words... For those of you in this world, is it equivalent to a sudden cessation of roots? And 780 is the collective cessation of roots by the authors of dozens of comics."

Sakata Gintoki:"!!!!"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……Your perspective on the problem is a bit strange."

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't know what to say.

Aisaka Taiga:"It's so true! Then the readers call the police, the authorities intervene, and then they discover...the authors of these works are all the same person, and this author has disappeared at this moment. (Dog head saves life.jpg)"

Gudazi:"……Will this cause a sensation throughout society?"

Sirzechs:"……It's not that exaggerated! After all, these comics of Naruto Death God Sea have not reached their peak yet. Of course, it’s okay to create a sensation. Hatsune

Miku:"So... did the people who participated in the mission win a lottery?" Gui Yanye:"

Yes!" 100,000 points plus a lucky draw."

Izumi Sagiri:"Can you survive by relying on points? Only through lottery can you get rich overnight. (Serious face.jpg)"

Dr. Roman:"It’s so true that I have nothing to say.""

"Ding! Gudazi successfully selected the Second Ascension (three chances) through an unlimited lottery."

Ernesti:"!!!!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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