She sighed quietly.

Queen Medusa:"Next, I will use the known information to find the Green Lotus Fire. Then I will use it to transform into a real seven-color sky-swallowing python."

Clark Kent:"????"


Kokichi Sawada:"……"

Edogawa Conan:"……"

Edogawa Conan:"With all due respect, it is very stupid to use this original method to narrowly escape death and become a legendary beast."

Conan's expression was subtle, and he no longer knew where to start complaining.

Kaitou Kidd:"I think so too! (Silently click ~ like.jpg)"

Queen Medusa:"What else?"

Medusa frowned, a little confused.

Su Xiaoxiao:"You can save some points now, and then directly use the guild function to enhance and evolve yourself. There is no pain! And it is very safe... Isn't this delicious?"

Hijikata Jushiro:"It's so delicious."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"The president said it"

Sakata Gintoki:"Hammer... Although I am very convinced of the president, I have to speak out in this regard."

Sakata Gintoki:"Think about how small the chance of participating in the mission is now?"

Sakata Gintoki:"Guild It was fine in the early days! After all, there were only a few people in total. But later on, there were more and more people... And here's a hammer."

Sakata Gintoki began to grind his teeth. He was the one who wanted to participate in the mission but couldn't..

Points are good. If you get more points, you might be able to exchange money with rich people in other guilds. By then, he won't need to work as hard as he does now.

I am a Marquis:"That's good!"

Kasumi Shiko:"But it doesn't make any sense."

Edogawa Conan:"Yes... Are you able to participate in that kind of side mission? For example, the one set off by Miss Black Cat before The spiritual energy is revived."

Kasumi Shiko:"Yes... this is a phased task! Now that I have completed it to this point, I have earned 20,000 points."

Yuan Dagu:"Envy."

Shirai Kuroko:" Envy."

Nakiri Erina:"……What are you envious of? If you are really envious, you can promote martial arts, immortality, etc. in your own world."

Nakiri Erina rolled her eyes. Is that so? The triggering methods for side missions are all in front of you.

Queen Medusa:"……I see."

Although Queen Medusa still doesn't understand many things, she understands part of it... Those who don't understand can just stay dormant in the guild for a while. After a long time, they should be able to understand it.

"Ding! Suzumiya Haruhi successfully obtained the Blue Silver Emperor Spirit through an unlimited lottery."

"Ding! Suzumiya Haruhi successfully obtained the Wings-Showing Technique."

Let the world feel the pain:"……"

Jackie Chan doesn’t want to do archeology:"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Why did the lottery come so suddenly?"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"And... I got this thing." Suzumiya

Haruhi:"I just randomly drew it. After all, I didn't draw much before! So I'll give it a try now. No. Thinking about it, I actually got the martial spirit... but the Kunpeng Wings Spreading Technique behind it felt boring.……"

One way:"……"

One way:"????"

Railgun:"Haruhi've gone too far! While saying something meaningless, she used the Kunpeng Wing Spreading Technique and transformed into a huge Kunpeng and rushed into the sky."

Misaka Mikoto covered her arms. Face, are you going to start wiping Haruhi Suzumiya's butt again?

Railgun:"I've said it a long time ago, don't do such unconventional things in our world! Otherwise, you will have to use the power of the devil again."

Ryugu Rena:"The forbidden world of magic is modified every day."

Katsura Kotonoha:"Real!"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Aisaka Dahe:"Wait! Can this method transform into a Kunpeng?"

Aisaka Dahe's eyes were a little straight. She was thinking about whether there would be another ten evil methods, but in the end, a Kunpeng spreads its wings... the name sounds like it Not great. But it looks awesome!

Haruhi Suzumiya:"No.……"

Haruhi Suzumiya:"It's a very basic set of techniques... If ordinary people use it, it should be similar to Qing Gong? It should be a super enhanced version of Qing Gong."

Haruhi Suzumiya didn't care and revealed them one by one.

Haruhi Suzumiya:"But what I say... I want to become a Kunpeng, so I can become a Kunpeng. It just so happens that it is said that in theory Kunpeng is the most suitable to use this method."

Sirzechs:"……Because Kunpeng is theoretically the most suitable to use, so you become like Kunpeng."

Sirzechs stopped talking. It seemed to make sense. But if you think about it carefully, you are too crazy to pretend, right?

0······Asking for flowers············

Hatsune Miku:"Perhaps this is the world of the strong."

Katsura Yanye:"As expected of someone who can exert power close to the first level in his own world."**(Big boss boss.jpg)"

Izumi Sagiri:"Can't afford to offend.jpg"

Yu Xiaogang:"……"

Yu Xiaogang:"You obtained this martial spirit Blue Silver Emperor. Is it the Blue Silver Emperor in the memory copy?"

Yu Xiaogang's expression changed dramatically. How could a martial spirit be acquired the day after tomorrow?

Izumi Sagiri:"That's it."

Izumi Sagiri:"Don't be surprised, the guild has all the possibilities."

The sick old man:"Indeed... I thought I was going to die before! But who could have imagined that I went to the Magical Index A trip to the world. Just a thought from that white-haired young man brought me back to the peak of my life!".........00 sick old man:"He even erased the suppression of the Green Emperor's Law on my path of cultivation! Now that I have returned to the original world, I can integrate the Tianxin Seal at any time as long as I want."

Ye Hei:"!!!!"

Doctor Roman:"Ye Hei is in tears.jpg"

Ernestia:"It doesn't matter, you have to cultivate the Great Holy Body first anyway. Don't be in a hurry! Let the sick old man enjoy the treatment of the ancient emperor first."

Nan Xiaoniao :"You have to think this way...even if the sick old man fails to become enlightened now, there will be a Golden Crow Emperor in the future! Anyway, you can't catch up, so don't worry."

Ye Hei:"……"

Ye Hei was speechless for a moment.

The sick old man:"Actually, there is no need to panic... there should be a lot of people in the guild who can solve this problem." The sick old man's attitude towards the guild is completely different now. Not only because of the previous live broadcast, I saw the incredible performance of Su Han and others in the world of Magical Index.

It's even more because he has personally experienced Accelerator's power. And he maintained the attitude of his youth and could live ten thousand years, and returned to the world where he lived.

Yu Xiaogang:"……I don't understand a lot of what you're discussing."

Let the world feel the pain:"It's normal that you don't understand! I suggest you read more about the memory copies in the union.……"

Let the world feel the pain:"By the way, old man Ye Heibian just covered the world with one hand. As for Accelerator, that is the world of the Index of Magical Index... It is recommended to read the New Testament together."

Xiao Meiyan:"……"Corpse"

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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