Pure white elf:"……"

Nan Xiaotiao:"I didn't expect Uzumaki Nagato to be so sinister."

Nan Xiaotiao was speechless.

The Yondaime Hokage:"Fortunately, I'm used to it."

Namikaze Minato took a sip of water and sighed with a somewhat shaken expression.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Six six six six! I can already imagine the master being stunned after reading the two memory copies, and his worldview is shattered."

Yu Xiaogang:"……"

Whitebeard dad:"Gla la la la, I really want to shatter the master's worldview! The method is actually very simple. That is to open the guild live broadcast and show the master Suzumiya Haruhi who has now transformed into Kunpeng."

Yuan Dagu:" I was speechless."

Qiao Feng:"……"

Qiao Feng:"I suddenly realized that some things in my world are developing! It doesn't seem to be the same as what was discussed in the guild on May 10th?"

Qiao Feng frowned tightly.


Sakata Gintoki:"It's different? If you didn't cause the butterfly effect yourself! It should be the time traveler or the reincarnation."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……It shouldn't be a reincarnation, right? I feel like I haven't seen a reincarnation in a long time.

Gudazi:"But this does not mean that the abyss reincarnation does not exist!"

Gudazi:"But let's ask Qiao Feng first what the situation is."

Qiao Feng:"It's the incident in the original work where my identity was exposed!" This time, the Xingzilin incident was triggered in advance. Now someone from the Beggar Clan is looking for me to go to the Apricot Grove. At the same time, there were a few people dressed in strange costumes who told me not to go! Call it a conspiracy. will kill me……"


Hatsune Miku:"……"

Gui Yanye:"Wait... I'm a little confused now! Please let me sort it out."

Izumi Sagiri:"This time... a time traveler went to help Qiao Feng avoid the Apricot Forest incident? Are they so kind? (Currently) Staring like a dog.jp)"

Qiao Feng:"……If they have no ill intentions toward me, treat me with sincerity! Can I not ask everyone to participate in this mission?"

Qiao Feng felt a little uneasy. After all, his character did not allow him to repay kindness with hatred.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Let me take a look at the mission first. If he is really a good person this time! Let's take a look, what will be the impact of not participating in the task?"

Su Han rubbed his brows, and then entered the guild task column. After scanning around, his expression became strange,"So that's it."


Mission name: Kill the Abyssal Samsaras.

Mission introduction: The Abyssal Samsaras team, the Puppet Team, and the orthodox Samsaras team, the Martial God Team, jointly entered the world of Tianlongbabu to participate in the mission. The puppet team controlled the king, the general, and many powerful men from the Beggar Clan. They hoped to use this to penetrate into the Song Dynasty, eventually triggering a battle and setting off a world-destroying battle. The orthodox reincarnation team wants to prevent this battle from breaking out.

Character introduction: Puppet Team (Kui Kun, Li Xunle), Martial God Team (Sanmei Taoist, Qian Qiang, Qiao Xun)

Mission requirements: Kill all the abyss reincarnations

Mission restrictions: Only three members are allowed at the same time (robable mission mode )

Task reward: 100,000 points, an unlimited lottery draw


Su Han fell into a long silence watching this mission. Finally, he completed the screenshot and sent it to the guild chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao:"How should I put it...the union mission has explained everything. (Picture)"

Dr. Roman:"????"


Haruhi Suzumiya:"!!!!"

The guild fell into a brief silence, followed by an uproar.

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……The reincarnators of the abyss are indeed still planning to destroy the world."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"The one who helped Qiao Feng was an orthodox reincarnation? This way everything can be explained."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"But having said that, this time the puppet team is much less dangerous than the abyss reincarnations we have seen before."

Kosaka Kyosuke recalled the reincarnations of the Abyss he had seen before. All of them used viruses to destroy the world, or summoned Zerg aliens. Not to mention how cruel they were. Although puppets are not the right method, compared with those in the past, they are simply It’s just a breath of fresh air.

Chu Zihang:"However, it is very difficult for the puppet team to destroy the world...start a world-level battle?"

Chu Zihang was noncommittal. He did not comment on this.

Himura Kenshin:"Indeed, it is impossible to destroy mankind through pure fighting! At most, it will only severely damage the vitality of human civilization.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Maybe there are any follow-up measures?" Who knows this? But now this matter is not the focus0......"


Su Xiaoxiao:"The focus now is to select the people to participate in the task first. Everyone can start preparing for the robbery!"

Su Han shut up, and after counting a few times in his mind, he suddenly spoke.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The snatching has officially begun."

As Su Han finished speaking, a mission prompt popped up.

"Ding! Guild presidents Su Xiaoxiao, Ye Hei, and Fu Yujian have successfully participated in this mission."

Tsuchian buried:"……"

Two ceremonies:"……"

Kaoru Chino:"!!!!"

Lelouch:"Mr. Ye Hei?"

Lelouch was stunned for a moment, and after thinking briefly, he asked in the guild.

Lelouch:"With all due respect, what is Mr. Ye Hei's current level of cultivation?"

Ye Hei:"With the resources provided by the sick old man and the help of the guild's time training house, I have now entered the Tao Palace realm.……"

Fujiwara Sawei:"Yes, this is very powerful."

Sakuragihua said:"I personally feel that Ye Hei alone may be able to complete this mission... After all, in the Dao Palace realm, one can rely on oneself He destroyed an army with his own strength."

Kuroko Tetsuya:"……In the final analysis, it is just a mission of 100,000 points, so you can't force too much. Kirishima Touka:"

Have you just forgotten my Rain-Covering Sword?"

Kirishima Touka:"The waves are also very strong, okay?" His strength in the original book 2.9 was already terrifying, and he finally shattered the void... There is no doubt that with the help of the current guild, he must have the fighting power of this level."

Kirishima Touka said categorically.

Kirishima Touka:"It is even possible that he has far surpassed the realm of Shattered Void!"

Dongfang Bai:"I'll prove this... He went far away into the wilderness before! With one slash of the sword, it is said that it cut off the highest peak in the world called the Himalayas."

Kayaba Akihiko:"?????"

Sakura Kinomoto:"……"

Rain-covering Sword:"Excessive praise! I was just testing the sword, and I didn't want something like that to happen."

Lang Fanyun sighed quietly, with a deep sadness on his face.

Hijikata Jushiro:"I have to admit, you are very successful in pretending."_

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