Tony is not the richest man:"In other words, if you swallow the moon, then the power of the moon will be born in your body?"

Tony Stark fell into thought.

Jackie Chan doesn’t want to do archeology:"……"

Liu Peiqiang:"The angle is strange."

Qiao Feng:"……Probably like this! But it shouldn’t be called the moon’s divine power, but Taiyin’s divine power.

Yuan Dagu:" It's so terrifying.""

Kosaka Kyosuke:"From this point of view, the level of this Beiming Tiangong is very high! Although it is based on the Beiming Divine Art in martial arts as a template, the level can occupy a place in mythology and even in ancient times."

Sakata Gintoki:"Is it worth being shocked? Why don't you think about the Four Swords of Zhu Xian that the president got last time."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Gu Dazi:"It makes so much sense."

Yuan Dagu:"We can't use our knowledge to measure the guild. The guild is inherently beyond reason and common sense."

Ye Hei"Shivering.

Hatsune Miku:"Why are you shaking?" Don't you also have a chance to win a lottery?"

Hatsune Miku's expression was a little strange.

Ye Hei:"……That seems to be the truth!"

After a short silence, Ye Hei gritted his teeth and said to himself

"No matter which god it is, I hope you will bless me to win a big prize... Well, it seems that no matter what god this guild worships, it doesn't work."

Ye Hei rubbed his eyebrows. It seems that this guild can bring the god he worships into it? After all, there are already many gods in the guild...

Forget it, let's worship the president.

In my heart After praying, Ye Hei had an idea

"Ding! Ye Hei successfully selected the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron through an unlimited lottery! (Red Dust Fairy Level)"

The guild fell into a brief silence.

Ryugu Reina:"……"

Izumi Sagiri:"……"

Dr. Roman:"????"

A bunch of people who had seen One Hand Covering the Sky were all confused, almost wondering if they had seen it wrong.

Emperor Ernest:"The Heavenly Emperor Cauldron! Which Heavenly Emperor Cauldron?"

Suzumiya Haruhi:"……Although I also feel very incredible. But the red dust fairy is highlighted at the back, so it must be the cauldron forged by Emperor Ye Tian in the future.

Tu Shan Honghong:"This...Ye Hei is now in the Dao Palace realm, and he has directly obtained the immortal weapon?" Moreover, it was forged by myself in the future, the most suitable immortal weapon for me. Tushan

Honghong felt a little dizzy.

Taoist master Zhang Sanfeng said:"Indeed... it is difficult for ordinary descendants of the ancient emperors to awaken the weapons of their ancestors." But if it was made by your future self, you can wake it up if you want, right?"

Natsume:"……I suddenly discovered a very terrible thing. Natsume frowned and spoke cautiously in the guild.

Natsume:"Originally, joining the guild was a path of tragedy!" But why does it feel like after he joined the guild, his style changed directly into the invincible style?"

Himura Kenshin:"I was speechless."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Six six six six." Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"

Isn't it a good thing?""

Wugeng Liuli was noncommittal.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Compared to the road I took before, where I don't know how many people died, it is definitely an invincible road, sweeping away all the enemies! More comfortable."

Twelve-Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"If you don't believe me, ask Ye Hei, which path does he want to take?

Ye Hei:" Does this need to be said?" It must be an invincible road!"

Ye Hei answered without hesitation.

Kurosaki Ichigo:"For a moment, I was speechless.jpg"

The sick old man:"……"

The sick old man:"@叶黑 I'm going to find you now!"

When the sick old man remembered that Ye Hei now had an immortal weapon in his hand, the sick old man immediately said that he couldn't sit still.

White-bearded dad:"Gla la la la, maybe the sick old man can use that cauldron to figure out the opportunity to live a new life, and even embark on the path of mortal immortals." The sick old man:"……I don’t expect that! After all, I am still preparing to become enlightened."

The sick old man was very calm.

Tony is not the richest man:"Your talent is already extraordinary. At most, it just lacks a little opportunity, right? The chance guild can completely make up for this for you. Even if the cauldron is not good, you can still strengthen yourself through points. The sick old man:"

That's true.""

The sick old man agreed with this sentence.

White-bearded dad:"So, who will be the next one to draw the lottery?"

Huyujian:"It's me."

After Lang Fanyun finished speaking, he immediately used this lottery

"Ding! The Rain-covering Sword was successfully selected into the field of kendo law through an unlimited lottery."


Hatsune Miku:"Hey! Who can explain to me, what is this field of kendo laws?"

Gui Yanye:"I know kendo, and I also know the laws! But if you combine these two... then I will I don’t know anymore."

0········Asking for flowers········

Izumi Sagiri:"Confused.jpg"

Rain-covering Sword:"……Based on the information I got in my head! Can you compare it to Emiya Shirou's unique barrier?"

After a short pause, a wry smile appeared on Lang Fanyun's face and he continued to speak.

Fuyujian:"Of course, it's actually different! But this is the closest."

Covering Rain Sword:"I can now use the energy in my body to create many divine swords that I know...I even have enough energy in my body to construct dozens or hundreds of divine swords in an instant. Then project them all in one instant. Cause great damage to the enemy!"

Dr. Roman:"!!!!"


Jiujianxian doesn’t like drinking:"……Wan Jian returns to the clan?"

Nan Xiaoniao:"These are the same four words that appeared in my mind just now.

Lelouch:"Somewhat similar on the outside...but completely different in essence!" After all, the swords released by Wanjian Guizong are ordinary swords... On his side, as long as he is brave enough, he can even summon Xuanyuan Sword, Taihao Sword and other divine swords in Yanhuang mythology.

Tu Shan Honghong:"It seems that the items in this lottery are all very good.""

Zhang Sanfeng, a real Taoist, said:"Indeed, it is beyond my expectation."

Zhang Sanfeng stroked his white beard and sighed in the guild.

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"Originally, I saw that the reward for this mission was only 00,000 points... I thought they would get some skills from the ordinary martial arts world. Law. Or something similar to the Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Knife in the world of Yitian Slaying Dragon."


Kurosaki Ichigo:"Old man...are you a devil?"

Magical Girl Nanoha:"Indeed, there is a big gap between what you said and what is currently drawn in the guild."

Magical Girl Nanoha:"Although I also It's understandable why the old man thinks so... After all, the strength shown by those guys before was just that."

Aikawa Ayumu:"So, what about the president? What will the president draw?"

Tsuchima Mi:"I don't think so. I'm super curious too!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Actually, I'm thinking the same as you now, I'm very curious."

Su Han narrowed his eyes, and after thinking for a moment, his thoughts suddenly came to him.

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao successfully obtained the Myth Advent!"_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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