Lelouch:"The myth...is coming?"

Lelouch's expression became strange.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"You told me directly that Myth has arrived! I can understand it. But when you told me that the mission reward you got was Myth's Advent... I was a little confused."

Wu Geng Liuli Erzhang can't be touched. Mind, she also dominates Mythos Advent in her world, so is no stranger to this.

But, how could you get such a thing as a mission reward?

Tony is not the richest man:"President, can you explain it?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"How should I put it... If I use this reward, then our world will completely enter the age of myth... For example, All the gods in the myths sung by all living beings will be revived and become natural gods!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Of course...if I use it, then my"Qi Yi Qi" will be the time when myths descend on all gods. A well-deserved master. I can control their life and death at will... That's about it."

Yuan Dagu:"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Sounds... seems interesting."

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat:"I'm envious."

Kasumi Shiko:"Indeed... Ms. Black Cat and I worked hard to make some people believe it. The existence of myth... Moreover, except for the hundred ghosts she borrowed from the president. All other ghosts need to be rubbed by her own hands!"

Kasumi Shiko:"If Miss Yuri Nao hadn't been invited, Yuri Nao would The lady has a magical pen in her hand that can draw weird things... I'm afraid our plan has completely collapsed."

Kyousuke Kosaka:"Moreover, everything is under my control... Isn't the president the mythical master of the new era? Really? Oh my god, the more I think about it, the more envious I become."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……The point is, if I use Mythic Advent! Our world has undergone tremendous changes, and the root of this is also placed on me... The guild will admit it and trigger a side quest."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"????"

Gudazi:"This is to give you points in a different way."

Sirzechs:"Maybe this is the president."

Hatsune Miku:"The favor from the guild.jpg"

Su Han looked inside the guild After saying that, he smiled dumbly, and then moved his eyes out of the guild.

Ram walked out of the kitchen, glanced at Su Han, picked up the hem of his skirt, and performed a maid ceremony,"In about half an hour... we will be able to start dinner."

"Thanks a lot!"Su Han smiled and nodded to Ram.

After Ram hesitated, Xiao

"Indeed, I am somewhat interested in such a world! Su said very calmly,"After all, this is a world with extraordinary martial arts... Let's have more gods in this world." And bad things!"

"That makes sense. And you can also get some points by the way!"Ram sighed.

Although Su Han has basically reached the points now, he can get them by raising his hand, so why push the points out?

Su Han didn't say anything. After he extracted the guild this time, the brilliant brilliance was in his eyes. It erupted in the palm of his hand and shot straight into the sky.

The brilliance lasted for a full ten minutes. The whole Jianghai City was in an uproar at Su Han's sight.

Obviously, the citizens of Jianghai City had seen what just happened and could not calm down at this moment.

"What happened just now...?"

"A beam of light that shoots straight into the sky! What method is this? Even a great master can't do it, right?"

"I suddenly thought of an extremely powerful being who was rumored to have settled in Jianghai."

"Which one are you talking about? The legendary master in the world! Indeed, although there has been no news about him for a long time, there is no news about him going to other places... he should still be living in seclusion in Jianghai."

"Didn’t you say before that even the great masters couldn’t do it?"

"But that one is special and is recognized as the strongest in the world! The great masters from foreign countries who have competed to be the best in the world all highly respect him... No matter what he does, it is a matter of course."

"That is, if we pursue the previous light search! Is it possible to find the legendary No. 1 Grandmaster?"

"Makes some sense...go for it! Together we will."

Some were shocked, some were in an uproar, and some guessed that Su Han was responsible for this incident. People gathered here to look for Su Han's traces.

"These overly curious guys!"Su Han raised his eyebrows.

As soon as he had an idea, he directly added an illusory concept to his castle. Unless you came to him specifically, if you followed the light beam just now, you would have seen Su Han. house, it will also be ignored directly 0.........

Of course, Su Han actually knew that even if he did nothing. It is estimated that no one will bother him, after all, the castle under his butt covers too much area. And it happens to be in the center of Jianghai...

But anyone who knows the real estate news can basically confirm that only people like the first grandmaster in Jianghai can live in this kind of place. But no one bothered him in the past. After all, local officials paid great attention to him and deliberately prevented him from being disturbed.

"Next up! Just wait."Su Han sighed with emotion. He was very curious about how the world would be transformed by the guild rewards.

Ram stared at Su Han helplessly, but didn't say anything.

Time just passed by while Su Han watched TV. As time passed, Su Han came to the dining table during dinner time.

Liuli looked at Su Han from time to time, his eyes flashing,"Master Demon King, which reward have you used?"

"It has indeed been used!"Su Han smiled.

"No wonder," Wu Geng Liuli thought thoughtfully and continued,"The world around us has undergone great changes... The concentration of psychic particles in the air has increased by a full thirty percent. And it is still rising... Obviously, this revival of mythology is also of great benefit to ordinary people."

Hearing Black Cat's words, Su Han became interested, used his 4.7 sense of perception, and then noticed something very interesting.

"Do you know, in my perception, there is an extra spiritual dragon vein under Jinling... not only Jinling, the Imperial Capital, the Demonic Capital... but also appears under many important cities."Su Han narrowed his eyes,"I counted the number, and it happened to be nine."

"Kujo, corresponds to... Kyushu?"Lilia was stunned for a moment, then she came to her senses and her expression changed slightly.

But when she noticed that all the people at the dinner table were looking at her, her expression suddenly became a little embarrassed. She lowered her head and ate in silence. Eat

"No, you're absolutely right."Rem came to his senses and nodded thoughtfully,"The resurgence of myths... Naturally, it cannot be just the coming of gods... The environment has become better and more suitable for cultivation, and dragon veins appear underground... And it is also consistent with the revival of myths. the rules."

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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