"The revival of myths rewarded by guilds is a complete process."

Rem understood this and was filled with emotion. He sincerely admired the guild's generosity.

Su Han was noncommittal, but suddenly a clear mission prompt came to his ears. He glanced at the guild mission bar strangely, and his expression became strange.

"……By the way, let me say a word of friendship to you! I have a side quest here now, and its status is completed. I was awarded 200,000 points!"

The scene became quiet, Wu Geng Liuli touched her nose,"This is really... I don't know what to say."

"But if you think about it carefully, it is a matter of course! Ram smiled and nodded to Su Han,"Then first I would like to congratulate the master.""

Su Han finished the meal quickly, then turned back to his room. He closed his eyes and lay on the bed, and found that the guild chat room was very lively at the moment.

Ye Hei:"……I don't know what to say anymore.

Ye Hei:"I took out the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron just now, just because of a thought!" Thinking about what it would be like if he revived. Then he really recovered!"

Ye Hei:"That kind of power is too terrifying... And with the help of the gods, my senses are much stronger... I saw many supreme beings in the forbidden areas staring at me."

Ye Hei was both happy and frightened.

He had thought that the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron would be very obedient to him, but he never expected that it would be so obedient.

But on the other hand... the Heavenly Emperor Cauldron is certainly terrifyingly powerful, and can even be said to be one of the most powerful. Gods can perform battles that surpass those of ordinary imperial masters. But if Ye Hei is really targeted by multiple forbidden land supremes because of this, his future will be very troublesome.

Heidi Xiao:"……"

Tony is not the richest man:"I didn't know what to say for a moment."

Yuan Dagu:"If you feel in danger, you can seek help from others in the guild! As we said before, the top strong people in the guild If you think about it, I can help you clear all the forbidden areas."

Ye Hei:"……I believe this! However, I personally still hope to destroy all the forbidden areas by myself."

Ye Hei clenched his fists, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

There is still a long time before the dark turmoil, and he can use this time to grow... Besides, even if the dark turmoil really starts, he It's not too late to seek help from the guild.

Miyazono Kaoru:"I'm a little strange...Mr. Sick Old Man, didn't I help you?""

Sick old man:"……"

The sick old man:"This bastard completely defeated my plan... Originally I was planning to keep a low profile for a while! But with his sudden recovery and holding an immortal weapon in his hand... I feel like the people in the forbidden area have gone crazy."

The sick old man:"Even if he can resuscitate the gods and have the power to protect himself! But his road will be difficult."

Gods indeed have power beyond ordinary ancient emperors, but they cannot be there all the time. In a state of recovery.

If the Forbidden Land Supreme does not take action directly, but sends a round-the-clock hunt for Ye Hei, then the situation Ye Hei faces can no longer be described as difficult... and the Forbidden Land Supreme's background can definitely be spent.

Ye Hei:"……"

Jiujianxian didn't like drinking:"So what are you going to do about it?"

Jiujianxian took a sip of wine and stared at the guild chat room with interest.

Ye Hei:"……The old man has now preached."

Ye Hei turned on the live broadcast silently. He looked at the young man who stepped into the endless starry sky with an expressionless face.

That was a young man who looked even younger than him, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a handsome figure, and a black His hair is shawl, and his whole body is emitting infinite light, like a young god.

He stands in the void, and endless thunder bursts out. This is the disaster of the ancient emperor, which is enough to crush everything, and there is even an ancient emperor. The illusory shadow of heaven vaguely appeared.

However, the sick old man was too young at this time. He was in the prime of his life. Even in the original period of illness and old age, a single blow with all his strength could destroy an extremely sublimated perfection. The Supreme, needless to say now.

No one can stand in front of him, not even the phantoms of the ancient emperor. They were all pushed aside by him. With a tribulation-transmitting immortal song, boundless immortal light burst out, making the whole person The entire universe was trembling.

The Supreme Beings in all the forbidden areas had woken up at this time. They stared closely at the young man who had preached the truth that day. The mood swings were extremely violent.

"Why does this happen? That guy is a young man!"

"Judging from the vitality and blood... he should be thirteen or fourteen years old? Moreover, it’s not like reviving your life! If he were to live another life, he would directly return to his prime, but he looks like this now...unless he was thirteen or fourteen years old."

"The ancient emperor who was thirteen or fourteen years old? are you joking! How could something like this happen in this world?"

The ancient supreme roared. His soul fluctuated extremely violently, and he didn't want to believe that this happened. In fact, this is normal. Not to mention that he is ten years old, and he became the ancient emperor at a thousand years old. He is still young. of

"The method he used is very familiar to me... It seems to be the man from nine thousand years ago!"

"Indeed... the feeling at this time is exactly the same as that time. After the Qing Emperor, the most talented person, if he were not too close to the Qing Emperor, he would become another ancient emperor in the post-desolate ancient era. Break the ancient curse!"

"But there is no reason...that guy counts 390 and counts! By now he should be decrepit and about to enter his coffin. How could he be so young? And it’s not like taking an elixir or living a life naturally.……"

I can't understand that young man who shows unparalleled grace in the starry sky. Completely contrary to their common sense

"No matter what, he must be robbed and killed now!"

"Yes...this era does not need the ancient emperor. It is best for us that the throne is vacant."An ancient supreme king has made a final decision, with murderous intent. For them, enemies of all living beings, the appearance of an ancient emperor symbolizes too many variables.

"I was born, and by the way... let's see what happened to the cauldron just now. That kind of power... I almost thought I saw the cauldron from the Heavenly Era……"

"You mean?"

"How is it possible... I have seen that cauldron before! Although they are both in the shape of a tripod, and the power fluctuations are equally terrifying...the two weapons have completely different charms."

"Yes...not to mention my intervention in the first place! That cauldron should be broken into pieces"

"……Interestingly, many acquaintances have revealed their true identities. Did it exist in the ancient mythological period? There are even a few who are acquainted with Emperor Zun"

"No matter what...get the cauldron first."

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