Heidi Xiao:"That's it."

Heidi Xiao finally understood, and the corners of her eyes twitched. She didn't even know what to say.

Jackie Chan doesn’t want to do archeology:"……If this is the case! Would you agree?

Heidi Xiao:"Let me think about it and give you an answer."

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"That's fine!" Not in a hurry. After all, the president has said that he will only consider hosting the world fusion tomorrow."

Su Han looked at the content of the guild chat and was speechless. Then he moved his attention out of the guild chat room.

He casually took out his mobile phone and browsed through many current news. He found that there are indeed There have been huge changes, but there is no public revelation of the gods.

"Sir," Jarvis's voice suddenly sounded,"Mr. Malaysia is now sending you a communication request! Do you want to take it?"

Su Han raised his eyebrows, realized something, and nodded slightly. Suddenly, Jarvis was in Su Han's body.Projected ~ virtual phantom

"Mr. Su, long time no see."Grandmaster Da Ma bowed slightly to Su Han.

"It’s true that I haven’t seen him for a while. Su Han's voice was gentle,"Why did you come to see me?""

"Mainly, on our side, we heard a piece of news before! In other words, there is a beam of light rising into the sky from your residence, Mr. Su. Grandmaster Malaysia organized his words very tactfully,"And after that... some strange things happened across the country."

"Dragon veins revive and gods appear?"Although Su Han had a questioning tone, his words were very certain.

"Just...huh?"Grandmaster Da Ma looked at Su Han's pupils and narrowed his eyes. When Su Han said this, he knew that this matter was related to Su Han.

"It’s nothing, it’s just an experiment! Moreover, I have also issued prohibitions on those gods so that they will not attack ordinary people wantonly."Su Han's words were gentle. After a short pause, he continued,"And isn't this also a good thing for you?"

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth has revived, and this world has become more suitable for cultivation.

Originally, although the emergence of the catacombs was a great threat to human beings...but humans also obtained extremely huge resources from the catacombs.

Now that the catacombs have been pacified, we can no longer Coupled with the rise of science and technology, the status of warriors is actually gradually declining.

In the past, the Malaysian Grandmaster advocated the rise of science and technology, but was called a traitor by many warriors behind his back. This is because of this.

Even if it is beneficial to the overall civilization of mankind, many warriors They have a hostile attitude towards emerging things such as technology.

But now... the spiritual energy is revived, which means that the warriors who have fallen into a bottleneck will usher in another glory. The number of masters, grand masters and powerful people will be in the next time gain increased dramatically……

"I understand, please bother me!"

Grandmaster Da Ma's voice was sincere. He had figured it all out at this moment. I am afraid that Su Han saw the current contradiction between warriors and technology, so he took a moment.

Warriors are ushering in this stage of great recovery, and the relationship between both sides The conflict will be alleviated a lot.

Thoughts flickered in Grandmaster Malaysia’s mind. As for the appearance of the gods... this may be an accident.

After all, although Grandmaster Malaysia does not know what state he has reached, he can start to create spiritual energy recovery. This is already a miracle. A method that can be called a miracle... It is only natural that it should appear, as long as it ensures that the gods will not cause harm to humans.

Su Han casually chatted with the Malaysian Grandmaster again, and then hung up the phone.

"Master, you are so awesome!"Ram brought snacks and coffee for Su Han, and she was a little dumbfounded.

She had been by the side before, so naturally she saw the exchange between the two and roughly guessed what Grandmaster Malaysia was thinking about.

"I tell the truth! As for what he thinks, it has nothing to do with me."Su Han was noncommittal.

He checked his phone for a while, and when it was very late, he returned to the room and took a nap.

The next morning, after breakfast, he closed his eyes and entered the guild chat room. in.

Su Xiaoxiao:"@Jackie Chan Wants Archeology. @Optimus Prime. @Heidishaw. Have you finished the discussion?"

Heidi Xiao:"I personally have no opinion."

Holy Lord:"????"

Holy Lord:"Didn't you say that we must follow the consent of all members of this world? Why didn't you ask for my consent? I firmly protest! I don't agree with this matter."

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"……"

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archaeology:"Why? The world merges! Those who travel through reincarnation will not come back again. This is a good thing for us."

Jackie Chan frowned.

Holy Lord:"Haha... Unless you release me from hell! You even promise to let me rule the earth... No, I can promise you, I am willing to share the earth equally with you other members of the guild... This is already me The most generous terms that can be given"

·0 flowers requested···0

Holy Lord:"As long as you agree, I will agree immediately."

Tony is not the richest man:"???"


Shazam:"Holy Lord... I don't know whether to call him smart! Or call him stupid. I can only say that his ability to find opportunities to find opportunities is really amazing!"

Shazam expressed his sincere admiration.

Heidi Shaw:"……"

Heidi Xiao:"Divide the earth equally? It is indeed a very tempting proposal! Unfortunately, I am a secret agent... Do you think it is possible for me to agree to such a thing? Or, if Jackie Chan really releases you!" I have to consider whether I should agree to the integration of the two worlds."

Heidi Xiao's face was expressionless, is it okay to release the Holy Lord?.......0A living demon is enough to turn the world upside down. More importantly, guild members can't hurt each other...not to mention how disgusting it is.

Optimus Prime:"The Autobots will not accept such an evil deal! Just give up."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"He is full of righteousness.jpg"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Reprimanded with righteous words.jpg"

Kousaka Kyosuke instantly P Zhang Qing The picture of Tianzhu was then posted.

Holy Lord:"……Then Jackie Chan, just find other worlds to merge with. I believe there is always a world willing to agree to my terms!"

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"Holy Lord...did you misunderstand something?"

Jackie Chan covered his forehead and let out a long sigh.

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"President, I appeal! Although the Holy Lord is a member of the guild in my world, he is completely causing trouble and is not thinking about the world at all... I hope you can block his opinions."

Holy Lord:"????"

Su Xiaoxiao:"It makes sense."

Holy Lord:"……ha?"

The Holy Lord's expression froze. Didn't he agree that he must follow the opinions of everyone in the other member worlds before he can carry out major events such as world integration? Why is this different from what he understands?

Sakata Gintoki:"Don't think blindly... The president made this proposal at that time! It gives each world guild member the right to solve their own world problems independently."

Sakata Gintoki:"But your existence, your proposal... is not good for your world! Even the only bad thing is that you deliberately caused trouble..."_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection and recommendation

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