Sakata Gintoki:"In this case, isn't it natural for the president to make such a decision?"

Sakata Gintoki curled his lips, and the Holy Lord completely reversed the cause and effect of the matter. coming.

Yuan Dagu:"Indeed, in the final analysis! The president is a living person, and he will make his own judgment based on the situation."

Yuan Dagu:"You are completely treating the president like a machine."

Yuan Dagu covered his face. His face burned, and he no longer knew what to say.

Holy Lord:"No... this kind of thing is not true! I don't believe it."

Holy Lord is unwilling to accept this fact.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Then I will preside over the fusion of the worlds first."

Su Han did not pay attention to the incompetent roar of the Holy Lord in the guild, entered the world fusion column, stretched the two worlds together, and then clicked the official button Fusion.

With a dinging sound, a brand new mission ejected.

……""887" mission name: Kill the time traveler.

Name of the time traveler: Yamamoto Tenichiro. Introduction to the time traveler: [A man named Yamamoto Tenichiro traveled to a different world. He obtained the strongest Shinigami system!

With the help of this system, he made He inherited Ryukenwakatsu, and even took out other Zanpakutos from it, and trained a group of Shinigami loyal to him. He named his force the Gotei Thirteenth Division.

Yamamoto Tenichiro needed Only by dedicating human souls to the system can it give feedback points in exchange for various Shinigami abilities. So Yamamoto Tenichiro is killing people in the world, and he has killed several worlds.

And now, He set his sights on this new world……】

Mission requirements: Completely kill this time traveler.

Mission restrictions: Only three members are allowed to participate at the same time (robable mission mode).

Mission rewards: 200,000 points, a random Zanpakutō, and random items from the Shinigami world X1


Su Han looked at this mission and was silent for a long time. Then he completed the screenshot and sent it to the guild chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Come and evaluate this mission! (Screenshot)"

Yuan Dagu:"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"!!!!"

Sakata Gintoki:"How terrifying! It turns out that the Shinigami becomes stronger through human souls."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"????"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"How could this happen? You are slandering!"

Kurosaki Ichigo said that he was very angry.

Aizen Sosuke:"Indeed... the orthodox Shinigami does not need a soul. Reiatsu is ultimately cultivated."

Aizen also spoke. He narrowed his eyes, thoughtfully.

Aizen Sosuke:"And you see, what he said in it is that the system needs souls! It is not that souls are needed to practice Death God. There is a very big gap."

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat Clan:"But, this This guy created a brand new Gotei 13th Division... This is really eye-catching."

Tony is not the richest man:"Gotei 13th Division, if it is based on the situation in the original work of Death! Just go to any guild The masters of the third level should be able to solve it, right?"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"I want to run for this! This kind of enemy, if I can... I must kill it."

Whitebeard Dad:"……"

I am a Marquis:"Haha, young man, you can't have anything you want! If you shout louder and you can participate in the mission, then I will be included in every mission." The old Marquis had a mocking smile on his face. Dagu:"……"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"!!!"

Kousaka Kyosuke was unconvinced.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Who said that? I think my shouting voice is not inferior to yours."

I am a Marquis:"!!!!"

Sakata Gintoki:"????"

Sakata Gintoki:"Is this something worth getting excited about?"

Gudazi:"Forget it...really, whoever shouts louder will get on! Sakata Gintoki is definitely the craziest one."

Sirzechs :"Real."

Hatsune Miku:"The reward this time... is a random Zanpakutō! And then, a random item from the Shinigami world?"

Hatsune Miku's eyes flickered, and she suddenly came up with an idea.

Hatsune Miku:"I would like to ask, can the Zanpakutō be considered an item from the Shinigami world? If so, doesn't it mean that... people participating in the mission this time may get two Zanpakutō?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Watson, you found a blind spot.jpg"

Doctor Roman:"Double sword style? emmm"

Ernesti:"I think you are hinting at me, the sword master Kirito again!"


Kayaba Akihiko:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, let's not discuss so much! Those who want to snatch the task can prepare."

Su Han counted a few times in his heart, and felt that the guild members were ready, so he spoke quickly.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The snatching has officially begun!"

"Ding! Guild President Su Xiaoxiao! Edogawa Conan! Lelouch has successfully participated in this mission.0"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"????"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"I really don't exist."

Kurosaki Ichigo was very shocked.

Fujiwara Sawei:"Terrible."

Sakuragi Hanamichi said:"You actually thought there might be you just now?"

Sakuragi Hanamichi was stunned.

Sakuragi Hanadao:"How narcissistic you are!"

Kirishima Touka:"……In fact, this mission is more or less related to the God of Death! For example, isn't Conan the God of Death?"

Edogawa Conan:"……"

Kayaba Akihiko:"That's reasonable!"

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"……So the question is, what is Conan's strength?"

Sawada Tsunayoshi fell into deep thought. In his consciousness, Conan seemed to have always been the epitome of weaklings.

Hijikata Jushiro:"……"

Edogawa Conan:"!!! It's too much. It's really too much to say that."

Kaitou Kidd:"That's right, I remember the last time Conan used points to draw a lottery! I drew a set of curse inheritance that suits me very well. Kill the enemy thousands of miles away!"

Kaitou Kidd:"Tsk tsk... I think of him dying wherever he goes. This is simply terrifying to think about! Maybe his physique is naturally suitable for this. The talent matches it! I'm afraid his strength and progress are also making great strides now, right?"

Jackie Chan didn't want to think about it:"Curse the opponent to kill?"

Jackie Chan took a breath.

He looked serious, and countless possibilities appeared in his mind.

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"Will 5.2...he come to our world! There are also problems in our world? For example, the Holy Lord died inexplicably. Then let Conan solve the case."

Holy Lord:"????"

The Holy Lord was confused.

Hijikata Jūshirō:"Six six six six!"

Sakata Gintoki:"This operation is so cool... I couldn't say anything for a while."

Batman:"200,000 points... Lelouch again Plus Conan! And Jackie Chan, who is already quite extraordinary... it should be enough."

Batman nodded thoughtfully.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Since everyone thinks there is no problem with this mission, let's get ready to start the mission."

Su Han opened his eyes, he stood up and moved his body bones, then a thought came to his mind, and his body was surrounded by gorgeous Brilliance.

When the light dissipated, Su Han's figure also disappeared. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

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