Kirishima Touka:"What should I say now.jpg"

Kirishima Touka looked complicated. After reading the memory copy, her heart could not be calm for a long time.

Kasumi Shiko:"I never thought... Chen Nan would be the son of Dugu God. Well, even though he is the reincarnation of his son... he is still a son."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Tsk... Dugu God uses the years The chess game laid out for the chessboard. Now it has been completely overturned by the president's memory copy."

Kousaka Kyosuke is actually quite curious about the mood of Master Dugu at the moment. Anyway, if it were him, his mentality would have completely collapsed.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Instead of being curious about the Great God Dugu, it is better to be curious about Chen Nan's mood."

Wu Geng Liuli's words hit the nail on the head.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"My whole life has been planned by others...even those who plotted against me, including my previous life."

Anyway, Wu Geng Liuli brought in some of Chen Nan's thoughts. I feel like there are some hairs on my back. This is really a bit scary.

Jackie Chan didn’t want to do archeology:"I can only say that the son of Dugu Great God is really a ruthless man."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"@万年后我 resurrected.@Dugu大神."

I resurrected after ten thousand years:"……"

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"Don't love me, leave me alone."

Chen Nan's expression changed uncertainly, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing. Even he 597 didn't know whether he was happy or sad at the moment.

God Dugu:"Did the final plan succeed?"

God Dugu looked a little profound. Although the price paid in the end was extremely heavy, they succeeded, and this was enough.

After a brief silence, Master Dugu looked at Chen Nan's guild number. A wry smile appeared on his face,"But now, he knows. Then the trouble will be big!"

If Dugu God alone joined this guild, it would be fine. After all, he will still maintain his plan...but, will Chen Nan do it? After all, he is not the little loser he was in his previous life.

"If he becomes rebellious."God Dugu is worried. By that time, all plans will be overturned. The opportunity for change that was finally formed in this life... will also be ruined. I don't know how long we will have to plan for the future and how many people will be sacrificed before we can wait for the second one. times.

After thinking for a long time, Great God Dugu decided to test it out in the guild.

Great God Dugu:"@万后I am resurrected. Do you have anything to say now?"

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"I thought that all my parents and relatives were dead... But now it seems (bcec) that they are still alive. This is already the best thing."

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"And you... my father in the previous life. Although I know this news, it has not calmed down yet... But since it is true, I am not ready to deny it."

Dugu Great God:"That's it."

God Dugu exhaled, and I don't know whether it was sadness or sadness on his face.

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"As for the plan... let me calm down first."

Chen Nan's mind is in confusion now. If this plan of massacre was planned by Dugu God alone, even if he was his son in the previous life, he would still do the opposite. After all, it has been ten thousand years, and everything has changed after waking up? Who is this? Can it withstand it?

But the key question is that this Tutian plan condenses the moon and the efforts of countless heroes. Even his father in this life also participated in this plan... What is important is that the main body of this plan comes from His previous life, his own plans... all the circumstances combined, he could no longer follow his own temper.

Ye Hei:"……"

Ye Hei:"It's a familiar smell again."

The Yondaime Hokage:"Indeed, people like you... feel very self-centered. Don't like to seek help from others in the guild?" The sick old man:"On the one hand, it's , We have reached this point! We all relied on our own pair of iron fists, and we have our own invincibility. Whenever something happens, you want to ask others for help... You can't become so strong." The sick old man:"On the other hand, , It’s just the limitation of thinking."

The sick old man sighed leisurely, his expression was very complicated.

God Dugu:"……"

Great God Dugu:"Wait! You mean, you are willing to help me?"

Great God Dugu's breathing stagnated, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

Master Dugu:"After reading the memory copy, you should know that our enemy...well, I didn't think about it thoroughly."

Master Dugu suddenly figured out that this guild can even show the future of his world. From this you can imagine how terrifying and unusual it is.

If there are really people in this guild who are willing to help him...especially the president of this guild...then what does the so-called heaven mean?

I am a Marquis:"Open the permissions! I went over to wish you a helping hand."

I am a Marquis:"Although I don't know the heaven-defying and heavenly ways in your world, what level they are... But I have used the ultimate kill now! It's enough! Shake the foundation of the world and cause the whole world to self-destruct... I don't believe that this kind of power can't harm the way of heaven." The old Marquis sneered.

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"????"

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"I think... we should solve it ourselves."

Chen Nan's expression could no longer be described as delicate.

To pull you here to destroy our world? This can no longer be described as a joke. Even if he is stupid, there is no way he would do this.

Whitebeard's father:"Glala lala, don't think too much. That guy just can't speak! He won't destroy the entire six realms you are in."

After hesitating for a moment, Whitebeard was still very tactful. A warning was given.

Whitebeard Dad:"However, if a being of his level really confronts Heaven, he is not sure whether he will win or lose... With all his strength, it is normal for the entire six realms of outer space to be shattered. Because if If they are really evenly matched, it is impossible for him to hold back."

Great God Dugu:"……Is it like this?"

God Dugu nodded thoughtfully. As long as he can win, he doesn't care whether the world will be destroyed... It's not that he is really so heartless. But if the way of heaven does not die, all living beings will eventually die.

Sacrifice this generation, leaving behind an extremely bright life for future generations.

God Dugu has already prepared this kind of awareness, the awareness of bearing sins, and even dying with himself...

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Actually, , I think you should not look for someone like the old Marquis to attack you lightly. It's better to find someone who is stronger and more reliable in the guild.

Weber:"Yes, the most striking example!" President boss. If the president is willing to take action, your world will be truly stable. He can wipe out the law of heaven with a snap of his fingers.

Xia Shizi:"Six six six six.""

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"Lord Demon King: I think you are trying to embarrass me, Su Xiaoxiao!"

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