God Dugu:"!!!!"

God Dugu:"……Snap your fingers?"

Dugu Dashen was stunned for a moment and could not react.

Tony is not the richest man:"I'm afraid the president will never be able to get rid of the finger snapping joke in his life. (Can't laugh or cry.jpg)"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……Enough. In fact, even if I don’t participate! There are many people in the union who can help Dugu."

Su Xiaoxiao:"The first level of existence is best to be guys like Kusuo Saiki, Aizen, and Accelerator who can exert supreme power.……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Their power is truly invincible. To put it in a very ugly way, even if the world is destroyed, they can still reverse time and space with their own power!"

Yuan Dagu:"Let me summarize what the president said. I mean."

Yuan Dagu:"I've been very busy recently and I'm too lazy to move... If you want to find someone to fight, find someone else."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"It's so true."

Sakata Gintoki:"I can't blame the president for rejecting... you guys Talk about a fight! Even travel expenses are not reimbursed. Who can withstand this? (Funny.jpg)"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Yes, if it were the world of Nakiri Erina and Liu Subaru, there would have been a fight and delicious food....But what is there in the Tomb of Gods world? There is nothing."

Aisaka Taihe:"Tiandao: I never thought that I would barely survive because there is no food in our world."

Gudazi:"What the hell! Hammer. If the first-level boss goes over, he can blow it up."

Hatsune Miku:"There is no way... that state is too extraordinary."

Hatsune Miku:"For example, Accelerator! He is at the stage of the Demon God's absolute ability user , can reshape the laws of the universe at will... and now he has developed a way to combine the devil and the absolute ability into one, to achieve the ultimate sublimation... It is impossible to imagine how powerful he is."

Hatsune Miku:"Others The guild bosses have basically not shown their strength... After all, they are already strong enough. They rarely need to go all out!"

Izumi Sagiri:"I know very well the power of a first-class strong man."

Izumi Sagiri:"Yes, it's Saitama-sensei! (plausible.jpg)"

Doctor Roman:"!!!"

Ernesti:"……This is easy to understand, right?"

Ernesti looked very speechless.

Suzumiya Haruhi:"Yes, isn't his power just to destroy everything with one punch? No matter how powerful he is, the essence of his power is this."

Saiki Kusuo:"If you need my help, you can always tell me. Accelerator:"

Haha... I am a villain." but! I can't stand people like Tiandao who destroy the world. If you really want me to beat him up, I have no problem anytime. I can even pay for the travel expenses myself!"

Tushan Honghong:"……Obviously he just wants to help others, but he can't get over his awkward personality."

Tushan Honghong was a little dumbfounded.

Natsume:"Obviously in the later stage of the text memory copy, I didn't think that I was a villain anymore... I was redeemed by Misaka Lolita."

Himura Kenshin:"Maybe it's because the last one in reality is now adopted by Misaka Mikoto, right? After all, he said before that he was not qualified to touch the final work, so his character is still in this half-dead state.……"

Ayumi Aikawa:"A lolicon gave up on lolita... What a huge realization this is! It's so touching."

Accelerator:"……Do you want me to blow your head off?"

Accelerator's face was very cold, with murderous intent.

Master Dugu:"Thank you very much for your enthusiasm."

Master Dugu saw the appearance of two people who were sure to solve their world's problems, and his expression suddenly became very complicated. He hesitated several times.

Master Dugu:"But what is that travel fee? I don't seem to have any travel expenses.

Accelerator:"I told you, that's not important!""

Saiki Kusuo:"It's still quite important.……"

Saiki Kusuo - gentle personality. He naturally knew that Great God Dugu had a straightforward temperament. Will they keep in mind the favors given to others, and even pay for their own travel expenses when giving them favors? God Dugu absolutely cannot accept this kind of thing.

If they force the fees to be paid at this time, Master Dugu will definitely not hate them, and will even be grateful to them as always... But Master Dugu will be very sad in his heart.

After Kusuo Saiki thought for a moment, he continued to speak.

Saiki Kusuo:"Let's do this... let's pay the fee for now. If we really helped you solve the problem of heaven in the past! Then you should be able to get points, and then you can pay them back."

Master Dugu:"……Is it like this?

Accelerator:"Why waste so much talk?" Open the guild channel."

I am a Marquis:"!!!!"

The old man is a Marquis:"I want to go there too. I am obviously very powerful."

The old Marquis was very unconvinced.

I was resurrected after ten thousand years:"……"

Nan Xiaoniao:"So, old Marquis, you really should learn how to speak."

Nan Xiaoniao covered his face, not knowing what expression to show.

Su Han stared at the scenes inside the guild with interest. At the reminder of the guild members, Master Dugu started the guild live broadcast.

This is a vast chaos.

The Great God Dugu stood here quietly. In front of him, the void was distorted, and two figures gradually emerged.

"Is this the world of Tomb of Gods? interesting."

Accelerator looked around. He could also exert his power in this world, so he instantly sensed the existence of the Heavenly Dao that controls the world's supreme power.

"How could it be... you guy! What's going on? Why do you have almost the same rights as me?……"Tiandao's disbelieving words were only half of what he said.

Accelerator's face was expressionless, and he patted his palm lightly, and Tiandao immediately let out a muffled hum, and with a crisp buzzing sound, the chaotic void was shattered.

God Dugu's face was dull. He also heard the voice of Tiandao and knew that at that moment, he had been exposed... He was ready for a full-scale war.

But what Dugu God never expected was that Tiandao would be completely defeated at the first moment of the confrontation with Accelerator.

Even if he was prepared, the two people in front of him should be stronger than Tiandao... But this kind of power is too much.

"I'm going to deal with Tiandao's men, those miscellaneous gods, and the Chaos clan in the chaos. Accelerator turned his head expressionlessly and stared at Saiki Kusuo,"As for you, just go and fight Tiandao directly.""

Without waiting for Kusuo Saiki to reply, the wings on Accelerator's back spread out, and the power of the absolute ability user was released. The wings trembled slightly, the void shattered, and his figure disappeared in an instant.

He didn't even need to use the absolute ability user's power. The power and the power of the devil are integrated and sublimated, and based on the current normal state, it is easy to kill all those enemies.

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