Master Dugu suddenly understood something, and his expression changed. He has climbed to the pinnacle of the Heaven-defying King level in the Tomb of Gods world... It can be said that he has reached the point of no further progress.

Although his talent was so extreme that he mentally broke through this field, his own realm was still firmly limited to the Heaven-defying King level.

And now, this broken fairy world is his opportunity to make a full breakthrough.

Master Dugu:"The guild chat room... is really an extremely terrifying existence."

These are the words from the heart of Master Dugu.

The Twelve-Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"Okay, okay."

Tony is not the richest man:"Go one step further... The thing I drew this time may not be the best, but it must be the most suitable for Dugu." The

Fourth Hokage :"Chen Nan looked at the fountain of gods and demons in his hand, and suddenly felt that it didn't smell good."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Six six six six, this operation is too good."

Su Han looked at the discussion in the guild , burst into laughter.

In other words, between casual chats in the guild, time is lost bit by bit.

During dinner, Su Han frowned as soon as he sat on his chair. His spiritual sense was keenly aware of something strange, and he turned his head and looked out the door.

Zhao Linger walked in slowly with a faint smile on her lips. Although her appearance remains the same, her temperament is completely different from before, with a kind of detachment.

"This is really," Su Han narrowed his eyes,"a shocking thing."

"Aren't you the same? elder brother."The smile on Zhao Ling'er's face gradually faded. She frowned, looked Su Han up and down, and sighed quietly,"Only when I truly have this kind of authority can I realize what's special about you."

Yes, Zhao Ling'er has become the Lord God.

Her body already possesses some of the properties of the Lord God. She can even travel freely through the endless world if she wants. In theory, as the Lord God, she has the ability to see through everything in the world. The ability to provide information. But when she scanned Su Han, she found that she could not scan any information about Su Han. It even felt like... there was no such person in front of her.

Narrowing her eyes, Zhao Ling'er scanned the other people on the scene,"Leader Miss, Miss Black Cat, Miss Ramrem... none of them can detect the information."

"However, Lilia, Erica, Red Eyes and Black Eyes can detect...the world codenamed God Killer and Codenamed Red Eyes?"

Although she knew that Su Han and others were very special in the past, it was only after she truly became the Lord God that she felt deeply how special these people were.

"Why are you thinking so much?" Ram reluctantly stepped forward, grabbed Zhao Ling'er's palm, and then pushed her down on the chair,"Eat... eat first."

Zhao Ling'er's expression paused, and she suppressed all the brilliance in her eyes in a state of confusion.

After Su Han finished eating, he nodded to Ram,"Please tell Zhao Ling'er about our situation. Then let's see...if we can completely curb the existence of the Abyss Reincarnators"

"I understand."Ram obviously understood what Su Han meant.

"Abyss reincarnation?"Zhao Ling'er held her chin with her palm and glanced at Ram and Su Han strangely,"Even if you don't tell me, I will deal with them."

"To the main god, the reincarnators of the abyss are like viruses... and they are very bad ones. This is my next enemy!"

"This would be perfect."Ram's eyes lit up for a moment, and he was happy about this from the bottom of his heart. There was no conflict between the two parties, which was the best thing. After returning to his room, Su Han played with his mobile phone for a while and then fell asleep..

The next day, Su Han still saw Zhao Ling'er's figure while having breakfast.

Because she had truly become the Lord God, she no longer needed to perform the tasks assigned by the Lord God. It was equivalent to changing from working for others to working for others. Working on his own, he can allocate his time freely.

While eating, Su Han entered the guild chat room with his eyes closed. He found that it was very lively at the moment.

Qiao Feng:"Although I was hesitant...but in the end, I decided to let my The world merges with Chu Liuxiang's world."

Tony is not the richest man:"Horrible.

Yuan Dagu:"I will not comment on your behavior.""

Kosaka Kyosuke:"I'll give you a look and you'll realize it yourself.jpg"

Chu Liuxiang:"This is the best thing."

Chu Liuxiang was very pleased at this moment.

Sakata Gintoki:"Um...can you allow me to ask you why?"

Qiao Feng:"I struggled for three or four hours last night and still couldn't make a decision. But later, Xiongba chatted with me privately and said that his world could be integrated with mine."

Qiao Feng:"I suddenly woke up at this moment."


Xiongba had no expression on his face, he chatted privately,"Why did you still wake up?" What do you mean?

Xiong Ba felt that Qiao Feng was targeting him.

Qiao Feng:"For example, in Fengyun World, the level of force is much stronger than in our world. If we merge with his world, people in our world will be more dangerous than if we merge with Chu Liuxiang's world, right?"

Qiao Feng:"Besides. , after the fusion of the two worlds, the rivers and lakes will still be the original rivers and lakes, and even the people in our world will have the memories of the people in the opposite world... In this way, when walking around the rivers and lakes, people from Chu Liuxiang's world will also be wary."

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Tony is not the richest man:"Well-founded and convincing!"


Gudazi:"I always feel that there is something wrong, but after thinking about it carefully, I feel that Qiao Feng's words are very logical."

Gudazi looked strange and fell into deep thought.

Hatsune Miku:"Six six six six."

Ryugu Reina:"Then next, is President Aite?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Farewell Aite, I'm here."

Su Xiaoxiao:"And I'm eating now Breakfast, world fusion and so on... Can you wait until I finish eating before talking about anything else?"

Izumi Sagiri:"Yes, this is very powerful."

Doctor Roman:"What a coincidence, I am also having breakfast... I have always been very Strange, don’t you people need to eat anymore? You have collectively transformed into immortal cultivators, and you are all fasting?"

Dr. Roman complained crazily.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Oh, right, I forgot to mention one thing!"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"In the future, we no longer need to worry about the problem of reincarnators in the abyss."

Tony is not the richest man:"????"

Aisaka Taiga:"!!!!"

Gudazi:"What happened? The Abyssal Samsaras all died suddenly!"

Ichigo Kurosaki:"It's so satisfying...a group of guys who always want to destroy the world and make a big deal."

Ichigo Kurosaki shook his head.

Ram:"It's not that they died suddenly...but that Miss Zhao Ling'er will target them next."

Rem accepted Ram's words with a tacit understanding.

Rem:"Miss Zhao Ling'er has now officially become the main god! Her free hand is tantamount to official suppression of the mere Abyssal Reincarnator... tsk tsk."

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