The guild chat room fell into a brief silence, and then completely exploded.

Tony is not the richest man:"????"

Yuan Dagu:"Fuck……" king:"Wait a moment...allow me to understand. Let me read it again. What did you say just now?" king:"It turns out it was not an illusion. The president's sister really became the main god." king:"……"

The bundle of Xiao:"……"

Monkey D Dorag:"????"

Weber:"This is too exaggerated... How could something like this happen? A person turns into a god or something."

Lala:"Is it worth being surprised?"

Lala has an out-of-character personality and doesn't think this is the case. It's too unbelievable, but it's a bit strange why the people in the guild have such a big reaction.

Lala:"Didn't the president say it a long time ago? Miss Zhao Ling'er is now on her way to becoming the Lord God."

Sakata Gintoki:"Although that's what I said……"

Sakata Gintoki:"But talking about Kazuma actually becoming the main god, those are two completely different things."

Sakata Gintoki's face became confused. He didn't know what to say, and his mind was in chaos at the moment.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Everyone in the guild has fought against the Lord God so many times, so you should be aware of it, right?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"The Lord God is a relatively mechanized organization. He has no emotions of his own!"

Su Xiaoxiao :"Under this situation, he is constantly competing and selecting reincarnations... Why do you think it is?"

Ainz Ooal Gown:"Originally, I thought he was seizing the origin of the world... or seizing other things. What resources! But now it seems that it is possible that the Lord God is constantly screening to see if he can select a master of his own?"

Flying Squirrel took a slight breath, and was very shocked in his heart. He himself couldn't believe his inference, but this inference was currently most consistent with the facts.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"It turns out that this is the ultimate goal of the Lord God! No wonder, ordinary reincarnations are not on the guild's hunting list. Because they themselves are harmless to the world!"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"Then, What's going on with the Abyss Reincarnation?"

Yukinoshita Yukino was a little confused. She has always felt that the Abyss Reincarnators and the Reincarnators are all controlled by the Lord God. But now it seems that is not the case?

Ram:"If the Lord God is compared to a computer, then the Abyssal Reincarnator is the virus in the computer. It does exist, and even relies on the computer to exist, but it itself is harmful to the computer." Aisaka

Taiga:"Similar to a parasite?"

Koro-sensei:"I see... So after a main god is truly selected in the main god space! This main god will completely eliminate the virus in his body."

Gudazi:"In other words In other words, even if this new main god has nothing to do with the president, as long as he appears...then he will eliminate all the reincarnations of the abyss."

Kaitou Kidd:"From this perspective, the main god is indeed our innate Allies."

Kaito Kidd nodded thoughtfully.

Kaitou Kidd:"But... if you think about it, President, this family is really terrifying."

Jushiro Hijikata:"The president of the guild is my brother, and the main god of the main god space is my sister. Hiss!"

Xiaolin :"Awesome, awesome! This show makes my scalp numb."

Ayumi Aikawa:"Ordinary little cuties are shivering and don't dare to speak."

Ernesti:"……How long have you been a member of the guild? What a new guy.

Ernesti rolled his eyes.

Aikawa Ayumu:"But compared with the big guys in the guild, my strength is far behind."

Aikawa Ayumu let out a long sigh.

Nan Xiaoniao:"I feel that is because you are too lazy.……"

Tushan Honghong:"Don't ask why you haven't become stronger. Ask because you are too lazy! Or you have bad luck."

Koro-sensei:"If you want to become stronger, just have points. Even if you can't participate in the main mission, there are also side missions. The task... there is always a way to find a way."

Koro-sensei:"So in the final analysis, it's still a matter of laziness."

Koro-sensei made the final decision.

Haruhi Suzumiya:"So, you won't discuss the integration of Qiao Feng's world?"

Haruhi Suzumiya looked a little weird.

Qiao Feng:"……"

Qiao Feng:"Ahem, you guys can continue the discussion, I'm not in a hurry."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, since you people from the two worlds have no objections, then naturally it is impossible for me to have any objections."

Su Han shrugged, and then entered the World Fusion column, stretching the two worlds. Together, official integration clicked.

Accompanied by a crisp prompt, a task popped up.


Mission name: Kill the time traveler. Time traveler’s name: Bai Yutang.

Time traveler’s title: Thief Saint.

Introduction to the time traveler: After traveling through time, he became Bai Yutang, and then embarked on the road of Thieving Saint. His strength progresses step by step, and in the end, there is nothing in the world that cannot be stolen. He can even steal other people's inner strength and various martial arts abilities. Smelting all the laws in the world into one body, and finally breaking through the void with force. Now he has set his sights on the new world, wanting to steal all the cultivation energy in this world and turn the martial arts world into a demon-free world.

Mission requirements: Completely kill this time traveler.

Mission restrictions: Only two members are allowed to participate at the same time (robable mission mode).

Mission reward: 150,000 points, a random ability on Bai Yutang, and an unlimited lottery.


Su Han looked at this mission and fell into silence for a long time. Then he completed the screenshot and sent it to the guild chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao:"It's been a long time coming, and it's time for you to evaluate it. (Picture)"

Tushan Honghong:"It's so scary."

Kirishima Touka:"This mission...Meaning. Thief?"

Xiao Zhizhi said:"It's really a matter of stealing and canonizing... There is nothing in the world that cannot be stolen. Oh my gosh, I'm thinking about a question now... If the target of this guy's attack is the president, will he be able to rise to the top in one fell swoop if he just steals an ability?"

One way:"……"

Ernesti:"The abilities of the president are all super extraordinary, right?"

Koro-sensei:"If he really reaches out to the president... he will die suddenly."

Koro-sensei said Rolled his eyes.

Korosensei:"I don't even think about how powerful the president has become! If he doesn't want to, no one in the world can get close to him."

Korosensei:"Besides, 150,000 points says it all...if he has the means Can it really have an impact on the strong men of the guild... Is that possible?"

Thor Odinson:"Yes, there is nothing absolute in this world? His skills can only affect... Some little guys below the third level are useful."

Thor dismissed it.

Ayumi Aikawa:"……I'm really sorry that my strength didn't reach the third level."

Nan Xiaoniao:"I am a waste...Yes, I am the weak one whose ability may be stolen."

Nan Xiaoniao covered his face.

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