Kokichi Sawada:"……"

Koro-sensei:"Don't be so inferior...you haven't really let him try it, so whether he can steal it is still a matter of debate."

Koro-sensei comforted him in a low voice. He organized his words and continued to speak.

Koro-sensei:"After all, if you are weaker than the third level of strength, it is also divided into different stages... You are only a little weaker than the strong third level of the guild, which is still weak... You are actually an ordinary person, which is also weak. Ah."


Xiaolin:"Although I know that Koro-sensei is trying to comfort me...but when I hear what he says, I always have the inexplicable feeling that he is mocking me."

Xiaolin's expression became subtle.

Edogawa Conan:"What a coincidence, I feel the same way."

Kirishima Touka:"One time may be a coincidence... But if two people say this at the same time, then there is an inevitability in the coincidence."

Nagi Kirie Rina:"Koro-sensei, this seemingly honest guy, actually has a very bad conscience."

Ernesti:"So, is there anyone in the guild who doesn't like Koro-sensei, and now he's jumping out to fight with him?" Do you want to fight?"

Nan Xiaoniao:"……Too weak, sorry.

Accelerator:"He didn't talk about me, how could I jump out?""

Kurosaki Ichigo:"+1.

Tu Shan Honghong:"Maybe this is, it's none of your business... Just hang it up."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, what's the point of discussing so much?" Get ready to start task selection."

Su Han interrupted the communication among the guild members and went directly to the topic.

Kayaba Akihiko:"……"

Clark Kent:"With all due respect, there is only one person eligible for this election?"

Edogawa Conan:"I don't know what to say.jpg"

Hijikata Jushiro:"I feel that there is absolutely no chance that I will be selected.."

Kaitou Kidd:"Don't breastfeed. No matter how much you breastfeed, you won't be able to get it."

Hijikata Jushiro:"……Can you say something nice?"

Kaitou Kidd:"Then, you should work hard to draw! You can definitely get it. Even if you can't draw it this time, you will definitely be able to draw it next time."

Earthwork 14 Lang:"……"

Hijikata Jushiro's mouth twitched several times.

Hijikata Jushiro:"Forget it...you should continue to say what you said before."

Su Han did not pay attention to the internal communication in the guild. After counting a few times in his heart, he suddenly spoke.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The snatching has officially started."

With a crisp sound, a message popped out.

"Ding! Guild presidents Su Xiaoxiao and Dongfang Bai have successfully participated in this mission."

Nan Xiaoniao:"……"

Yagami Taichi:"????"

Horaishan Kaguya:"Oh my God...it's Sister Dongfang who will participate in this mission."

Horaishan Kaguya's expression was subtle, and she no longer knew what to say.

Lelouch:"No matter who is drawn, it's normal. (Routine operation, everyone sits down.jpg)"

Nan Xiaoniao:"I'm actually curious, is Sister Dongfang strong enough?"

A look appeared on Nan Xiaoniao's face Worrying, Dongfang Bai joined the union later, right? It might be difficult to deal with an enemy with 150,000 points...

As for the other people who participated in the mission... Needless to say, Qiao Feng and Chu Liuxiang, they joined after Dongfang Bai. The strength should be weaker.

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"I am very confident in Miss Dongfang's strength."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and stroked his beard.

Dongfang Bai:"I would also like to thank Mr. Zhang Sanfeng for his teachings."

Dongfang Bai:"Mr. Zhang Sanfeng is too strong. His teachings have helped me a lot."

Dongfang Bai was calm and sincere at the same time.

I am a Marquis:"……"

Ernesti:"What did you say just now? As long as you want to become stronger, there is always a way... look at what Miss Dongfang Bai did?"

Natsume:"So... the strongest way to become stronger Just hugging the thigh?"

Natsume pondered Dongfang Bai's choice, and his expression gradually became weird.

Kurosaki Ichigo:"What is a leg hug? This is called apprenticeship! It's not shameful to learn from others if your skills are not as good as others."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"But then again...why doesn't anyone ask me to hug someone?...Ahem, would you like to learn from me?"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked complicated, he also wanted to be someone else's leg.

Euclidean Wood:"……"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Perhaps it's because you are not the best choice?"

Lelouch:"Yes, if you want to learn the way of death... wouldn't it be better to ask Aizen for advice? He is the first class. It exists, and it’s easier to talk about it now."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"????"

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Easier to talk to?"

Kurosaki Ichigo was stunned. He was thinking whether there was an error in his memory or whether Lelouch had been brainwashed.

Lelouch:"After all, Aizen has not really become a big boss in your world now... His disguised personality is still the original sunny and warm man. In this case, he can be regarded as answering all questions, right? ?"

Lihua played:"……"

Sakuragi said:"It's too real."

Sakuragi said:"Think about the gap between Aizen and Kurosaki Ichigo... If you really want to learn the way of death, you should go find Aizen."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"????"

Kurosaki Ichigo's brows were beating wildly, and he felt like his mentality had collapsed.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, let's not say so much... Dongfang Bai, are you ready?"

Dongfang Bai:"Of course. I can start at any time!"

Su Han shrugged, and then took the last mouthful of porridge. Drink it, close your eyes, and click to officially participate in the task.

Then, a faint layer of brilliance lingered around his body, and Su Han's figure instantly disappeared from where he was.

"Um?"Zhao Ling'er frowned for a moment and looked at the place where Su Han disappeared. She couldn't see it in the past, but now, she noticed the surging space fluctuations when Su Han left. After a brief silence, she turned her head

, Staring at Ram beside him,"Brother, there is no big problem this time, right? If you need me, I'll follow you to see what's going on."

Lamu's brows twitched, and she stared at Zhao Ling'er strangely,"Can you... chase after her?"

"Why not?"Zhao Ling'er spoke calmly.

After a brief silence, Rem suddenly spoke,"In the past... the reincarnators might also appear in our missions."

Ram was silent, and Rem's meaning was clear at a glance.

The main god space is likely to be another existence parallel to the super-dimensional guild... They can't participate in the mission through the guild now, but it doesn't mean that they can't go to Qiao Feng through the reincarnation space. world

"So sister, shall we go?"Rem blinked his eyes, his words filled with expectation.

"You can go, but you don't have to."Ram thought for a while, shook her head, and began to arrange the dishes on the table.

"Don't forget one thing...the master going to that world means that the mission will definitely be completed. And if we pass through the reincarnation space, I'm afraid we won't be able to enjoy the points allocated by the union.

After a short pause, Ram asked,"Then what are we going to do?" Just for the scenery?"

Rem was speechless. Finally, he smiled bitterly and gave up his previous whimsical ideas. He also started to arrange the dining table.

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