In the fusion world.

Qiao Feng frowned, he was in the Beggar Clan's headquarters

"Chu Liuxiang...Chu Liuxiang!"After pacing in place for several times, he suddenly said,"Do you know about a guy named Chu Liuxiang?"

The elders of the Beggar Clan around you look at me and I look at you. Finally, an elder of the Beggar Clan spoke carefully,"Gang leader, are you talking about the legendary Thief Saint?"

Qiao Feng's eyelids twitched. If he remembered correctly, it seems that the time traveler enemy he faced this time was also a Thief Saint, right? Although he was speechless, he still nodded,"That's that guy."

"That Thief Saint is indeed famous in the world," another elder spoke. After hesitating for a moment, he continued,"Gang Leader, are you looking for him? The place where he last acted... is far away from where we are now. Coupled with his elusiveness, it is difficult for our Beggar Gang to find traces of him."

Qiao Feng was thoughtful. It seems that the two worlds have been integrated... But what method should be used next to find Chu Liuxiang in the shortest time?

Before he could come up with a plan, in the void Suddenly there were waves. Su Han's figure stepped out from the void, and behind him stood Dongfang Bai.


"How dare you come to my land of beggars and act unruly!"

"I haven't seen such a bold person for a long time."

Many elders of the Beggar Clan were furious. After the Xingzilin incident, their awe for Qiao Feng reached its peak. So when they saw someone dare to sneak in, or even appear directly in front of Qiao Feng, they were shocked and confused. angry

"No need to say much."Qiao Feng's voice contained inner strength, loud and bold,"These two are my close friends."

A Beggar Clan elder, Babao, who was using his palm power, suddenly paused. Then he saw Su Han, who was smiling but not smiling, and his pupils suddenly dilated. He was one of the survivors of the last Xingzilin incident.

In front of him was Su Han. People gradually became connected with people outside the apricot forest in his mind. His face turned pale, and he sat down on the ground with a plop, his body trembling.

"……Are you so afraid of me?"Su Han touched his cheek, a little speechless.

"It should be the aftermath of the last incident."Dongfang Bai's voice was calm. She stared at Su Han's cheek and spoke with sincere admiration,"Based on pure appearance, the president is the most magnificent person in my life."

"I once heard that in ancient times, there were kings who played with the princes with beacon fire... just to win a smile from a beautiful woman. I used to be dismissive of this...but since the last time I saw the president, I can understand that king. If I were him, I would probably be confused when facing the president."

Su Han's brows twitched and he stared at Dongfang Bai speechlessly. Is King Zhou You a male? Your analogy is not appropriate at all.

"Ahem," Qiao Feng coughed lightly and said with a wry smile,"Miss Dongfang, please be sure not to tease the president again. If we really make it impossible for the president to step down, we will not be easy in the end."

"Just a joke." Dongfang Bai, who was wearing red, smiled brightly.

Su Han simply stopped looking at Dongfang Bai. He turned on the guild live broadcast, then snapped his fingers, and a portal slowly formed in the void.

A few of them The master of the Beggar Clan who was helped up by the elder who collapsed on the ground saw this scene, and his expression changed drastically.

"……What exactly is this?"

"It's simply a magical method... Look, a person actually came out of it? I know this person... He seems to be, Chu Liuxiang?"

"Is it the famous Thief Saint? how come……"

"I suddenly remembered what happened last time in Xingzilin... Could it be that."

Many elders suddenly changed their expressions. They subconsciously looked at the limp elder of the Beggar Clan, and suddenly realized that this elder seemed to have experienced the Xingzilin incident last time. They understood something in their hearts.

They looked at Su Han Dongfang again Bai, with a touch of shock and awe in his eyes

"President, Gang Leader Qiao," Chu Liuxiang smiled and nodded to the two of them, then glanced at Dongfang Bai and said with emotion,"Master Dongfang is indeed heroic! Not inferior to a man."

Dongfang Bai glanced at Chu Liuxiang, noncommittal.

Chu Liuxiang didn't care, and turned to stare at Su Han,"So, President...where is our enemy now?"

"He's here, just not here."Su Han thought for a moment, and with a thought, Kama Taj's magic array instantly appeared on the ceiling.

With a crisp sound, a figure suddenly fell from the ceiling and hit the ground with a bang.

Qiao Feng's mouth Twitching wildly, with a strange look on his face,"President, this is our enemy!"

"It always feels different from what I imagined?"Dongfang Bai's face was also a little strange. She also felt that the opponent with 150,000 points was a bit difficult. But who would have thought that at the beginning, she fell directly from the sky to the earth, and she lost all her strength.

At least Dongfang Bai's feet suddenly stepped into the air, and she could rely on her strength Bai Yutang's Qinggong attainments stabilized his figure.

Bai Yutang was lying on the ground. He quickly realized what happened. His face turned green and purple for a while, and he squeezed out two words from between his teeth,"Bastard!"

The terrifying internal energy suddenly burst out in his body, and the Beggar Clan Hall was suddenly shattered.

Qiao Feng looked serious, turned over and came to the front of many elders, the internal energy in his body exploded, and the oncoming shock wave exploded. The collision prevented many elders of the Beggar Clan from dying violently.

"You all stand down!"Qiao Feng's voice was deep and strong.

Many elders of the Beggar Clan also realized what happened at this moment, and looked ugly. They bowed to Qiao Feng and then withdrew.

Bai Yutang's face was gloomy, but when his eyes swept across the crowd, , his expression suddenly changed,"Qiao Feng, Chu Liuxiang... and this! A female version of the Eastern leader in red? how come?"

Bai Yutang was shocked. These three people are all from different worlds, why are they gathered together? What is going on in this world?

"Then," Dongfang Bai's palm gently crossed the void, and she took out the silver-white needles one by one from the guild warehouse,"please enlighten me... Thief Saint."

Countless fine needles suddenly thrust into Bai Yutang. The speed was too fast, and there was no way to hide.

Bai Yutang clenched his fists, and his body suddenly expanded, and his muscles exuded a metallic luster, and they were growing thin. The needle pierced his muscle, causing a metal collision, and he was bounced away out of thin air.

The next breath, Dongfang Bai was close in front of her eyes, and she punched lightly.

Tai Chi. Extreme Yin turns to strength!

Bai Yu Tang's abdomen sank deeply, his eyes widened, and he coughed out a mouthful of blood. His body rushed towards the distance like a cannonball, smashing a huge mountain into pieces. The mountain was collapsing, this scene was too It's too majestic, and the mudslides rush in all directions.

"interesting."Dongfang Bai had a smile on her lips. She clearly noticed that Bai Yutang's life breath in the distance had not declined at all, but now it began to burn blazingly. She immediately stepped lightly on it. The terrifying internal energy turned into a bird on the sky. The giant foot stepped down with a crash. The ground was shaking, and the collapsed mountain range was completely trampled down.

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