Dongfang Bai:"It looks like I got something good."

Dongfang Bai's eyes lit up for a moment.

Naturally, she didn't pay much attention to the Baji Fist at the back, but the mythical version of the Nine Yang Magic Skill in the front made her very happy.

The last person to obtain the mythical version of the Kung Fu was Qiao Feng, and everyone in the union knew about his rapid progress.

White-bearded dad:"Congratulations, Miss Dongfang."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"I'm envious... How great would it be if I participated in this mission?"

Let the world feel the pain:"……You are not a martial artist."

Sakata Gintoki:"Yes, if you want to become stronger! Now he is at least a big boss in the second level of the guild... But in fact, hehe."

Sakata Gintoki was noncommittal, so what if you get a super powerful technique? You will only go to work, and you will not enter the time training room to practice hard.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"????"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Wow... are you really that strong?"

Kousaka Kyosuke was choked and said that Sakata Gintoki's shamelessness was the only thing he had ever seen in his life.

Nakiri Erina:"There is no point in discussing this."

Magical Girl Illya:"……"

Magical Girl Illya:"Well, aren't there going to be draws for the remaining people?"

Jackie Chan didn't want to do the archeology:"As for the doesn't matter what I draw, right? But Chu Liuxiang can look forward to it."

Chu Liuxiang:"I I feel very uneasy at the moment."

Chu Liuxiang took a few deep breaths. The two people in front of him both got very good things... If he blew up, his mentality would really collapse.

After praying silently for a moment, Chu Liuxiang became cruel and started the lottery.

"Ding! Chu Liuxiang successfully obtained the skill upgrade card through the unlimited lottery. (Mythical level)"

"Ding! Chu Liuxiang successfully obtained the Thieving Saint Book."

Kokichi Sawada:"????"


Earthwork 14 Lang:"……I don't know what to say anymore.

Altair:"At this time... you just need to smile, that's it, right?""

Taiichi Yagami:"So...shouldn't we first ask what is the use of this skill upgrade card? Taichi

Yagami fell into deep thought.

Taichi Yagami:"I remember that Mr. Qiao Feng seemed to have drawn such a card before?"

Platycodon:"I remember it too.""

Clark Kent:"……"

Qiao Feng:"Let me explain it... This card can elevate any of our skills or attacks to the level of myth."……"

Qiao Feng:"I have used... to strengthen my own Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms. Now I feel that the power of my own palms has increased dozens of times compared to before."

Sakata Gintoki:"????"

Nangong Nayue:"Count... ten times?"

Nangong Nayue's eyes twitched, and she was very suspicious that Qiao Feng made a typo.

Qiao Feng:"I know this is an exaggeration... but it is definitely not a lie. Maybe the gap between mythical skills and ordinary skills is so huge."

Qiao Feng sighed quietly, his expression was a bit complex.

Chu Liuxiang:"It seems that I got something good this time."

Chu Liuxiang's eyes were blazing, and he used this ability card to strengthen his own skills without hesitation. Then, he felt a huge change in himself. The muscles and bones all over his body made a crackling sound, and a wave of heat ran through his body.

After just a few breaths, Chu Liuxiang felt the heightened feeling recede. After calculating in his mind for a moment, he spoke in the guild.

Chu Liuxiang:"Indeed... Although the internal energy in my body is still at the original level, the degree of solidification is more than dozens of times higher.……"

Chu Liuxiang:"And this is still the initial transformation. If I use this new set of exercises to train all my internal strength, I can't imagine how my strength will grow by leaps and bounds."

Taoist master Zhang Sanfeng:"One skill The difference between the law and others is so huge."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed. He had seen too much, so he was not surprised, but felt it was natural.

Can practicing the skills of a supreme saint and practicing ordinary mortal martial arts be the same thing? The starting point is different.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Then, only the president is left."

Sakata Gintoki:"The president doesn't have to smoke, right?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"You still have to smoke... I happen to be very curious too, I can get Which set of mythological skills?"

Su Han was very interested. As soon as he thought about it, a crisp voice suddenly sounded.

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao successfully obtained the Heavenly Silkworm Nine-Death Skill through an unlimited lottery!"

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao successfully obtained the talent of Thief Saint.

Thor Odinson:"Talent... Thief of Saints?""

Thor fell into deep thought. Didn't Chu Liuxiang just draw the Thieving Saint Book before?

Tu Jianmi said:"emmm... I dare to ask, what is the difference between this talent and the Thieving Holy Book? Or is it that the talent of the Thief Saint is a special attribute evolved from practicing the Holy Thief Book to the extreme?"

Tsuchian Mi made a bold guess.

Chu Liuxiang:"……The Code of Stealing Saints actually records what abilities he has stolen. Oh...this guy, the internal energy in his body is estimated to be millions of years old...although most of it is in a silent state."

Chu Liuxiang had no expression on his face. To be honest, after he drew this thing... his mentality was a bit broken. What's the use of it? Although it was affected by other techniques, it was useless to other guild members... But he went too far with this trick. Even None of the techniques or moves. Just simple notes!

Yuan Dagu:"????"

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……Can this thing be taken out? Yukinoshita

Yukino expressed that she was shocked.

Kosaka Kyosuke:"Wait a many years of inner strength?" Millions of years."

Kousaka Kyosuke was stunned. In any case, this is too exaggerated.

Sakada Gintoki:"I think it's normal."

Sakata Gintoki was very calm.

Sakata Gintoki:"That is the internal power of an entire world... not to mention millions of years, tens of millions of years are also not unexpected."

Sakata Gintoki:"The only unexpected thing is... that there is such a strong internal power, at least 200,000 points. Why only have the strength of 150,000 points?"

Sakata Gintoki frowned, feeling that he couldn't understand it.


Dongfang Bai:"You might as well ask Qiao Feng!" After all, Qiao Feng had obtained all the opponent's internal strength."

Dongfang Baiyu hit the nail on the head.

Qiao Feng:"How should I put it... His internal strength is indeed so powerful that it is beyond imagination. Although I was shocked when I heard millions...

Qiao Feng:"As for why he only displayed that level of power before?" Because his realm only allows him to control so much."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"That's it."

Zhang Sanfeng, as a martial arts master, understood the opponent's state in an instant.

Zhang Sanfeng, a real Taoist:"Then, Gang Leader Qiao shouldn't be able to properly use this huge internal force now, right?

Qiao Feng:"Yes, but I can slowly refine it with the help of Bei Ming Tian Gong... After all, he and I didn't start at the same level!""

"Ding! Huang has successfully joined the Super Dimension Guild."

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