Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"It's so scary."

Tony is not the richest man:"!!!!"

White-bearded dad:"Has another new member joined? Lala lala, welcome the newcomer."

Yuan Dagu:"I'm still wondering...what are the two things that the president drew?"

Yuan Dagu Puzzled.

Yuan Dagu:"That Thieving Saint Talent, and Tencan Nine Death Technique."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Tencan Nine Death Technique... I always feel very familiar."

Sakata Gintoki:"Well... this should be, a song that covers the sky The supreme law of the world? The secret knowledge of the Divine Silkworm Emperor in ancient times."

Sakata Gintoki thought thoughtfully.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"The secret of the ancient emperor level? Okay, it has been determined that it will have no effect on the president."

Yukinoshita Yukino shook his head, but there was no surprise. It is normal that it is useless to the president. It's useful, that's the big thing that shocks the guild.

Aisaka Taiga:"Six six six six."

Gudazi:"This is too real."

Hatsune Miku:"What about the thief behind?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"This... is the guy who steals other people's abilities. Ability."

Su Han looked a little strange as he recalled the information the guild gave him.

Ryugu Rena:"????"

Gui Yan Ye:"!!!!"

Dr. Roman:"F*ck...has this thing been taken out by the president?"

Dr. Roman was stunned.

Ernesti:"This... this is unreasonable."

Haruhi Suzumiya:"I think it's very reasonable."

Haruhi Suzumiya said plausibly.

Haruhi Suzumiya:"Think about it, the previous mission reward was about extracting an ability of the guy on the other side."

Haruhi Suzumiya:"This guy has no system! So his ability must also include the ability to steal other people's power... …If coupled with the president’s strong luck,……"

Nan Xiaoniao:"It's reasonable and convincing!"

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"True."

Natsume:"Luck is the only thing! Lucky E has no human rights."

Weber:"The big dog in our world cried out! He really cried Yeah."

Weber complained crazily.

Let the world feel the pain:"……"

Let the world feel the pain:"With all due respect, have you completely ignored the newcomers who have just joined the guild?"

King:"I feel that the newcomers are already crying."

The Yondaime Hokage:"No... after all, what do the newcomers have?" I haven't paid attention to this guild, let alone two opinions."

Accelerator:"@ Huang. Tsk, the name Aite always makes me think of the ancient forbidden land that covers the world with one hand. It's inexplicable."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Why don't you think about it?...There may be some connection between the two?"

Su Han's expression was very strange. If asked... then the first impression in his mind would be the one in the perfect world.

"Is it really that guy?"Su Han rubbed his chin. If it was Emperor Huangtian at his peak state, that immortal emperor level existence...maybe he could be regarded as the top combat power in the guild chat. Accelerator,

Lan Ran and these idiots may not be the opponents of Emperor Huangtian. Because he is too strong, and in that state, he itself symbolizes invincibility.

Shirai Kuroko:"Hiss!"

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"My heart is shocked.jpg"

Xiao Zhizhi:"The president hinted! He really hinted at it."

Nakiri Erina:"Think about it carefully...could it be the Great Holy Body? It's not like she's an empress."

Speaking of this, Nakiri Erina suddenly became excited.

Nakiri Erina:"I really like the empress. It would be really nice if she really joined the guild."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"When I first saw a hand covering the sky, I felt like, damn! Emperor Ye Tian is so awesome. The back-view emperor is so awesome! But...if I vote, I choose the Empress. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"……What the hell is the Back Shadow Emperor? People also have names and surnames, okay?!"

Wugeng Liuli covered her face, not knowing what to say.

Tsuchima Mi:"I also choose the empress!"

Xia Shizi:"+1."

Tony is not the richest man:"Huh? I was a little surprised that Xia Shizi didn't call the empress her wife this time?

Weber:"Maybe he knows that he can't beat the Empress... and with the Empress's temperament, he will beat her up if he really pisses her off."

Kirishima Touka:"It's so true.""

Kosaka Kyosuke:"I will be submissive in front of the strong, but I will punch hard in front of the weak!"

Xia Shizi:"????"

Kasumi Shiko:"Asshole! Shut up, don't forget that we are still in the same world!"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Oh...I'm sorry, my account was stolen by my sister just now. If you make any inappropriate comments, you guys Just go find her!"

Kousaka Kirino:"!???"

Huang:"Hmm...why did such a strange interface suddenly appear in my mind?"

Xiao Shitou was sitting at the door of Stone Village, holding a can of animal milk, his watery eyes blinking. Very strange.

Accelerator:"Let's take a look at the brief introduction of the guild."

Ichigo Kurosaki:"So, is it the Great Saint or the Empress who comes in this time? Can you satisfy my curiosity?"

Ara:"Well... I have never heard of the Holy Body of the Empress. Is it the powerful person from the big place outside that the village chief said?"

Xiao Zhizhizhu:"????"


Kayaba Akihiko:"Okay... According to the situation in front of us, this guy shouldn't be a strong man. Maybe he is an ordinary person in a small village?"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"It doesn't make sense... The president said it has something to do with the world that covers the sky with one hand. But Covering the world with one hand, aren't they the two people in the ancient forbidden land? There are other explanations."

Kousaka Kyosuke was puzzled.

Busujima Yako:"Why don't you just ask the president?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"Here's a hint, there was a strong man codenamed Huang in ancient times."

Su Han was already 50% sure in his heart, and even based on what he said, probably It is judged that the small stone is still in its infancy.

"How about asking directly."Just when Su Han was thinking like this, he discovered the next moment that Huang's name had been changed to"Favorite Drinking Animal Milk.

" Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Okay, no need to ask, the name is basically already known.

Favorite drinker of animal milk:"Turns out it can really be modified!"

Favorite drinker of animal milk:"It's so interesting... This guild is really fun. Is it the powerful magic weapon that the village chief said?"

Ainz Ooal Gown :"Originally... I thought of Emperor Huangtian who was known as the invincible in ancient times. That man who even the emperor was afraid of... But now, emmm."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"I was confused too... but this can't be Emperor Huangtian.."

Kousaka Kyosuke felt his teeth hurt a little.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Ye Hei is now rejuvenated, and he is not so embarrassed! He loves drinking animal milk... What the hell, I suspect that the guy who joined this time may not be five years old yet."

Ye Hei:"????"

Ye Hei was confused, what does this have to do with him?

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