Sawada Tsunayoshi:"Are we adding another member to the children's team? Isn't this a normal thing."

Sawada Tsunayoshi was quite dumbfounded.

Tony is not the richest man:"Yes, there are endless possibilities for guild chat. I won't be surprised no matter who joins."

Yuan Dagu:"I think... Tony Stark was thinking about himself when he said this. Daughter."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Six six six six!"

Sakata Gintoki:"So... President, don't you understand?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han rubbed his eyebrows and felt that there was nothing to hide, so he simply said it directly.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The favorite drinker of animal milk is indeed Emperor Huangtian from ancient times. Of course, he should be in his infant state now."

Su Xiaoxiao:"So just calm down and don't worry too much about the details."

Xue Zhi It snows:"????"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Damn it, can such an operation be possible?"

Gudazi:"I was shocked at first... But then, when I thought about it carefully, even Zhang Sanfeng, Huang Rong and Qiao Feng could join the guild at the same time..What else is impossible?"

Taoist master Zhang Sanfeng:"!!!"

Huang Rong:"……"

Ryugu Rena:"It's so true that I can't refute it."

Gui Yanye:"President, can you upload a copy of your memory now?"

Gui Yanye is very curious about the story of the Huang Tian Emperor in ancient times. After all, she personally still likes to cover the sky with one hand. Since they are in the same world, the story styles should be very similar, right?

Su Xiaoxiao:"No problem."

Su Han smiled hoarsely, and then an idea came to his mind

"Ding! Guild president Su Xiaoxiao uploaded a large text memory copy of"Perfect World"》"

Izumi Sagiri:"……"

Doctor Luo Man:"Seeing another copy of text memory, my heart didn't waver. I even wanted to laugh a little bit."

Nan Xiaoniao:"The one upstairs, +1."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"Not bad, a few......You have a copy of the memory to read, what else do you want?"

Suzune Horikita:"Be careful if you talk too much, the president will be unhappy. I won't upload the copy of the memory next time."

Magical Girl Nanoha:"Hi!"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Okay....What a vicious statement."

Tsuchima Mi:"Thinking about that scene carefully, I suddenly shuddered."

Busujima Yako:"Indeed."

Busujima Yako looked complicated, that kind of scene is simply unimaginable..

Aqua:"Not much more, I'm going to see the memory copy first."

Koro-sensei:"I'll go too, I'll go too... Having said that, you really don't think the text memory copy is enough. You can go to the president. Study his previous operation! (Manual funny.jpg)"

Taichi Yagami:"……What did the president say before?"

Taichi Yagami was a little confused. He had never seen Su Han's answer before.

Edogawa Conan:"The president said at the time that he really disliked it. He evolved the whole world with his hands. Then I record the scene for you to see."

Earthwork 14 Lang:"????"

Kaguya Shinomiya:"Doudou.jpg"

Gabriel:"Maybe this is the world of the strong."

Gabriel no longer knew what to say.

Yagami Taichi:"……The president's handwriting is too big. I'd better read the text memory copy honestly."

Iori Taiyi's expression also became very subtle, and finally heaved a long sigh.

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"……In fact, what you are saying is nonsense. Do you think the president can bother to evolve when ordinary people pass by?"

Jackie Chan doesn't want to do archeology:"At least it would be possible with the persuasion from the past like the leader, Black Cat, Ram, Rem."

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"For a moment, I was speechless."

Sawada Tsunayoshi said that he was choked.

Su Han saw that the guild gradually became quiet, and he was not surprised. He smiled dumbly, and then got up. As soon as the thought came to his mind, the guild's reward was transmitted to him.

"Thieving Saint talent? That’s what it meant."Su Han thought thoughtfully. As long as a person has no ability to resist in front of him, then he can use the power of stealing.

Of course, stealing is not unlimited... Using the Thief Saint talent, you can steal everything from others. Energy, but once used, there is a possibility of failure. Moreover, each time the stealing talent is used, a certain amount of physical energy is consumed.

"very nice."Su Han felt a little emotional. Although there are many restrictions, if you throw this talent into a person, as long as he does not die, he will almost certainly become a strong man in the future.

The previous Bai Yutang did not grow up after all. To Otherwise, it is normal for him to grow to the top and be able to compete with the strong men of the second level of the guild.

Su Han casually took out his phone, refreshed it, and immediately saw several news that interested him. title

《Shock! Traces of the Dragon King were found in the East China Sea?》

《The great masters of Yan and Huang have signed peaceful coexistence agreements with various natural gods.》

《War smoke is spreading overseas, and the gods of nature are enemies of overseas countries?》

《The unidentified creatures discovered on the moon have completely left the moon and gone to space. They are not hostile to humans.》

《Yanhuang signed an agreement with the natural gods. Is it suspected of preventing alien creatures?》

《The catacombs are destroyed and the crisis arises again! 》

Su Han glanced around and clicked in to judge from time to time. It was finally confirmed that the God of Nature has been completely exposed to the world...

But this is also a normal thing. After all, the weakest God of Nature can rival the Grand Master, which is the most cutting-edge combat power in the world today. If they really fight, it will be earth-shaking and difficult to hide.

"Lunar alien race? Is it Zerg?"Su Han closed his eyes and sensed it for a while, and finally confirmed that the Zerg had now arrived on Mars with the chakra fruit tree,"It's very fast."

Su Han sensed that the current Zerg race has awakened the talent of space attributes. And among them, more than one semi-saint-level existence has been born... Perhaps if Su Han conducts induction next time, a real creature will have been born. Saint.

He sighed sincerely,"Sure enough... the endless starry sky is where the Zerg race should really stay. It is also the place where they grow the fastest! Su

Han thought as he scanned the comment areas of these news and found that the comment areas were also very lively.

"Let me just say that the Night Parade of Hundred Ghosts that appeared in Japan heralded the arrival of a new era! You see, sure enough... after a hundred ghosts, there is a resurgence of myths all over the earth."

"All the many mythical beasts in ancient mythology appear... No, using the word mythical beast is inevitably a bit disrespectful... The real official and popular name is the God of Nature. Born from nature, he holds great power... He possesses the combat power of a grandmaster level just after he was born."

"Oh my god, you were born a great master? This is the cheating clan! Why am I not of this stupid race in my life?"

"Everyone on the opposite side is in the form of beasts... Are you sure you want to be born into this race?"

"After thinking about their strength... I don't want to be a human anymore!"

"No joke, there are rumors... Over there in Jianghai City, there is a pillar of light reaching the sky. Then, the whole world changed dramatically... A god of nature appeared... Do you think there is any connection between this! (Serious face.jpg)"

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