"I suspect that you are implying that Grand Master Jianghai doesn’t need evidence...just take him away!"

"There is no connection between these, right? Maybe Grandmaster Jiang Hai discovered something... and used some earth-shattering means to spy on the situation that day."

"This is also very possible...they are not in that realm, and I don't understand how powerful their perception is."

"Let’s not talk about it anymore, we, Yanhuang, are still awesome. I laughed out loud when I saw those foreign people who started fighting regardless of the situation.……"

"I also laughed out loud...all the people on the other side were at the Grand Master level, and I didn't have enough Grand Masters at home! Dare to declare war when there are not many enemies. These guys must be trying to laugh me to death and inherit my flower-"

"Malaysian Grandmaster Warning.jpg"

Su Han scanned the many comments with interest, and spoke from time to time.

Bit by bit, it passed until it was dinner time. After Su Han had a meal, he returned to himself room, closed his eyes, and entered the guild chat room.

Fallen Angel Twelve Wings Black Cat:"Oh my god, my mood at the moment is so complicated that I can't describe it in words."

Tony is not the richest man:"Isn't this a coincidence? After watching Perfect World, I suddenly realized... Covering the Sky with One Hand may seem like a high level of power, but in fact."

One way:"?!?"

Let the world feel the pain:"!!!!"

Whitebeard dad:"I advise you to think clearly before expressing your evaluation."

Tony is not the richest man:"Okay... In fact, the power level of the world that covers the sky with one hand is also ridiculously high. The attack power of the ancient emperor can shake the entire world. The universe."

Tony is not the richest man:"But, in a perfect world, this is too cheating. Immortal-level experts are not even cannon fodder in the later stages."

Tony Stark no longer knew what to say.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"My mood is also very complicated."

Ichigo Kurosaki:"Emperor Araten is awesome!"

Ichigo Kurosaki:"Originally, I was the empress's licking dog, but now! I have become Araten The emperor is licking his dog."

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"Well... you can buy more animal milk to please the little stone?"

Jackie Chan rubbed his chin and made a very useful suggestion.

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……"

Kirishima Touka:"I laughed out loud.jpg"

Shino Noshu:"It's so real."

Favorite animal milk:"Someone wants to give me animal milk? Really?"

Xiao Shitou's eyes flashed for a moment It lit up.

Kurosaki Ichigo:"……"

After a brief silence, Kurosaki Ichigo rubbed his brows with a headache.

Ichigo Kurosaki:"I'd better wait for him to grow up before we talk."

Magical Girl Illya:"But having said that... Emperor Ye Tiandi, the Empress, actually appeared in the later stages of Perfect World... This really shocked me. Cross over The long river of time and space!"

King:"Yes, in the last chapter... a bunch of strong men in the quasi-immortal emperor realm went upstream to fight against the enemies of the Emperor of Desolate Heaven. This made my blood boil!"

King:"But... why are you watching? It seems that Emperor Ye Tian and the Empress will encounter a powerful enemy in the future?"

King frowned and suddenly felt that the situation was not simple.

Tony is not the richest man:"Is there an enemy in the Immortal Realm?"

Whitebeard's father said:"Those people should be invincible in the Immortal Realm. However, there is a problem with God."

Whitebeard's words hit the nail on the head.

Accelerator:"That's interesting."

Accelerator:"If the current Xiaotou is him at his peak, I might be interested in competing with him."

Kayaba Akihiko:"Then you will be hung up and beaten. Already?"


Accelerator:"Shut up."

Edogawa Conan:"Ahem, there's no need to feel inferior. Mr. Accelerator, your strength is definitely among the best in the guild... But Emperor Araten, this is not common sense. After the Supreme is the Immortal, behind the Immortal is the Immortal King, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, and finally the Immortal Emperor."

Edogawa Conan:"Considering that the Supreme can shake the universe... tsk tsk."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"……"

Kosaka Kyosuke:"I can't accept this kind of thing."

Kosaka Kyosuke said he was crazy.

Kousaka Kyosuke:"How can I accept that the ancient emperor who was once invincible... has become a trash character in the perfect world?" The

Fourth Hokage:"I think you are wrong about this."

Minato Namikaze looked at him. serious.

The Fourth Hokage:"The ancient emperor's talent is undeniable... If they were born in the era of Emperor Huang Tian, ​​even if they face the problem of the great elder. In the same way, every one of them can become an immortal... there is no way to go out. There is a way! It is too difficult to become an immortal in the mortal world, but it is easy for ordinary people to become an immortal." The

Fourth Hokage:"Like the Blue Emperor, the Emperor, the Immortal Emperor...it is easy to become an immortal king. Higher realms are also It’s not like we can take a peek... As for the Emperor, Empress, and Emperor Ye Tian from the back, it goes without saying... After all, when the memory copy comes out, there are them who are at the level of quasi-immortal emperor."

Kirishima Touka:"I think, as time goes on, Pushing back a bit... there should be no problem for them to become Immortal Emperors?"

Yako Busujima:"Am I the only one who reminds me of the Everlasting Immortal King from ancient times? And the dog next to him... How could he be so quick? The sense of sight."

Tu Shan Honghong:"Nine times out of ten, he must be the later Emperor of Back Shadow."

Ye Hei:"No...has the back view become a joke? Fortunately, that guy didn't join the guild, otherwise he would be able to cry Speak up."

Ye Hei complained crazily on the surface, but in fact he was very heavy inside.

Originally, he was very happy after watching the song"Shading the Sky". After all, the Heavenly Emperor he would achieve in the future was too powerful, and his invincible appearance... made him look forward to it to the extreme.

Seeing his appearance in Perfect World, Ye Hei was also very excited... But after watching them all, he just felt chilled in his heart.

Can this still make people feel better? Why do enemies appear one after another... and they are all such invincible cheating experts.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Don't worry."

The sick old man said:"The president means that although there will be many ups and downs in the future, we can eventually get through them one by one." The sick old man said thoughtfully.

Su Xiaoxiao:"No...I mean it's useless for you to worry. In the third chapter that I know, a certain back-figure emperor has been confirmed to be cold. Now he is lying in the coffin, waiting for the Black Emperor I'm trying to grab the life-preserving pill, but I'm not sure whether I can be resurrected."

The sick old man said:"????"

As powerful as a sick old man, he suppressed countless forbidden land supreme beings and couldn't breathe. Seeing this scene, I felt horrified, and my expression changed drastically.

That was a terrifying existence alongside Emperor Ye Tian. It was suspected to be the reincarnation of the ancient Immortal King, and one of the most stunning ones in history. It has been confirmed that he has reached the level of quasi-immortal emperor. It is not impossible to become an immortal emperor in the future...

As a result, such a being will die in the future?

Thinking of what Emperor Ye Tian once said about unimaginable enemies in the future... and what the Empress said, with an existence like Emperor Huang Tian, ​​the future will not be hopeless after all...

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