"With such a future, people really don’t know what to say."The sick old man sighed quietly, but as a young man, there was a flame burning in his eyes at this moment.

His fighting spirit was completely aroused. No matter how desperate the future was, he was defeated before reading the copy of memory. Xinzhi’s thoughts.

If you are not strong enough, then just work hard to become stronger... Joining the guild means you have unlimited possibilities.

Ye Hei:"What about me? Chairman, what’s going on with me? Su Xiaoxiao:"

Oh... you don't have a big problem." Consider the Xuanyuan Huangdi of your world."

Ye Hei:"……"

When Ye Hei saw the first half of the sentence, a relieved smile appeared on his face. The second half of the sentence gave him a heavy blow.

WTF? Xuanyuan Huangdi! Didn't Emperor Xuanyuan lie in a coffin? Could it be that...fuck!

Ye Hei:"Am I dead too?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"No... you are just about to die, lying in the coffin to save your life. It seems that you have drifted to some other shore with the coffin? I'm not sure."

Ye Hei:"What the hell……"

This is outrageous! What the hell is that third part?

Koro-sensei:"President... you've said so much, why don't you send that one too?"

Su Xiaoxiao:"No one in that world has joined. I'll send you a hammer!"

Ainz Ooal Gown:" I really want to complain...but I don't know where to start."

Fallen Angel Twelve-winged Black Cat Clan:"It's so real."

Favorite eating animal milk:"Hmm……"

Tony is not the richest man:"So, the current Emperor Huang Tian is still a child?"

Tony is not the richest man:"So Huang, what special thoughts do you have after reading the copy of your own memory?"

Favorite eating animal milk:"I I know a lot...my parents, grandpa...and the little brother who suffered for me in my ancestral land. And I also know the true identity of Liu Xian...I already know, everything I want to know. I I should be very happy, right? But I don’t know why I keep crying."

Favorite animal milk:"My chest hurts."

Yako Busujima:"!!!!"

Edogawa Conan:"The Supreme Bone...is there something wrong with the Supreme Bone that was dug out of his body? He was greatly stimulated and had a mental problem."

Conan reacted and he suddenly became nervous.

Lelouch:"……Do you need to ask the president to come over and rescue him? The president's horse charm has been sublimated to such an extent that I can probably make him grow bones directly."

The Fourth Hokage:"I suddenly thought of a cool operation... If the president dug out Uzumaki Nagato's reincarnation eye, and then used the horse charm to restore him, and then dug it out again... wouldn't this be mass-produced? Countless reincarnation eyes at this stage?"

Namikaze Minato was thoughtful.

Let yourself feel the pain:"????"

Let the world feel the pain:"Pick up a hammer... find the genius of the Uchiha family to pick it off yourself. My eyes are not mine!" The

Yondaime Hokage:"Didn't you already use your points to strengthen them? That's it. Yours...is connected with your blood."

Let the world feel the pain:"What the hell am I doing?……"

Sawada Tsunayoshi:"Stop arguing...Isn't the problem of Little Stone what we are paying attention to now? What's going on with him?" The sick old man:"@爱吃 animal milk. Open the permissions and let me go to your world."."

The sick old man:"@叶黑. Lend me your cauldron!"

Ye Hei:"……Go directly? In case it irritates Liu Xian... forget it, you should know it. Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"

Don't worry, something really happened!" The guild boss provides direct support, even if the Dark Immortal Emperor pops out of the world sea. Isn’t this the Demon King?"

Tony is not the richest man:"It's too true to have the president! Create a multiverse with a snap of your fingers."

Koro-sensei:"The Emperor Huangtian's Self-Transformation Technique is indeed awesome, but the president is even stronger... He can create powerful immortal emperors such as Emperor Huangtian and Dark Immortal Emperor with his bare hands."

Tokisaki Kurumi:"????"

Thor Odinson:"With all due respect... When did the president add this setting?"

Thor looked confused at the moment. Is there such a thing?

Xiao Lin:"Didn't the president say before that you can rub the perfect world with your hands? Please taste it carefully."

Yuan Dagu:"!!!"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"It's so scary."

Sakata Gintoki:"As expected of the president, I can't pry into the depth of existence."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"Can you have some moral integrity? Everyone has turned into a licking dog in an instant! And licking President, it’s too much for you not to bring me with you."

Dr. Roman:"I don’t know what to say for a moment. Just...MMP."

Ernesti:"I can see that Dr. Roman My mood is very ups and downs."

Favorite drink of animal milk:"@ sick old man. I have opened it……"

Su Xiaoxiao:"@favoritedrinkinganimalmilk. Let me go by the way!"

Su Xiaoxiao:"After all, she is the ancestral sacrifice spirit, and she is seriously injured now... If she becomes wary of you and attacks you , it will be very troublesome."

The sick old man said:"……It would be really reassuring if the president also went there."

Su Han stood up and stretched. Then he bought a time-travel talisman directly in the guild and clicked to officially travel to the perfect world. The perfect world.

At this moment, the faces of all the adults in Stone Village were full of anxiety..

They placed the small stone with pale face and glowing chest in front of the sacrificial spirit, and kept praying to it. They hoped that the sacrificial spirit could save the little stone.

Liu Xian remained silent, and she stretched out an emerald green branch. He gently touched Xiao Shitou's chest, and then the brilliance on it quickly dimmed. Xiao Shitou's face also became much prettier.

But before many adults in Stone Village could breathe a sigh of relief, the void suddenly rose up around them. Suddenly, two people appeared out of thin air.

One of them was a young man who looked to be thirteen or fourteen years old, with bright eyes and white teeth. His skin had a jade-like brilliance, a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were astonishingly bright, and his posture was very He is perfect, and his whole person reveals an inexplicable divinity.

As for the other person, it can only be described as pure perfection.

He looks much older than the young man with bright eyes and white teeth. But it is impossible to specifically evaluate how old he is. He is like a fairy who has been banished to the world, with a kind of shocking perfection and an extraordinary charm that is extraordinary.

"……Who are you?" Before the old people in Stone Village could finish asking, Liu Xian in front of him suddenly erupted, and endless divine light lingered around him.

Liu Xian, who had only just recovered initially, felt a fatal sense of threat from the young man. This was a An unimaginably strong man... As for the other young man who was perfect to the extreme... she couldn't detect his information.

Everything was unfamiliar, and even if it weren't for vision, she couldn't detect his existence purely by using perception.

"I knew it would be like this."Su Han had a look of helplessness on his face. With a slight tap of his finger, the surrounding void was instantly distorted.

All the endless divine brilliance was blocked out of thin air. He pressed it down with one hand. The extremely terrifying aura on Liu Xian's body... Everyone gathered around it. Su Han said in a gentle voice,"Calm down first. We have no ill intentions towards you.""

【PS: Recommend Fantasy: God-level Famous General System]

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