There was an uproar in the guild chat room.

The Twelve Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"Six six six six."

Tony is not the richest man:"The president is really awesome."

The white-bearded father:"Gla la la, one thought directly blocked the ancestor sacrifice. The power that the spirit bursts out."

Whitebeard Dad:"If the sick old man is going alone this time... I'm afraid the upper world will also be shaken now, right?"

Yuan Dagu:"This is normal Things. Even if she is a traumatized ancestral spirit, her fighting power is still beyond imagination. It is enough to shake the entire upper world... Especially, she has a lot of enemies up there."

Kosaka Kyosuke:"It's true."

Tony Not the richest man:"But if you really get to that point, a sick old man with a fairy cauldron can slaughter the entire upper world."

White-bearded dad:"Gu la la la, you are right... Both sides The gap is too big."

Whitebeard touched his crescent beard. The sick old man was now the supreme ancient emperor, and he was holding an immortal cauldron in his hand. Even if he can fight against a real immortal, the leaders of the great religions in the upper world are no different from ants in his eyes.

Sakata Gintoki:"So, am I the only one who feels that Liu Xian is a little pitiful now?"

Sakata Gintoki covered his face, he didn't know what to say.

Hatsune Miku:"Weak, pitiful and helpless.jpg"

Sagiri Izumi:"I'm more curious, what will the president do next?"

Doctor Roman:"If you are curious, just keep reading."

Roman The doctor stared at the guild live broadcast seriously.

There was a smile on Su Han's lips. He had a peerless grace. He gently pressed his palm forward, forcing all the power that Liu Xian had exploded back into her body.

"Who are you?"Liu Xian's words were extremely solemn. Even though Su Han showed such unparalleled skills, she still didn't feel Su Han. It was as if Su Han didn't exist here.

She could no longer describe her mood at the moment in words. , the only thing that can be confirmed is that the person in front of her is an unimaginably powerful forbidden being. Even if she returns to her peak, she may not be the opponent of the person in front of her.

"President...and who are you?"Little Shitou woke up in a daze. He glanced around, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he recognized Su Han.

But looking at the sick old man, Xiao Shitou's face became a little confused.

"I am the sick old man in the guild, you can call me that."The sick old man had a gentle smile on his face, and reached out to stroke Xiao Shitou's hair, with emotion in his eyes,"Who could have imagined that Emperor Huangtian, who would be arbitrary for eternity in the future, would look like this when he was young?"

"And now, it was also his happiest time... After growing up, he continued to experience pursuits to make himself stronger... Huangtian Emperor, his life was too bitter." Su Han sighed quietly. He calmed down his emotions and said softly,"But after joining the guild, everything changed."

"indeed!"The sick old man nodded with deep understanding,"Including me... it's the same."

"……Who are you?"Liu Xian saw that Su Han and Xiao Shitou were acquainted, and Su Han was now extremely capable. If he really wanted to harm her, she was unable to resist, and her words softened, with confusion in them,"And……"

What Liu Xian couldn't understand the most was what Su Han and others said.

The future... Emperor Huangtian? What happened to these two people is nonsense. Or...are the two people in front of me really from the future? But if the two people in front of him can really cross the long river of time, and can walk freely...

Liu Xian's hair stands on end, then the cultivation level of the two people in front of him cannot be estimated.

"My name is Su Han." Su Han paused, his eyes flickering,"There is no point in discussing this now. Let me first wish you a helping hand and help you return to your peak."

Before Liu Xian could ask questions, Su Han had a thought and reversed the time on Liu Xian's body. After just a few breaths, a terrifying and dazzling halo erupted from Liu Xian's body.

This was too sacred, unlike everything in the world. The Tao merged, and the entire vast world was trembling. Endless fairy light penetrated everything.

If Su Han hadn't blocked everything in advance, then at this moment, everyone in the lower world and the upper world would feel this terrifying energy fluctuation. This would set off an unstoppable wave of energy. A big storm described in words

"So strong."Little Shitou's eyes were shining. He was protected by Su Han, so he naturally didn't feel any sense of oppression, but the scene in front of him was the most magnificent he had ever seen in his life.

Little Shitou was sighing, but the expressions of the old people in Shitou Village who had a little knowledge changed. Dramatic changes, they stared blankly at this scene, the shock in their hearts could not be described in words.

"How powerful is the spirit sacrifice... exactly?"

"Compared with Liuxian, the sacrificial spirits of the wealthy clans I have seen outside in the past...are not much different from ants."

"It's so powerful... simply breathtakingly powerful."

Finally, gradually, Liuxian evolved into a human form.

Her whole body was shrouded in brilliant brilliance, her face could not be seen clearly, and she could not distinguish between men and women. She had a peerless posture.

After a brief silence, she faced Su Han slightly leaned forward and said,"Thank you, fellow Taoist, for helping me."

Liu Xian has returned to the pinnacle of life at this moment. This is the realm of the pinnacle immortal king. Not to mention invincible in heaven and earth, she is not far behind. Looking at the immortal realm and foreign lands, she can be said to be the strongest now. One of several people...the memories of the past have naturally been restored.

Therefore, Liu Xian has understood that the person in front of him is definitely an existence above the Immortal King...may even have crossed more than one major level.

"It doesn't have to be like this," Su Han looked as usual. He stretched out his hand and nodded the head of the little stone next to him."I saw this little guy's face, so I helped you... If you want to thank me, take care of me in the future. This little guy is fine"

"……you mean?"Liu Xian took a deep look at Xiao Shitou. To be so valued by such a being who is suspected of being an Immortal Emperor... it is really difficult to evaluate Xiao Shitou's future achievements. Especially... she thought of Su Han's discussion with the sick old man. The Emperor Huang Tian mentioned at that time...

But then, Liu Xian frowned, and she tasted something else from Su Han's words,"Wait, you are leaving now?"

"I came here just to do this one thing. After I finish it, I should leave."Su Han smiled hoarsely, then turned to look at the sick old man and said in a gentle voice,"Will you leave with me?"

"I'll stay a little longer. The sick old man glanced at Liu Xian and said,"I just want to ask you something... After all, I have reached a bottleneck now.""

Su Han didn't say much. He turned off the guild's live broadcast and bought a time-travel talisman to return to reality.

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