
Xiaozhi wanted to complain, but he didn't know where to start.

Ernesti:"Actually, it's normal when you think about it. The current Xiaozhi is the normal version of Xiaozhi. He's not the inexplicable 10-year-old kid in the memory copy who never grows up."

Xiaozhi:" Although I know you are speaking for me...but your words really don't sound right."

Xiaozhi was expressionless.

Su Xiaoxiao:"It's interesting."

Su Xiaoxiao:"Then let me go and see if there are any tasks first."

Su Han directly entered the task column and immediately found a task quietly displayed there.


Mission Name: Destroy the Digital Core

Mission Introduction: When the Sword Art Online game was just born, a Digital Core from another world fell into this world. After being integrated into the Sword Art Online game, he was very weak at first and was only growing by continuously absorbing data. But as time goes by, he becomes more and more powerful, and now, he is even able to blur the difference between the digital world and reality, truly allowing many monsters from the Sword Art Online world to appear in the real world.

Mission requirements: Completely destroy the digital core.

Mission restrictions: Only two members are allowed to participate at the same time (robable mission mode).

Mission rewards: 200,000 points, a random Digimon, and an unlimited lottery.


Su Han looked at this mission and narrowed his eyes slightly,"It's interesting."

After thinking for a while, he took a screenshot of it and sent it to the guild chat room.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Come and evaluate it. (Picture)"

Joan of Arc:"!!!!"

Fujiwara Sawei:"The president is right...it is indeed interesting."

Krulru:"It's so interesting. No wonder there are still problems after the integration of your world...It turns out that it is a problem left over from the era of Sword Art Online? However, it has been developing dormantly before, so the guild did not scan it out."

Horaishan Kaguya:"I think Miss Asuna may be relieved."

Asuna:"That's true."

Asuna didn't deny it.

Koro-sensei:"No wonder... people from the government have been coming to me recently and told me that they need my help."

Koro-sensei suddenly realized.

Nan Xiaoniao:"……So here comes the problem. Officials are looking for you. You should be mentally prepared. Why were you so shocked when Kayaba Akihiko discussed this issue with you before?"

Koro-sensei:"Hahaha... Because I don't like them, so when I saw them begging me like this, I ran away."

Koro-sensei looked a little embarrassed.


Nayako:"It's normal. If I'm approached by the police... I'll run away immediately. No, I'm the inspector of the universe!"

Nayako realized something was wrong belatedly..

Onyxia:"No... you are an evil god."

Akiyama Mio:"Yes... you are still the kind of evil god who likes to cause trouble."

Akiyama Mio calmly made a stab.

Su Xiaoxiao:"So, are you anxious about the situation over there? And how long has this happened?"

Kayaba Akihiko:"The initial case was a month ago... The artificial intelligence on my side discovered something similar to The life in Sword Art Online appears in the real world."

Kayaba Akihiko:"At first, I thought it was cosplay, or some biochemical experiment deliberately targeting me... After all, after joining the guild, I also saw the impact of technology. Limit. I have also been collecting information on this in private.……"

Kayaba Akihiko was very calm, and he told the story in a very organized manner.

Kayaba Akihiko:"It wasn't until three days ago that there was a large-scale invasion of life in Sword Art Online. At that time, I drew my sword, and even brought the black-clothed swordsman Kirito with me to attack... Only then did I manage to deal with this troublesome matter. Solved it, but got entangled with the authorities because of it……"

Kayaba Akihiko:"Of course, the news was later suppressed by the authorities. In addition, it is far away from Tokyo. This should be the main reason why Asuna-san did not hear the news."

Kayaba Akihiko let out a long sigh. He took a breath, but didn't say much.

If he had been before joining the guild, he would have been ecstatic to see the fantasy city of Sword Art Online become a reality, right?

But now, he has fulfilled his dream and now only thinks about developing virtual games every day. I go to the real fantasy world from time to time... I really don't want my world to be turned upside down.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Okay, you probably didn't know the truth about this incident before, right?"

Su Han looked at the guild chat world with interest.

Kayaba Akihiko:"I really don't know."

Kayaba Akihiko was very calm.

Kayaba Akihiko:"Before, I thought that this incident was most likely due to the time traveler... Now after reading the mission briefing, I understand what is going on."

Tony is not the richest man:"It's a bit interesting."

Tony Not the richest man:"It seems that even if the world merges, we can't let go. @battman. Let's join forces and scan the world in our home."

Batman:"No need."

Batman:"Because I scan the world three times every day."

Batman:"It's hard to say the scope of the universe, but there is absolutely no problem on the earth we live in or even the entire solar system."

Tony is not the richest man:"????"

Tony Stark's expression gradually stiffened, he opened his mouth, and finally smiled bitterly. He didn't even know what to say.

The Twelve Winged Black Cat of the Fallen Angel:"Tsk tsk...Mr. Stark even invited Mr. Batman, who has persecution delusions,? That's so cool."

Whitebeard Daddy:"Grrrr, Batman said......You are still too young."

Onyxia:"I also want to overhaul my world.……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"Then what?"

Wu Geng Liuli didn't have any mood swings. She had a very deep understanding of Onyxia and was keenly aware that things couldn't be that simple.

Onyxia:"But then I thought about it carefully... It would be very troublesome to do it that way. Our world is not a technological world, and there is no way to deduce the secrets of heaven, so we can only try our best to find it."……"

Onyxia:"Instead of working hard, it's better to just lie down like this. Anyway, if there is really a major event that affects the world, I will know it by then, and then I will tell it in the guild."

Gudazi:"666 Six."

Dr. Luo Man:"I'm not afraid of safety risks. If something happens, I'll just take action.jpg"

Gui Yanye:"It's so true."

Yuan Dagu:"It's concise and concise. I applaud you."

Su Xiao Xiao:"Okay, everyone."

Su Han interrupted the communication within the guild and spoke straightforwardly.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The lottery is about to start... Anyone who wants to participate in the mission should be prepared to participate."

Sirzechs:"Already prepared."

Hatsune Miku:"I think... the mission of 200,000 points , I can still join in the fun. (Grimace.jpg)"

Sakuragihua said:"May the president bless me and I will definitely win."

Su Han directly spoke in the guild.

Su Xiaoxiao:"The snatching has officially begun."

As Su Han finished speaking, a mission prompt suddenly sounded.

"Ding! Guild President Su Xiaoxiao! Master Dugu has successfully participated in this mission."

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