The guild fell into a brief silence, and then completely exploded.

Nakiri Erina:"????"

The Fourth Hokage:"This is too impressive."

Let the world feel the pain:"Dugu God is participating in this mission? My scalp is numb."

Let the world feel the pain:"Dugu God is going all out, let alone the digital world A digital monster... even the earth will explode out of thin air, right?"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Are you looking down on me, Dugu God?"

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Does it take all his strength to blow up the earth? Just stamp his feet."

Great God Dugu:"……"

Master Dugu:"Actually, I didn't expect that I would be able to participate in the mission this time."

A wry smile appeared on Master Dugu's face, and he didn't know what to say.

Hatsune Miku:"I believe you."

Katsura Yanye:"I believe it too... Who is still holding on to the idea of ​​winning when selecting a mission? The more people there are, the smaller the chance of winning."

Izumi Sagiri:"Yes. The president said that there are exceptions in the guild."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"How dare you imply that the president has privileges! Believe it or not, the president has banned you. (Manual funny.jpg)"

Izumi Sagiri:"!!!!"

Izumi Sagiri:"I'm extremely sorry."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Han looked at the content of the guild chat, with a hint of speechlessness on his face. But he didn’t say much and went straight to the topic.

Su Xiaoxiao:"Now that the personnel have been decided, let's officially start."

Dugu Great God:"I'm ready."

Su Han didn't say anything more. He stood up and stretched his body, and then He clicked in his mind to officially participate in the mission, and a brilliant brilliance suddenly rose from his body.

When the light dissipated, Su Han's figure also disappeared from where he was.


At the same time, in the integration world.

Kayaba Akihiko sat in the pure white laboratory and took a sip of coffee. He looked at Kiritani Kazuto opposite who was wearing black clothes and carrying two swords with interest,"Are you nervous?"

"A little." Kiritani Kazuto looked heavy, and then added,"After all, we once gained power in the world of Sword Art Online."

"And now, those monsters have appeared in reality again... It's probably related to our last incident."

"Your reaction is very sharp."Kayaba Akihiko nodded appreciatively, his voice a little distant,"But...actually the two things have nothing to do with each other. What happened this time was just...well, you can treat it as an alien or a different world. Something fell over and caused an accident, right?"

Kazuto Kiritani was dumbfounded. Sword Art Online monsters invaded reality and were inexplicably connected to other worlds and aliens.

"I don’t know if I have caused you trouble... Now the entire laboratory is surrounded by official spies."Kayaba Akihiko sighed,"If my name wasn't still useful and I had some strength, I'm afraid those guys would have rushed in and arrested me in the Tokyo Police Department or something like that. Kiritani

Kazuto stared at Kayaba Akihiko speechlessly,"You are really enough... If you lend those guys a little more courage, they won't dare to attack you.""

Although the strange phenomena appearing in Japan now are suspected to be related to Sword Art Online, and Kayaba Akihiko is the developer of Sword Art Online. But to be honest, Japan in their world has had troubles not once or twice. Moreover, in the past few times, Mao Kayaba Akihiko has already demonstrated his extraordinary abilities. That is enough power to defeat a country by one person... Not to mention, Kayaba Akihiko is also closely related to the mysterious yellow-colored octopus.

The big octopus looked out of place, but Kazuto Kiritani had checked his information... It was a terrifying creature that was enough to make all the big countries in the world fear it. With a crisp sound, a creature wearing a bachelor's degree appeared. The yellow-colored octopus suddenly appeared next to Kayaba Akihiko, holding an ice cream cone in his hand, which he was chewing from time to time.

Kiritani Kazuto looked wary at first, but then he reacted when he saw Koro-sensei and opened his mouth. He opened his mouth and finally let out a long sigh. If it weren't for the fact that the information he checked came from the official network, and the octopus in front of him, it was indeed terrifyingly powerful. He absolutely did not believe that the big octopus in front of him had made all countries in the world... existence to be afraid of

"Um?"Noticing Kiritani Kazuto staring at him, Korosensei felt a little strange. After scanning the surroundings, he suddenly understood something and waved his tentacles,"Are you thinking about this popsicle in my hand?"

"Do you want authentic Turkish popsicles? If you want, give me double the price, and I will buy it for you now... This opportunity will never come again. There are very few people in this world who can let me run errands. I mainly do it because you like it."

Koro-sensei is telling the truth. He does have a good impression of Kiritani Kazuto because he has watched Sword Art Online.

Kiritani Kazuto:"……"

Kiritani Kazuto’s expression is so wonderful that I don’t know where to start complaining.

"Koro-sensei, there’s no need to be weird at times like this."A helpless voice sounded, and waves rippled in the void all around. Then, two figures slowly walked out of the void, and they were Su Han and Dugu Great God.

"It turns out to be you." Kiritani Kazuto recognized Su Han in an instant, and then his pupils suddenly shrank. After a brief silence, he smiled bitterly and said,"You are still as perfect as ever."

Su Han smiled and nodded to Kiritani Kazuto, and then he snapped his fingers. Waves rippled in the void.

After a few breaths, Asuna walked over from the other side of the waves.

"I haven't seen you over there for a long time, so I was mentally prepared, and you turned up here as expected.……"Asuna glanced at Su Han dumbfounded, then turned to look at the silent Great God Dugu,"This is the first time I meet you in reality. I am Asuna. Please give me your advice."

"Hello."Dugu Great God's words are concise and concise.

"In fact, I think that the enemy with 200,000 points... you guys can already handle it with your hands."Su Han raised his eyebrows. He glanced at Asuna, Koro-sensei and Kayaba Akihiko,"I won't take action anyway... Master Dugu, otherwise, why don't you also let these people on the scene take more actions?"

After thinking for a moment, Master Dugu said softly,"I am still relatively short of points...after all, the more work you do, the more work you do."

"How about I not interfere in the battle between them and the enemy and take care of the mobs on the edge?"

"As long as you transform your world more, you can get a lot of points."Su Han rubbed his brows, but didn't say much on this topic,"It's up to you, I'm just making a doesn't matter whether you take action or not. This is all your freedom!"

""So, President," Asuna asked softly after hesitating for a moment,"What are we going to do next?" Is it up to you to send us directly to the world of data?"

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