Horikita Suzune:"That's true."

Horikita Suzune forced herself to calm down, and then spoke.

Horikita Suzune:"After all, this is not the first time... The president has also drawn any door. If there are special items such as telephone booths,……"

Ryugu Rena:"The difference is, this time all of them were drawn?"

Ryugu Rena's expression was extremely complicated.

Ayumi Aikawa:"The president is awesome.jpg"

Ayumi Aikawa:"Maybe this is luck."

Ayumi Aikawa said with deep emotion.

Tsuchima Mi:"You said the word"luck" is not appropriate, right?"

Tsuchima Mi looked a little strange.

Toma Mi:"If it were Zhang Sanfeng or Li Jing who were talking about luck... I could still understand it."

Ayumi Aikawa:"……"

Ayumi Aikawa:"I like to watch the Devil Boy of Nezha come to the world, and I was attracted there by the way. I read over and over all the myths and legends of Yanhuang next door... Do you have any opinions?"

Tsuchima Mi:"I am actually speechless.."

Jackie Chan didn't want to do archeology:"It makes sense.jpg"

Liu Peiqiang:"Welcome, but if you like this kind of thing... you should also like this time's Legend of White Snake, right?"

Whitebeard dad:" Gu la la la, actually I was thinking...the president has drawn the Celestial Beast before, right?"

Whitebeard was lost in thought.

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"Dad, what a coincidence, I am also thinking about this issue."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"A Celestial Beast just appeared in our house... Here comes one. Old enemy! I can already imagine that the two of them will have conflicts in the future, and even fight and tear down our home."

Ram:"Don't worry."

Ram's mood did not fluctuate at all. Rem spoke in the next moment, and followed Ram's words very tacitly.

Rem:"Yes, if they want to quarrel, that's fine.……"

Rem:"But if you want to fight, you can go out to fight, or enter the time training room to fight... It's also okay. But if they fight at home, my sister and I will educate them well."

Rem:"Please Don’t worry, my sister and I will never let them disturb the master."

Tony is not the richest man:"……"

Yuan Dagu:"It's so scary."

Kousaka Kyosuke:"Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend.jpg" Su Xiaoxiao:"Actually... what I drew this time is nothing special."

Su Han received the fourth dimension Pocket, after sensing his effect, he immediately raised his eyebrows.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"……"

Sakata Gintoki:"I feel like the president is just showing off, but I have no proof."

Su Xiaoxiao:"It's really nothing. To be honest, all the props in the pocket I drew this time are only It can be used in our world. It cannot be used in other worlds! Unless it is strengthened with points."

Su Xiaoxiao:"It is exactly the same as the Doraemon next door."


Doraemon:"Originally... wasn't it my version of the fourth-dimensional pocket that was drawn?"

Doraemon choked, and he didn't know what to say.

Aisaka Taiga:"Isn't it enough to be able to use it in my own world?"

Gudazi:"Yes, if I can get this thing... I can laugh out loud in the middle of the night."

Hatsune Miku:"But it will The president is originally in human form and can make wishes on his own. If the props in the fourth-dimensional pocket can do it, the president can also do it by snapping his fingers."

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat Clan:"……"

Fallen Angel Twelve-Winged Black Cat:"I suddenly and inexplicably remembered that the last time I went to the Demon King's room, I wanted to see the Bengyu... Then the Demon King snapped his fingers, rubbed a bunch of Bengyu and gave it to him. Me."

Kurosaki Ichigo:"????"

Kurosaki Ichigo looked confused.

Yukinoshita Yukino:"I actually really want to know... how Aizen felt after hearing this."

Aizen Sosuke:"It's very peaceful. Now I can use Kyoka Suigetsu to forcibly fabricate Beng. Jade... Although it is impossible to snap his fingers like the president, there can be as many Bengyu as you want. But I can indeed create it!"

Accelerator:"If I want to, it is also feasible."

Accelerator:"Isn't it just to create a prop that allows people to break the upper limit and become stronger?"

Accelerator was noncommittal.

Doctor Luo Man:"Dou Dou Dou.jpg"

Kyousuke Kosaka:"Is this a show-off competition for the first-tier guild bosses? I actually feel like I don't have the slightest chance to intervene."

Taoist real person Zhang Sanfeng:"……"

Tu Shan Honghong:"I'm so shocked, let's go see the memory copy first."

A look of helplessness appeared on Tu Shan Honghong's face. She shook her head, and then clicked to enter the memory copy of the Legend of White Snake.

Su Han glanced at the guild chat room and found that the number of people chatting in it had suddenly decreased. After thinking for a moment, he smiled dumbly and exited the guild chat room.

After stretching, Su Han had a thought, and the void in front of him became distorted, and then the figure of the demon beast appeared in front of him.

With respect on his face, Demonmon knelt down on one knee and lowered his head to Su Han,"Safety Digimon Demonmon, I offer you my loyalty."

Su Han nodded slightly, and he pulled up Demonmon. With his arms, he stood up, his voice was as gentle as ever,"Just relax...you don't have to be as serious as a superior or subordinate. There's no problem in treating this place as your own home.""

"Is that so?"After thinking for a moment, the demon beast smiled and said,"Since it is your will.

After casually chatting with the demon beast, Su Han said to the door,"Ram, come in.""

The next moment, Ram pushed open the door and entered.

She had seen Su Han draw the Demon Beast in the guild before, so she came to the door and waited. Behind her, the Celestial Beast followed.


"How could it be you?!"

The moment when the demon beast and the goddess beast looked at each other, both sides' pupils shrank. The atmosphere at the scene became solemn for a moment.

After a brief silence, the demon beast hugged Su Han's arm and said with gentleness,"Ah La la... I didn't expect to see you here? It seems that we are also under the master. So, should we get along well in the future?"

Su Han's eyelids twitched, and he glanced at the demon beast with some speechlessness.

The expression of the goddess beast became cold, and she stared at the demon beast closely, especially when she saw the demon beast hugging Su Han's arm...

Although because of consideration Seeing the presence of Su Han, he did not show his fighting posture, but the words of Tiannumon still had murderous intent,"Shameless guy.

Before the two could continue to communicate, Ram coughed lightly and said,"You guys...have enough?""

Although Ram's words were gentle, her eyes were fixed on the demon beast hugging Su Han's arm.

The demon beast's body trembled, and she suddenly felt an extreme danger... She subconsciously let go of Su Han's arm.……

"Is this right?" Seeing this, Ram smiled again. She looked at the two Digimon in front of her,"Also, I hope you can get along well later... You should have no objections, right?"

Ram's voice was very gentle, but no matter it was the demon beast or the goddess beast, they all shuddered inexplicably, and they nodded quickly.

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